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A Tripolation

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Everything posted by A Tripolation

  1. 1. Learn to spell before calling me ignorant. Your mistakes make you seem uneducated, and your points less valid. 2. It's not rational to be insulted by the gender of a deity which wouldn't have a gender as humans describe it. 3. Oh my. You read a pop-religion book from an atheist author. TWICE. I might as well submit to your superior, book-reading mind right now. My point of view of religion HAS changed quite a bit, and some members of this forum can take credit for it. But it wasn't you, nor the convoluted points you attempt to make. So if I believe in Jesus, that makes it false, but if I make something up, only I can decide if it's false. Is that really what you're saying?
  2. Does the battery last as long as Amazon claims? Companies tend to make liberal estimates of their products' battery life. My iPod's battery, even when new, did NOT last 24 hours. How long before you start to notice a loss of power?
  3. I agree that, in the OT, women were oppressed. Almost treated like slaves. But guess what? It's 2011. If you think that men are beating their wives because of God, then you're just making excuses for the trash that hits women.
  4. I checked online for Kindle prices and such. The third generation is already out.
  5. I seriously can't possible see how God being identified as a male (when God is most likely genderless) offends you in any way. I had no idea women were being oppressed. Are you not allowed to vote? Do you not have your inalienable human rights? Then why are you complaining? Those are people who do not understand the fact that Jesus is a human projection of God. Satan is a fallen Archangel. Who are Angels, and Fallen Angels, respectively. He is. According to Christianity's interpretation of the Bible. Of course they do not. They aren't Christians. That's a tautological truth. Well right now, it's still religion. But thanks for being so condescending. Seriously. What point are you trying to make? That women are oppressed because of Jesus or something?
  6. *sigh* I'm pretty sure they did when they...you know...created the lake.
  7. Take home Circuit Theory Final!!!!! Oh yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ydoaPs


      the game

    2. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      your mom. I just had sex with her.

    3. ydoaPs


      You put her back in the casket when you were done, right?

  8. I think He does. I just don't see how anything static could be omnipotent. Jesus was human as well. He had to learn. Otherwise, his sacrifice would have meant nothing.
  9. I don't think there is anything wrong for someone like Hitler to burn for all of eternity. Look at the pictures of bodies of children that were burned alive, their parents trying to protect them. And then tell me he doesn't deserve a place like Hell. If those are your morals, then I can easily see what kind of person you are. Cap'n was calling you out on a website you cited that was crap. One that could not even interpret something concrete in the Bible correctly. Don't try to blame it on the Bible.
  10. Really? That's been my biggest concern about buying a Kindle or Nook or something. I don't want to spend a lot of money on it and then not be able to see the screen. Does it work in really bright light? Direct Sunshine?
  11. ^ Now this guy? He has an express ticket to the lake of fire.
  12. If you had READ what I had written, instead of just imagining what I had written, you would've seen that I AGREE WITH YOU. I believe Hell exists for the truly corrupted souls. Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan, and maybe even Joshua from the Bible. That guy was sick. He murdered so many innocent people. I DO NOT believe that atheists/muslims/insert-non-christian-here will go to Hell simply for not believing. Just murderers, rapists, child molesters. People who feed on hurting other people. The idea that God would advocate good people going to Hell is ridiculous in every way.
  13. Yeah. Sure. We love to hate. That's why I and many other Christians do not believe in a Hell for loving people. Or do you think you're the only Christian that finds Hell to be an abomination? The Book of Enoch (if we're counting the Apocrypha here) says that 200 angels left heaven and had children with human women. But other than that, the Bible never explicitly states an amount of fallen angels. I think it's safe to assume that demons are fallen angels. In Luke 8:30, there is a demon that speaks to Jesus, and he refers to himself as "Legion", because he is composed of many demons. So while we can assert that there is a sizable amount of fallen angels, we have no idea how many.
  14. Thank you.
  15. Then take it up with the 40 authors of the books of the Bible that refer to God as "Him". And Jesus, who referred to him as "Father" when teaching the disciples how to pray. And how did I offend keelanz? I didn't say his statements were BS, didn't insult his grammar and punctuation skills, or say that I wanted to shoot him in the face. My post was completely polite. ...insensitive? More like I don't give a damn what gender He is, seeing as how i seriously doubt that an omnipotent deity identifies with genders like we do. If you want a female God, go make up your own denomination or sect of Christianity. And find Bible verses to support it (which will be impossible. Just so you know). The New Testament repeatedly tells us that we can have a personal relationship with our Savior. How is that unknowable? Unless you're using it in the strictest sense.
  16. 'Him' and 'His' are commonly accepted pronouns when discussing the Judeo-Christian God. Just so you know. Also, read JillSwift's and Edtharan's posts, and try to model yourself after those. They are prime examples of how non-believers should post when discussing religion. Eloquent, logical, and non-offensive.
  17. I don't see how being Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnibenevolent means that you have to be evil.
  18. How so?
  19. How is this different than what I said? He took all sins and forgave them.
  20. In the old days, sacrificing your best bull, sacrificing a good amount of sheep, or the most bountiful of your crops means that you had faith that God would take care of you, even if you let go of material possession. That's why it was acceptable, and practiced, then.
  21. I'm going to try to explain this as simply as possible since you seem to try and twist every little thing to suit your meaning. He walked the Earth for a period of forty days, AFTER HE WAS RESURRECTED. You cannot be resurrected UNLESS YOU DIE. The punishment is told from Jesus' view. And the Bible says time holds no bearing on God. I think it's foolish to assume it's for eternity. If I love your friends beyond all measure, and wish for them to not be in debt anymore, and I see that even though you only have 13 cents, you're offering me twelve, then yes. I give them that freely. What's so complicated about it?
  22. You did. If you believe the punishment is eternal, then you're a literalist.
  23. Yes. He did. Yes. It does.
  24. It's not a difficult concept to explain. By sinning and breaking the covenant with God, man had eternally separated himself from God. God gives us a way back through Jesus. He was pure and flawless. He was the only human that did not deserve to die for the way He lived His life. But he did. And through this sacrifice of pure selflessness, God took all the evil and immorality in this world and forgave it. By accepting the sacrifice, you are admitting that you are not good enough, and will never be good enough, to be in the eternal presence of something as perfect and absolute as the Judeo-Christian God.
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