Spirit of Science
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This Battery Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Energy
Spirit of Science replied to Spirit of Science's topic in Science News
Imatfal Thanks 4 sharing the article. -
Penn State University scientists have discovered a way to build a flow battery that converts carbon dioxide into usable energy While this technology might not be commercially available for a long time, it could eventually help to drastically decrease carbon emissions as we move away from fossil fuels Here’s how this inexpensive flow battery works. Flow batteries normally contain two channels of liquid divided by a membrane that prevents them from mixing. In this recent discovery, the scientists placed a sodium bicarbonate and water solution with air on one side, and dissolved CO2 in between manganese oxide electrons on the other. This resulted in a higher concentration of protons on the latter side. The varying concentrations of the positively charged protons, called pH, is what creates the current and generates electricity. Once the flow cell is discharged, it will recharge by switching each channel’s solution flow. Tests show that this can be done 50 times before with consistent results. The Link: https://futurism.com/this-battery-can-run-on-carbon-dioxide/
Swansont, I was thinking that auidence must purchase the pouch, not the event organizers. Anyway, it seems the metal detector is the critical method which make pouche products succeed in its job. Last days, i was reading about metal detector and how it works physically. I found some ideas let us to go through over metal detector without discovered the metal but it still wants more knowledge. So, my question is it allowed for me in this forum to discuss how we can manipulate and cheat the metal detector systems by smart scientific methods or not? I know how may effect the security of the world in negative sides as there are too criminals in our world but we cant make improvements for system if we dont know the weakness of that thing. So to overcome we must share our ideas with professionals. If its allowed, then it will be an exciting post/thread. It will takes a lot of time as I want to understand every piece in metal detector.
Stringjunky, I have searched about Yondr pouch fem miniutes ago and Its good idea in my point of view but someone may made a similar pouch by using 3D print and make his own technology for locking the pouche. Then he/she can lock/unlock the pouch anytime to cheat events officers. Definitely, no body can arrest you as a result that you made the same pouche product of Yondr company as I dont sell it for anybody in the market. Its something similar to universe remote in shops, but it has been designed by me in home. I dont discover how it works as there is no much information in webs (but if I have a youndr pouch or attend one of concert, I will know how it works exactly). So, there are two ways to lock pouche, either 1) using electrical method by sending IR signal or two sockets for wires (similar to sockets of USB drive which you can enter and exit it). IR signal required that pouch must have a small battery to receive signals and give order to lock pouch. The other socket way dont required any battery on Youndr pouch as it works similar to Stereo/radio/pump/fan. 2) or using magnetic field to clock the pouche by moving iron plates inside it by smart ways which prvent any body has the ability to move plates by his hand or use small stick. Recently, I read somebody has tried to hack the youndr pouch, thats mean that they are using electrical method.
swansont, In my area there is nothing called subscribe to cable, we have only hypebola dish which is received the satellite channels. So, i dont know about universal remote at all. 10 years ago, I was living in advanced foriegn country, I was having a Casio Watch which can be used as remote for TV device. The watch works by receiving the signal code from specific TV remote. Then the watch will store this signal data on memory. Then, you can transmit the same signal data from your watch if TV remote is broken or lost. I can guess that universal remote are working by the same way of Casio watch. But, why they only store all signal protocols of companies (Sony, Toshiba, Samsung... etc) in small USB memory or any kind of memory, then made a universal remote according to the selection of manufacturer. If TV is made by Sony as example, we will switch on/move first option of slider on the universe remote. If it was Toshiba TV, we will change the option from one to 2 to be comply with signal protocols of manufacturer, and so on. I think its a good idea to have one TV remote to control many devices of manufacturer without need to programme it periodically similar to Casio watch.
Supernerd, Even so, if it was drafted 100%, smart & genious people can find alternative way to make new patent after reading patent file. Like what I have did now as I discover a new idea after discussing this thread with members of this exciting forum. I have been ever thinking about it previously. Sharing your experience with people will open your mind to new ideas and knowledge. Swansont, my previous comments mean something similar to TV remote. Why you make it very complicated to use protocols. TV remote has many protocols as there are many functions of their buttons. Also, to prevent any kind of interruption between TV, Air conditioning and security alarm, they have made different types of protocols. Also, in economical view, customer will compel to buy the same TV remote of specific TV manufacturer as it has special protocols and using other type of TV remote will not work. But in Iphone blocker its different situation, h Its very simple, if IR signal come it will open the gate (short circuit) by using microprocessor, if not, the gate will close and camera will back to its normal situation. Ok, i will tell you what other benefit of IR beam in Iphone, assume that you want to buy a product from market but you want to know the general specification (power, manufacturer, validity, price, ... etc), and saved in your phone. so if there was an IR beam near that product, you can use your Iphone to display all that specifications and saved in your phone. Then when you return to your home you may compare with your Iphone the best price of the same products in many shops. Its very useful in that situation.
