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A Tripolation

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Everything posted by A Tripolation

  1. Because any god(s), by the pure definition of the term "god", is irreducibly-complex, and thus makes you irrational in that one area. You can try to be as logical as you want about it, but you're still believing in something that is absurd by principal; something that has given you no reason whatsoever to even believe it exists. Hence, you're believing in fantasy.
  2. Maybe the first and third, if you don't count hurting your Creator with your words and actions (which I'm assuming most atheists do not). But the second can result in unwanted pregnancy and a neglected child, and I'm pretty for sure the last one was only mentioned in the OT, where it was also acceptable to stone a promiscuous priest's daughter.
  3. I second this. An extraordinary post for us simpletons to read.
  4. Ah. I thought it used redirects from search engines like google and yahoo.
  5. What can I say? Every comment I make is gold. Gold, baby! But I actually am pretty proud of it. :D

    I still want a cool "Expert" tag under my avatar though...

    *seethes in jealousy again*

  6. There's also Alexa. It ranks websites based on traffic and such.
  7. Those were still people that were INTENTIONALLY murdered. I don't understand how you can just shrug off such violent deaths.
  8. They are not equal in duties, powers, and the way they interact with us. Hm. Funny. Those people still believe in Christ. And are thus Christians.
  9. No, it truly is that simple. I'm aware of all the different beliefs and hundreds of denominations of Christians, but they must still BELIEVE in Christ to be considered Christians. Just as Muslims must believe in Muhammad and Allah to be Muslims.
  10. If "Jesus is your Savior" is not the main focus of their teachings, then they are not Christians. Simple as that.
  11. I understand what you're saying. However, the convention is to use lowercase god when talking of the polytheistic gods, and uppercase God when speaking of the monotheistic God (this includes Allah, who is referred to as God). And when speaking on a topic that is related to the the NT, I just feel that it's fairly obvious that when I say God, I mean the Christian one. Catholics and Protestants all believe in the same God. They just argue over the stupid, minor details. I'm not trying to be arrogant, but it seems to me like you don't really know Christianity as an idea, and that's where a lot of confusion is coming from. I do know what Christians believe. It's a concretely-defined term.
  12. The Devil does not torture bad guys. Nor does he have dominion over the lake of fire. This is a common misconception, even amongst Christians. Except the whole "cast out of heaven" part, huh? You wanna gloss over that some more?
  13. No. This is accepted Christian theology. Make yourself more familiar with it if you seek to discredit it. He just did. And he was speaking of the Judeo-Christian God. No. There aren't. Every Christian agrees with the fact that Jesus died and was sinless. That He was a sacrifice, and thus, our Savior. Hence the label, Christian. And also, my assumption was not invalid, as Greatest I Am has shown. He WAS speaking of the God I was. So, none of your accusations have any merit.
  14. 1. He wasn't speaking of other "gods". He was making a point about sacrifices. 2. I don't know that the Christian God is real. You assumed that I do. 3. Now you're discussing religious truth, which is nigh impossible to find, when just a few posts before you said that no one should bother answering since it will just be "emotional posturing"? How do you possibly make those two align? Because He was a human projection of God, and God is perfect. A perfect human sacrifice was needed because it was humanity that had sinned. No other.
  15. The majority of religious believers do. And it's quite obvious that Greatest I Am was speaking of the God of Abraham. Why complicate with semantics that we can't answer the question he asked because there are different Gods? We'll never be able to objectively define God. So let's just answer the question based on what God he was almost certainly speaking of. And I base this on all of his previous posts, which were about the Christian God.
  16. So we're supposed to talk about God without pretty much the only thing that religion has going for it? I'm fairly certain that Greatest I Am is referencing the Judeo-Christian God. The one who is most widely believed at this current point in time. I don't think anyone thinks that Thor or Zeus is around, but many people do believe in God. I understand the evidence levels are the same for all of them. But that's not the question the OP is trying to talk about, and I think your response is off-topic. Again, if you're not comfortable with inherent assumptions made about an omnipotent, illogical-beyond-all-belief-deity, then maybe you should just ignore the religion forum. There are a lot of assumptions made here. The ones you challenge are the ones that do not make sense theologically, or are disproven using scripture. Not things like this.
  17. You really need to learn how to use the quote feature correctly. Jesus is a human manifestation of an omnipotent God. The Holy Spirit is more or less something that resides in every human being. A part of God. God is God. No. He doesn't. John 14:28 - "You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."
  18. I was never taught this. You were? I actually think we should limit art and music and focus more on language, logics, math, and science. Useful things.
  19. Do you have any citations that support this conspiracy theory? I have a hard time viewing someone as "intelligent" simply because they can memorize dates in history, or write a literary analysis. Anyone can do that, in my opinion. You don't think that History teaches us valuable lessons and helps us to not make the same mistakes?
  20. You're comparing scientific advances to theology? Apples and Oranges. You need to be comparing "Scientific advances being turned into weapons" to "Interpretations of theology being turned into excuses to murder people". As in the Crusades. Jihads. Territory conflicts based on Holy Books. Ect, ect.
  21. He's correct. There is nothing wrong with wine, biblically speaking There is something wrong with being drunk, or drinking in excess. The Bible is against most things in excess, actually.
  22. You're taking it out of context. That chapter is speaking of how Jesus did not seek to become a High Priest. And how God told him that even though He is the son of God, he must still be submissive to God, for God is greater than Jesus in some aspects. He must be obedient to God, and do all things for Him.
  23. Jesus was born human. Jesus was born with the capacity to make mistakes. I'm not like most Christians in that I think he was 100% God and 100% human at the same time. That's stupid in my opinion. That's what makes Him so special. He maintained perfection throughout his life, never sinning. If He had been an all-powerful Angel, His sacrifice would have meant nothing. He wouldn't have been human. How could He have been tempted with sin as an omnipotent entity? Gos IS everything in the universe. An all-encompassing being. Therefore, it seems to me that while such a thing may be static in its existence, it is forever dynamic in its actions.
  24. Can you recommend any good introductory books on differentiable geometry? Preferably one with a lot of hand-holding, and in-depth explanations of the various concepts?

  25. I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here. Or how a false idol plays into it. All your posts should strive to be of the polite and eloquent type. Not just when you're about to be banned. Again. What are you trying to say? Science has not killed as many people as conflicting theologies have. If anything, I think the more and more science advances, the more wise we will become as a species. Science is good enough.
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