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Roger Dynamic Motion

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About Roger Dynamic Motion

  • Birthday February 14

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    Roger Larouche 6

Profile Information

  • College Major/Degree
    Ignorance is the key to Impossible.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    \physics & Continuous Motion
  • Occupation
    want to know !+

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  1. well It did happened.
  2. Kids do it all the time keeping balance
  3. ask questions to set your self on the right track ... you need to understand a lot about time and distance concerning a other dimension ~there is the key.
  4. sorry the model is classified ,,, But I can feed many more information if you will .
  5. From what i can observe ;the wave ( s) remains constant.
  6. No comment ! Strange have a good day
  7. With out malice ,,,, Ignorance is the key to impossible.
  8. well I have build a mechanical model representing photons has particles and I observe ; when there is no expansion of the source no wave can be propagated and the possibility to connect with the photons vanished also .
  9. to the best of my understanding the wave comes from the expansion of the source the tungsten compressing space creating its own gravitational field the same way the presence of the Earth has created it own gravitational field witch is inversely proportional to its sises (diameter )
  10. is how do you account for single photons? Clarified please. photons or photon
  11. yes i agree and i want to point out that photons are every where in space and they are not propagated from the source of light because light it self is only a Wave , connecting photons along the path formed by the wave and regarding the transverse path that can be explain from the fact that there is no rest in space and in fact the Earth is spinning no wave can be stable during its propagation from photon to photon that why photons have a Sinusoidal disturbance this is the best i can explain quickly,now got to go later
  12. its up to you look up inegalites de Bell
  13. Yes . According to my observation from a working model; it is only possible under one condition ,,,and that is < the opposite force must generate it's own acceleration; witch leads to + 2 minus negative 1 = one half of the total force generated by the systeme ,,and further more +2+3+4+5~minus negative 1 to infinity is possible, but not practical. the answers to questions from you all might be difficult for any one to comprehend. sorry about that .
  14. I have my own model,, thanks
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