swansont, it has not been available in any products of Iphone as it was filled patent in 2016, so it will take some times if they intend to use. they have declared that they suggest to use IR Beam (radiation) as its non visible to human eyes , so tell me, if someone transmitt IR how it will received unless by similar way of TV remote and Car security technology. Its very obvious thing. Its very strange behavior from Apple, if they dont want to used in any product, whats the benefit ? You only loss the patent filling fee of intellectual property. I can very easily to read your patent file of your invention (especially if they decided to take patent from World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO - as they will publish any patent files after 2 years ) then I can change/add some new ideas to old patent. So, I will gain new patent. I think its waste of money and time in respect to Apple company. If my technology is very unique, so why I go to fill patent as no body can understand it if someone wants to discover the secrets alone like militiary sectors do.
Swansont, According to what I understand, you made a difference between existence technology and patent. I think that because there are many theoritical patents especially in USA from smart-Phones makers. Im sure that technology is very similar to TV receiver and remote control of LED (light emitting diode). Its very simple, when the signal from Remote reach TV receiver, a microprocessor will read the code of signal and make a decision to Iphone camera mode to shut down (similar to switch on/off light in home by using LED device. If they want to protect the copyright of events, so it must be a global federation of all companies who are related to smart phones & camera to discuss a unique and best method to prevent recording videos and it must all companies accept that decision. Whats the benefit if Apple phones prevent recording videos while in the same time other phones & cameras manufacturers may do the prohibition action. Its nonsense and waste of time. Federation is a way to reserve the copy rights. Its not projections. The famous website "MegaUpload" has been closed by FBI in 2012 due to copyright issues. The economical loss of copyright up to 500 million Dolloar and they arrested them in Newzeland.
Swansont, both are involved, technology and right. In side of technology, why Apple think to find way to for utilization of companies and events organizers? 2) why they choose Infrared (IR) radiation as signal rather than using AM (Amplitude Modification) signal- similar to radio - and person can wear small device in his/her hand or neck and shut down camera mode. This AM band may go through cement wall, and will prevent illegal capture or recording in sphere radius of 20 meter for any direction 360 degree either in home or street. In side of rights, Companies, institutions...etc has been classified as artificial entity which has rights and duties similar to human which is classified as natural entity. Both of them "natural and artificial entity" has governed by law. I know the term of "copy right" well, but why do you think Apple wants to make a block area for its camera? They believe that to find and punish the person who make this illegal action in event will take long time and maybe they will not find it at all. Closing his/her illegal channel/website is not a solution because he/she will create another channel again (if he/she doesnt arrested). You can prevent people to enter event without their phones but thats is not accepted for many people as they want to share thier photos with families and friends. So, the initial prevention in event is excellent idea but how you find an innovative idea which dont have many defects, is what many technology companies wanted and in the same time people can share their nice photos and videos. AM frequency is excellent option for and they may coded the data for more security from hackers. Definitely, you must have approval from Communication Authority in your country to give a specific value of frequency and its better to be global value. But I explained previously, sensor in Iphone is not good choice.
StringJunky. No body doubt that idea of prevention in camera is great. Many exhibitions and concerts venues has been paid too much money for preparation of that event. But Apple's technology has many defects and Im sure they will discover it in future and they will say "there is no benefit from technology as it has a weakness point and we can't solve it"
Hi, I back again Apple Company has been filled a patent in 2016 for new technology to prevent recording videos or capturing images for special events by using I-Phone mobile in Concerts Venues, in Cinemas or Theatres. It can prevent recording events in specific direction only, so if we turn our phone 90 degree (toward our friends), it will start recording in that event. But, one of disadvantages of that technology, that someone talent expert may dismantled the smart phone & then put IR absorber material on sensor & then camera will work anywhere. Also you may use another easy trick without previous risk method. Any kind of camera or phone except I-Phone may work in that prohibitated places well (without any problem unless all camera companies adopted Apple's Technology) That's not a solution. All digital camera is working either by CCD or CMOS Technology. So, understanding the working principle of CCD or CMOS technology & find a scientific method to manipulate the camera, will let you permanently to shut down it for any person in any place (home, street, club & market) without using sensor regardless the type of phone (I-Pad, Galaxy) or camera (Canon) which may be used. Special necklace must be invented to protect the privacy right of people. It's not acceptable to give a privilege of privacy right for specific kind of people (e.g. companies & events organizers) So, whats your opinion about Apple I-Phone Technology ? I will not deny that I have found some ideas by using IR Propagation but it still want more knowledge. Im not talking by using a IR Beam directed into the lens of camera because thats is not applicable & flexible option. Source: http://money.cnn.com/2016/06/30/technology/apple-patent-stop-phone-recording/
Its magical system because there a great and many tricks on it similar to magic show. Majority of people believe that magician in his/her performance is supernatural person with amazing abilities. But few people know the tricks and its working principles, so they are consider a magician as smart person do some tricks. Yes, the special system have many natural tricks on it. That what made it as magical system to whom not know how it works.
