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  1. 'Junk science' is the word that comes to mind. For starters it's a civil rights spectrum for both the boys and responsible boylovers themselves. Before any progress is made, society needs to first understand the difference between a man who has a sexual/romantic connection boys and a man who is only predatory/regressed in his sexuality. The later are the people you want to lock up. That's up to the child. To determine the quality of the relationship - whether or not the adult brought himself to the same sexual level of the child. For most boylovers, their romantic feelings for a particular boy has them engaging in sexual contact on the same level of the boy - whether or not the boylover is childlike in his sexual interaction determines the quality of the relationship. While parents can do what they please within the confines of the law, I don't believe the government should enforce parental hysteria. What do you mean by 'gift-giving'? What part of "case by base basis" do you not apprehend?
  2. I would further add those who are on the autism spectrum to the list, both low function and Asperger.
  3. Self realized homosexual boys. In my case, I knew I was gay when I was 9 and my first experience took place at 11. I exclude girls at this current point in time because the feminist revolution is far from over on a social level - which as it would with progression of the gay movement, the gradual liberation of women-girl love would follow. I am 29.
  4. Who said anything about seduction?
  5. People who committ sexual violence against children will always be subjected to legal persecution.
  6. Arresting people for personal use of drugs does nothing to help society or protect anyone.
  7. You might as well be imply that what's bad for toddlers must be bad for teenagers. It's a poor straw man's tactic.
  8. Lets say my older friend was discovered and subjected to inquiry. How should it be handled? Instead of having him sent to prison and a therapist brainwashing me into a "victim"; it should be up to me to decide whether he was acting criminally or not.
  9. 3 year-olds? I'm talking about pubescent homosexual boys.
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