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Silvestru last won the day on October 22 2018

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    a den in the forest
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  1. Even though I have not met any of you guys in RL I dreamt yesterday that I was hanging out with a few members from the forum. Really strange dream. You guys looked like rockers but dressed business casual and the setting was an office space. I don't know why I'm sharing this haha

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StringJunky


      I walked into a record shop once in the 70's asking "Do you have Wet Dreams" (an album) and the female assistant's eyes popped. :) 

    3. Silvestru


      I really don't think it's politically correct to segregate and assume that the rest of the dreams are "dry". I think it's offensive for the non-wet dreams. :)

      Stringy don't be coy, you knew exactly what you were doing !

    4. koti


      I dreamt this morning that my kid is banging me on the head with something. I woke up and guess what, he was banging me on the head with a toy excavator.

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