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Roger Dynamic Motion

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Everything posted by Roger Dynamic Motion

  1. Swansont: The Astronauts Could it be also who is doing the timing ?
  2. There is only one person in the ship who knows the speed of the ship .25 the speed of light and the light travel with the ship , at one second away from target. the light is turned on,,,so what i'm saying the ship will arrived 3 quarters of a second later than light. obviously.
  3. Janus ,,sorry I just realized I meet 186000 miles not 1860001
  4. Studiot: thanks for the expose, but You are not telling if my quote is right Studiot: thanks for the expose, but You are not telling if my quote is right
  5. Ok I agree with the post 6; but my question was directed about rotation on its own axis perhaps.
  6. I rephrased it. A space ship cruising at .25 the speed of light with a source of light up front,the light is turned on at 1 second away to target (1860001 Miles away, the arrival time of the ship will be 3 quarter of a second after the light at target. I'm I right?
  7. Ok I was referring to time. not speed my error sorry . got to go
  8. Here is an example; of a space ship cruising at .25 second the speed of light with a source up front the beam at 0 second the light comes on , ''I'm right to estimate the arrival time of the ship at 3 quarter of a second after the light; at target? Quote: Read it again, please
  9. 1 I cannot find any vector that makes me believe ''any other wise'' = from Google Posted Today, 07:29 PM Strange, on 02 Jun 2017 - 7:09 PM, said: Apparently, it was me (yeah, I was surprised too): So, what was in motion (before the existence of the Sun) was the contents of the universe. To say the universe (as a whole) is in motion would seem to be pretty meaningless. 1e__I cannot find any vector that makes me believe ''any other wise'' 2e_Not at all. It would prove that you do not belong to that Universe and the law of relativity is not valid in space .
  10. Very funny Strange Tell me strange _are we in motion with all the galaxy.
  11. 1e__I cannot find any vector that makes me believe ''any other wise'' 2e_Not at all. It would prove that you do not belong to it.
  12. The evidence for this is the fact that we see stars, galaxies and other structures in the universe __ in Motion? who sees that?
  13. I find your expose very interesting; but_ to make it more accessible to fast comprehension without losing the fill of the idea; it would help, not to abbreviate the words like <<hb,sp,ps,_ect,,, . But i have a vision close to yours . Bravo !
  14. To me _ I see the Universe as a big round body like the earth as an example and why would the Universe have a different shape, and we are parts of it. So !~ my question << ''Is the Universe in Motion''/ and if so!~ what is the evident proof:
  15. your are taking about a ''nuke for Submarine''
  16. Very interesting OldChemE thans! Thanks for the [pictures.
  17. how So! << what is causing the delay in time ?
  18. how much ? I like that ! by the way,,, how much before ?
  19. The Galilean addition for Velocities ? incorrect. First the speed of light is always the same../ in the Galilean addition of velocities ;the difference with the speed of the source in the train must be deducted from the speed of light not added . The Galilean addition for velocities evaluate an event in time without target like a magician . Let say a target is at 1 second in time, when the light switch is turn ''on'' by the man in the train ; if the train's speed is X the train will arrived at the target x- the speed of light ''not +''<< I'm I right ?
  20. + one for you! so the light, to a point by ,changing the timing, will arrive at the same time with the ship
  21. thank you ! I know all about it../ it is not the answer I'm seeking .
  22. Here is an example; of a space ship cruising at .25 second the speed of light with a source up front ''beam On.''I'm right to estimate the arrival time of the ship at 3 quarter of a second after the light; at target?
  23. Function, on 01 Jun 2017 - 2:42 PM, said: Are you insinuating the existance of choice in sexual orientation? yes very much so . The homosexuality way way back in time was forbidden because it would slow down the reproduction of human on earth . meaning that to chose a person as your lover is ok and natural according to nature not because of the law of Man .
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