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Everything posted by Anunnaki
So the "lounge" isn't for questions? Lmao, this place is a joke. Your trying to tell me that lounge is for, what then? Lol this is so stupid. And the fact your getting all hurt over someone asking questions is utterly laughable. Your right theory is constantly changing. And why? Because it's incorrect! That's what I been saying this whole time, you just admitted to it, then told me I'm wrong! Lmao, this place is seriously a joke, it's for liberal close minded people who can't handle a question, without being told what to think and how to handle it. Instead, criticize them, don't make any attempt to create a discussion because that's wrong, and try to belittle then for having a thought other than your own. Have fun solving nothing fellas. So the "lounge" isn't for questions? Lmao, this place is a joke. Your trying to tell me that lounge is for, what then? Lol this is so stupid. And the fact your getting all hurt over someone asking questions is utterly laughable. Your right theory is constantly changing. And why? Because it's incorrect! That's what I been saying this whole time, you just admitted to it, then told me I'm wrong! Lmao, this place is seriously a joke, it's for liberal close minded people who can't handle a question, without being told what to think and how to handle it. Instead, criticize them, don't make any attempt to create a discussion because that's wrong, and try to belittle them for having an idea that differs your own, which is not fact, but theory, which is proven wrong and needs constant adjustments. Have fun solving nothing fellas.
- 29 replies
I posted this in the "lounge", under the assumption it was an area open to opinion, discussion, open minded thoughts to bounce off one another in the efforts of hearing new ideas. I didnt move this topic, the "moderator" did, then criticized me for having an opinion on a forum he deemed unscientific when he moved it there. That's why I said take yourselves a little less seriously. I don't care what you believe or think. But fact is fact, and theory is not fact. The fact we base so much of our "knowledge" and our outlooks on theories to me is narrowing not broadening because people use other people's work not knowing all the nuances, then try to incorporate it into something else. I never claimed to know more than anyone, but immediately noticed how closed minded this community is. Alls I offered was questions, if u can answer the questions, then good, but if your answers only bring more questions then that's good too, until we get to a point where there is no clear answer, then there's something to look for.
Is dark matter just Electromagnetism?
Anunnaki replied to Anunnaki's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
I agree, to an extent. We can see its field, the outer rim, but if you were inside the field, can you see its interactions with things? We use instruments to see the interactions of earth's field and the sun's constant bombardment. However, our electromagnetic field is also thought to effect our weather patterns. We see the effects of it, but to my knowledge, don't actually see the interaction itself -
Science isn't interested in what I believe? Lol science isn't interested in what other science believes. That's a dumb statement. That's why there are hundreds of theories and actually few "facts". Should I be saying I "hypothesis" instead? Does that make it more scientific? This is a forum not a seminar or thesis paper. I'm quite sure this is not considered a place to quote from or site in a thesis. Please, take yourselves a little less seriously. It's a discussion board, we are having a discussion. If you can't express opinion on a forum then really where else can you? Lol. You really need to take yourselves a little less serious.
Lol yea i an aware we can "see" them with instruments, thats not what I said. I meant we can't see them, as in, with the naked eye. You can not look out your window and see a gamma ray. That's why I said we can't see them, but we know they exist. How else would we know they exist if we had no way of knowing they exist? Lol that's definitely taking things insanely and wildly literal. You did nothing but prove my points even more so, so I guess thank you? Even though u were definitely not trying to be helpful, more facetious than anything. The lack of understanding and overly deliberate way to avoid having an actual discussion and just pick apart every sentence and pull it apart from its context to make some nonsensical remark, on a science forum, is remarkable. It's as if there's no interest in different views, just accepted theories and concepts and we know everything already. Lol its mind boggling I really don't believe in the idea that a dimension is a plane like its shown so many times, considered to be parallel, but not intersecting. I believe it's more of a spherical bubble that can bend and contort with intersecting, overlapping parts, and one inside another, with much larger and smaller ones, all interconnected and together. It doesn't make worm holes any more or less possible, but it seems to make more sense when you consider how things are entangled and connected. You have a string dimension, then a quantum, then a molecular, then a complex, then planetary, and then a universal.
- 29 replies
Is dark matter just Electromagnetism?
Anunnaki replied to Anunnaki's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Well yes u can see a charged particle, atleast those that we know of. But on a scale like the quantum level, or even a massive scale that we don't quite yet grasp, would you see that with telescopes? If u have 2 magnets repelling each other, can you actually see with a microscope the repelling of the magnets? And still, how do you measure the force of the attraction? If you have 4 of the same size magnets, however 2 are weak, and 2 are very strong, how could you measure the difference in their force, and the ammount of force it exerts on another? And can that be weighed? If you had 2 magnets stuck together, it would take more lbs of force to remove said magnet from the other then what it would normally if no magnetic attraction, or less if being repelled. Dark matter is said it interacts with nothing, yet it has mass. If I pass my hand between the 2 magnets, I wouldnt feel it. If you were seeing this from a distance, or on a massive scale, you wouldn't notice or see the interaction. When you take into account the countless other things interacting with each other, repelling, attracting, the forces of gravity. On a scale like that, I just believe it would be almost impossible to conceive the possibilities and endless interactions individually. We measure based on light, and what we know about the elements we see. But if u were to try and pull a planet out of its orbit, would it not weigh more because of the attraction to its star? -
No no not saying I know better, and was not referring to you. I admit my knowledge of Quantum mechanics is limited. However when you look at our knowledge of everything, it's rather limited and assuming. Most of what we have and base everything on is theory and not actually fact. We barely scratched the surface on quantum mechanics. But other dimensions I believe absolutely exist. Or maybe our thoughts of a dimension is wrong, and spacetime itself could be another dimension. The faster you travel to the speed of light, the slower time moves. So if I traveled 1 year at the speed of light, and returned to Earth, did I not time travel is the eyes of the people on earth? Couldn't that be considered another dimension besides height, width, and depth?
I have heard and read a lot about dark matter but it seems they keep searching for actual particles, gas, or something visible or measurable even to help justify their calculations on what they believe the universe should weigh. But i havent seen anything on how you actually weigh the force of magnetism. If you put 2 magnets together and they repell, how do you determine its force and the weight of it? You magnify that to the size of planets, stars, and galaxies, then imagine the force of that, that would be an invisible force unseen and as far as I have heard, unmeasurable. I know supposedly our universe is neutral. But if u look at it as a molecule, within it can be positive and negative forces.
So other dimensions do not exist? I believe that would go against what some of the best minds in science believe. Just because we can't physically see or touch a 4th dimension does not mean it doesn't exist. We know gamma rays exist yet we can't see them. Why is it so out of the realm of possibility? I never claimed to understand quantum Entanglement, only what I have heard. I was asking a question to open discussions, not one word or one sentence close minded "no your wrong" reaponses. That's actually completely unintelligent and contributes nothing.
If our theory of Quantum Entanglement is accurate, could that be a means to other dimensions? Or even more so, since we are all made up of pieces of old stars, planets, and matter, could we ourselves be entangled with other particles in other parts of the universe? Perhaps, visions we see, certain feelings, etc could us be interacting with these entanglements. I like to go down these kinds of rabbit holes, feel free to endulge lol. The questions unasked can never be answered.