Raider. Do you think that someone wrote a very long scientific article with equations for only to steal impossible invention. If there are someone have this creative mind, I wish like to meet this intelligent and strategy person and let him to govern the world. Be logic, suppose that someone find this idea of impossible system, why he/she waste his/her time by sending messages with jobless person since 2010? He/she can neglect my offer, then go directly to famous Hydrogen company in his/her country and sign agreements with them after review the desgin of impossible system. All that may happen without I know anything. Endy0816 I know what you are mean by phrase "reset". All physical properties must returned to its initial status. But, until now i dont understand why you want us to reset the electrolysis box? If we want to do electrolysis process in low pressure (0.1 Bar) on the lab of university, so why I should reset it to standard pressure (1 Bar)? Maybe you are afraid of how low pressure of hydrogen gas will raise up to standard pressure (1 Bar) to be used later, isnt? Now we can use compressor for that purposes but the electrical consumption of compressor is very high (from 0.1 to 1 Bar). But if we use that special system to transfer gas inside variable box (0.1 bar) to the bottom of ocean (99 bar) with low electical consumption. That gas with pressure of 99 Bar will raise up as due to buoyancy effect until reach the surface of ocean. In that moment, Pressure of gas will be 1 Bar in surface. Is that what you want according to phrase "reset". Everything return to its initial condition. If you have any question, I will be interested. Endy0816 I know what you are mean by phrase "reset". All physical properties must returned to its initial status. But, until now i dont understand why you want us to reset the electrolysis box? If we want to do electrolysis process in low pressure (0.1 Bar) on the lab of university, so why I should reset it to standard pressure (1 Bar)? Maybe you are afraid of how low pressure of hydrogen gas will raise up to standard pressure (1 Bar) to be used later, isnt? Now we can use compressor for that purposes but the electrical consumption of compressor is very high (from 0.1 to 1 Bar). But if we use that special system to transfer gas inside variable box (0.1 bar) to the bottom of ocean (99 bar) with low electical consumption. That gas with pressure of 99 Bar will raise up as due to buoyancy effect until reach the surface of ocean. In that moment, Pressure of gas will be 1 Bar in surface. Is that what you want according to phrase "reset". Everything return to its initial condition on surface of ocean. If you have any question, I will be interested
Endy0816 I appreciate that you review my modest article. Yes you right, we will utilize from high pressure of deep water to do the work inside the variable system to decrease the pressure of electrolysis system. I dont know why we need to reset the system ?? Water will be supplied periodically by long pipe connected with variable box. In the situation of maintenance (e.g. salt sedimintatiin on the bottom of box), we can only raise up the box by metalic rope to the surface of seawater . Definitely the pressure inside the box will decreased with elevation. We will clean it & may sold the salt in the market After that we will returned back the box to it's initial position in deep water. ticle. Raider5678 Thanks for comment If you read the post well, you will noticed that I have made many assumptions to simplify the study (e.g. No fluctuations of bubbles, no laplac pressure , geometry of bubbles is sphere & viscosity is negigible). You may read other assumption in "Aero-Oceanic Power (AOP) Proposed Technology "Section What I want is to let other interested people about how the upward motion of bubbles may produce power if we put a wheel/turbine inside the ocean. So, The velocity of bubble has been caculated by equal the buoyant & drag force (Stokes force has been neglected as we neglect the viscosity in previous assumption. I said magical system to give some exciting thing to new technology. All components of magical system is availble in the market but how you assemble them with each other & by which manner is the magical thing which we beleive always that there are many things which an be do it in our earth. So, thinking about device The pressure of 1000m is 99.1 Bar So, the required electrical consumption of compressor is 23.6 KJ/mol of Hydrogen gas. (Assume efficiency 100% and initial pressure is 1 Bar) The output energy of Aero-Oceanic Power (AOP) for isothermal process in MROT model @ 1000m is 21.43 KJ/mol of hydrogen gas So, its obviously that we are economically loss because the consumption of compressor (input) is higher than output power of AOP Technology. Now if you can decrease the input power by thinking in new system (which is availble in the international market ) your system will prevail the energy market for ever. But thats will not happen if people who love science find a smart way to manipulate & playing with natural phenomenon. Now, I give you something which maybe let you to figure out how the magical system will be like Maybe you will not belive that the density of this technology is up to 115 KW/m2 (more than solar density 250 W/m2 & wind energy density 2 W/m2) This kind of information I didn't write it in the article for a reason. Any person if he/she have a great idea , he/she must not disclose all the secrets of it to protect his invention from steal. I give you something, so start to think how you can design the magical system which the components is availble in the global