'Junk science' is the word that comes to mind. For starters it's a civil rights spectrum for both the boys and responsible boylovers themselves. Before any progress is made, society needs to first understand the difference between a man who has a sexual/romantic connection boys and a man who is only predatory/regressed in his sexuality. The later are the people you want to lock up.
That's up to the child.
To determine the quality of the relationship - whether or not the adult brought himself to the same sexual level of the child.
For most boylovers, their romantic feelings for a particular boy has them engaging in sexual contact on the same level of the boy - whether or not the boylover is childlike in his sexual interaction determines the quality of the relationship.
While parents can do what they please within the confines of the law, I don't believe the government should enforce parental hysteria.
What do you mean by 'gift-giving'?
What part of "case by base basis" do you not apprehend?