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A Tripolation

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Everything posted by A Tripolation

  1. Go to the link at the top right of the page that says "My Settings". Click the "Profile" tab. Should be right next to the "Settings" tab. The third option on that page is, "Profile Information". There will be a drop-down box that says, "Show X latest visitors". Choose your X. And remember to save your settings.
  2. ...what?
  3. I have actually had that response before. *sigh*
  4. Who made God?
  5. I know that some of my EE friends have gone into grad programs that are similar to Microsystems. You'll have to get a degree in either mechanical or electrical first, depending on which part of microsystems interest you.
  6. I was hoping you'd notice the irony in your post, and my response to your post without me having to put an emoticon. Sorry if you took it seriously.
  7. It's because you're stupid.
  8. Heck, I don't even get notifications for that anymore. And I'm too incompetent to figure out how to get that feature back. Edit: Oh. I found it.
  9. Indeed. I think I also noticed a slight bit of elitism in the "more palatable" bit. lol.
  10. I asked my math professor about this whole business. Surprisingly, he's against it.
  11. Using your infernal system, we would NEVER have a pi day. This just shows how superior and awesome America is to every other country.
  12. Christian to "almost-certainly-Christian". Who aided in the creation of our God? What being created this omnipotent and irreducibly-complex entity? Nowhere in the Bible does it say, so you can't use the sacred texts. Using this argument is futile. All it takes is that one question to tear down your entire idea.
  13. ..all this time... And I never knew... It's so...ugly. Why has this NOT been fixed already?
  14. I'm wondering why Michio Kaku today stated on Good Morning America that there is a chance that this reactor could create a Chernobyl-like incident. When asked point blank if the scientists that were saying that the reactor wasn't going to blow up or anything, he said that they were wrong. Has anything changed or is he speaking of some "danger" that I'm currently unaware of. I tried to find a link to it, but I couldn't.
  15. The part where he says that evolution is creating beings that are more and more god-like.
  16. I take the risks seriously, I just don't see us as ever being able to have singularity-like intelligence. Our brains wouldn't be able to handle that. Nor do I see evolution as how he portrays it. But thanks for your input.
  17. He basically suggests that to survive the coming technological singularity, we'll have to merge with AI machines in a synthetic evolution, or some such nonsense. He also suggests that: I don't think this is how evolution works. I don't think that it is going along a path to create a god-like entity, only change better suited for the current environment. Is he right? And also, as a random aside, would an AI that had achieved singularity level intellect still be able to understand anything like humans? Or would they transcend us?
  18. Thanks for all the replies guys. The box is definitely solid. But its size is arbitrary. We needed an abstract equation that would always be able to determine S if B is known. I take it Sisyphus' simplification of imatfaal's answer is the solution to this problem? It's a bit confusing, but I'll try to reconstruct it on a different problem.
  19. This is my line of thinking as well.
  20. This is all assuming that anything related to this world, like logic and sorrow, still matters in heaven. Most Christians don't think this is the case.
  21. In my logics class today, we had our midterm. On it was a bonus that I couldn't figure out. It reminded me of something from Calc III (multivariable calculus), but I couldn't nail it down. The question went something like this: Let B be a box, made from spatial dimensions L, length, W, width, and H, height. Let S be all the points around the box that are, at most, 1 unit away from the box. Express S in terms of L, W, and H. How should I have solved this? I had a picture where there was a cube, with a larger, sphere-like object, because the maximums would curve around the vertices of the cube. Did I start it right?
  22. I've never been asked to prove that I was hispanic. They seem to take it on your word. Heck, I was even listed as Asian for the first year at my university because of a mistake made in Admissions. I was getting all sorts of letters from Asian groups on campus. I have no intention of paying for my children's college. If they can't make the grades needed for scholarships and grants, I see no reason to help them. Many parents today feel the same. It matters because I do not deserve more free money than some of my friends (based on my ethnicity. My Pell Grant allocation is more than theirs, and for good reason). My having a hispanic mother has not inhibited me in any way, or put me at any disadvantage. Yet, the government thinks that it has. How is this fair to the "whites"? That's what I'm asking.
  23. The guy who complained to my district manager at Walgreen's about me for saying, "Merry Christmas", when I was working 12 to 8 on Christmas day. He was offended.
  24. I never understood why non-religious people were offended by Merry Christmas. I'm not offended when people get wasted on New Year's Eve.
  25. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/02/28/texas-college-scholarship-targets-white-male-students/ I tend to think it is. Especially when I know how true it is that minorities do get precedence over whites in many scholarships. Being half-hispanic (It's what I list on stuff like this. I couldn't get any more "white", though.), I'm offered more in the way of financial aid and scholarships and grants than my white-counterparts. Do you think this practice is fair, or should things be focused on academic performance and financial need? I understand why they used to be necessary. Are they still needed, in your opinion? And is it fair to have a white-only scholarship?
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