market I forget something. That density of technology by 115 KW/m2is obtained by producing 20 Kg of hydrogen gas only per day. If the production is 100 Kg per day, the density of power will be 576 KW/m2 I said in the article that I have designed more than 3 magical system. One of them was very simple & it has an electrical consumption of 0.24 KJ/mol @ depth of 1000m (Remeber compressor was 23.6 KJ/mol) it's very economical system I was very happy of this positive discussion with people who interest with new technology, so I will give my golden offer " If anybody design theoritically with equations a magical system which the consumption (input) is less than 10 KJ/mol @ depth of 1000m, he/she will be my partner in this great invention (either he/she will work with me or not) This opporunity is for people either a members of this lovely website or outside it Profits, license agreemnts with international companies will be shared equally between us. Why I do that ? Ok, I was graduated in 2010 by distinguish from mechanical engineering but as a result of administrative corruptive of bad government, nepotism & favourtism of local companies, many genius & talent people has been frustrated about that can not find their chance to reflct their gift of scientific passionate. Im also suffered from this kind of situation. Imagine that 7 years without any job for that stupid circumstances So, I decided that in future after I success in one of my creative ideas acheived, to search the talent people everywhere to support him as I don't like to suffer for the same circumstances which I have go through it previously. We don't have a time to lose efforts of someone who can change the world by his/her ideas because may reach to depression situation & left all things in the ground. I was very patient. So, there is no problem with me, but does other talent people have this degree of patient for 7 years ?? Any way, The first 5 person who success, will take this chance only You can send your idea with equation (you can neglect the friction effect) to my personal email: EMAIL REMOVED BY STAFF When you send me an idea I will check it & explain why it's wrong design. People who I don't reply to them, means they are very close to discover the secret of magical system & they will be choosen When we reach to 5 person, the offer is end Remeber, designing the magical device (which is all components is availble in market) will lead the energy sector for ever Share my golden offer with your family, friends, colleagues & lecturers Its my challenge to find people who thinking out the box & as I said previously I found more than 3 design of it Note: The offer will end when the prinicple of magical system is known publicity for all the world So, start thinking about it from today
I know that what happen in the high pressure zone. Thats the reason why i give an examples of how the pressure effect on the voltage. So, i told in post, that we will use "Variable Box" which let us to convert the high pressure of ocean into low pressure inside the electrolysis syste, so we will increase efficiency of electrolysis in the deep water. That is different totally about what you are thinkin. Who told you that use motor will be helpful in economical view? First of all, you cant use motor because it used for liguid. For gas the machine called "compressor". Now, assume that the output power of oceanic turbine is 5KJ/mol, the electrical consumption of compressor will be 6KJ/mol. Then we are not gain any profit from technology. Thats the reason why i mentioned to use magical system which have low consumption and I have designed more than 3 of magical system. I dont know why people asking after read the article in 3 miniute only. You must have least 2 days to understand what the technology work. All your questions is answered in the article but you dont have a patient to read it all. Note: I cant reply more because there are a limitation from administration of post/reply (5 times) until 2 May 2017. So, wait me until that time (maybe because I have joined recently - today). Please for all members, read all the article and after that I will be happy to answer all your questions. I dont no if message work her for me or no.
Mr. Cuthber, Thanks for you comment as it give me a positive impression about website Efficiency of electrolysis system is depend on pressure. If you read the post, you will find that decreasing the pressure will increase the efficiency of electrolysis. Also, we want utilizing from the long depth of ocean by converting the bubbles motion of hydrogen gas in the water to generate electricity. Read the post and you will understand.
Its my first participation in this lovely forum as I joined today and I would like to share with you one of innovative idea. Few days ago, the 5th scientific episode of "Sea Level Rise (SLR)" series has been launched. "Deep Water Technique (DWT) for Producing Hydrogen, Purified Water and Unique Electricity" * How to increase the efficiency of electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen? * How to generate electricity by utilizing from the upward motion of Hydrogen bubbles in the deep water? All these questions is answered in the new scientific post: https://scientistmohamed.wordpress.com/2017/04/24/deep-water-technique-dwt-for-producing-hydrogen-purified-water-a-unique-electricity/ You may know my contact information if you have linkedin account as I used as a trust tool to identify people. The post in linkedin website: commercial link removed by moderator Enjoy reading and i hope to appreciate my efforts as it was very hard work which I have spent 2 weeks on it.