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Roger Dynamic Motion

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Everything posted by Roger Dynamic Motion

  1. thank you .HallsofIvy well they say the Earth is attracted by the Sun
  2. I offer my sympathy and support.
  3. Hello Every one. I'm working on a model that would demonstrate the veracity of the string Theory . Please your answer will be very much appreciated, if Yes why and if No Why Thanks .
  4. Hello Every one. I'm working on a model that would demonstrate the veracity of the string Theory . Please your answer will be very much appreciated, if Yes why and if No Why Thanks .
  5. Please.an answer would be much appreciated .
  6. I thought that electrically charged particle would emits photons and died. thanks you Sensei
  7. Thanks you very much for the answer . is in it the other way around ? I always thought the kinetic energy of electron was dependent of the abortion of photons
  8. Hello Every one. I'm working on a model that would demonstrate the veracity of the string Theory . Please your answer will be very much appreciated, if Yes why and if No Why Thanks .
  9. Uff.. what is that supposed to mean. A spinning top or ball has moment of momentum but zero momentum. ok I see it now
  10. I have my Modern Physic Book for scientists and engineers and it said 186000 s
  11. This is only an exercise to prove that the velocity of the man with the wagon must be deduced to the total velocity over all
  12. you mention here that ,,*The speed of light is 182,000 miles per second . Where did you get that ?
  13. Referring to the rider man who tosses a ball from a motorcycle ahead of him the equation is no accurate because the inertia of the body the (ball) is not taking in consideration even if the ball has little inertia it should be included in the equation. For example . let the man the rider be sitting on a small wagon and they together make 100 pounds and let the ball be 100 pounds so they both have the same inertia; now lets give a tiny push let say with a velocity 5 feet second to the wagon and tell the man to trow the ball ahead of him should the reduced speed of the wagon , be consider in the equation ; no need to know the velocity of the ball in this case.
  14. I agree Swansont I monopolize.
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