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Everything posted by KHinfcube22

  1. Oky Doky, then how does one become a moderator?
  2. can one manipulate the spinning of the paricle/anti-particle?
  3. Heres the theory I'll make up, Every person is an exception to one definite rule. The rule I'm an exception for is "Nobody is perfect!"
  4. I don't like small town school enviroments. Then everyone is someones cousin or other, and you don't meet very many new people. Oh ya, I love you plan for parenting, is there any 12 hour schools out there?
  5. So couldn't this mean that energy is an illusion?
  6. A lot of druggies aren't stupid when they first take drugs, but eventually get dumb from drugs. What does this tell you about druggies?
  7. The way your explaining time travel as can be simplified. What your basically saying is that time is like a movie, and when a movie is rewound for any reason, do any of the charcters know it has? No, everything that has happened, has happened, and the is no way to change that. I don't necessarily like this theory, I like to believe in the Multi Universal Theory for time travel, that way I can go back in time and kill myself, then kill me before I kill myself, then...
  8. ZENO? don't know about thay, I got this off the enders series. ya know, SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD, or maybe XENOCIDE
  9. and your point is??????
  10. Ok how about this, you take everyone you know who thinks drugs should be ilegal, and I'll take everyone I know who thinks they should be legal, and see who gets the bigger vote, (by the way, I cheat!!!)
  11. the universe could be inf. large AND still have space outside. The space outside would also have to be inf. large and be some type of antimatter.
  12. but black holes do weigh a lot, even giga tons for the tiny ones.
  13. ok, now how do ya change your status?
  14. Not so. "Badgers on stilts will never walk out of my butt." There we go, proof. ---------------- Actualy you have no proof they never will. suppose an alien being was to transplant a virus into you, then they might,-by the way, how do you do the quoteing thing, I can't figure it out.
  15. Maybe so, but when I die, other people will think the Universe is the way I thought it was. Say everyone here was completely convinced that are world was flat, then to them, the world would be flat. Of course for it to be really flat, everthing inthe Universe would have to truley believe it is flat.
  16. so throwing a soda can into space would look awsome right?
  17. wouldn't shooting air into space cause liquid nitrogen and liquid oxegen be formed?
  18. depends who creates it, logic is defined diffrently by diffrent people.
  19. I try not to listen to my parents lectures, but I do listen to most adults over the age of 32, (all others are still kids to me.) Most of what my parents say is something they have already said a thousand times before. If you want your klids to listen, find out what they like, and talk for hours about that.
  20. Is there anything we know about that is faster than light?
  21. I believe "all is, in the eyes of the beholder" the beholder being one's self. So the universe is only what one believs it to be. It becomes reality when more than one believes it. And this can be mathmatically proven.
  22. If something has never happened, it is impossible to say it never will.
  23. Hmm, got me there. But actualy there would be a chance above 0.00000000000000001 that a none numeristic future society with all the techno we got if there was another factor to add. Abtaining the ability to create things with one's mind would make numbers pointless. And to abtain the ability, one wouldn't even need numbers.
  24. I know one who has had her SISTER die from drug overdose, and still agrees with me that making drugs legal would lower the crime. And by the way, guns ARE legal in the US, as long as you have a permit.
  25. I have to write a demonstartive speech about anything I can demonstrate, or at least show. Does anyone out there know where I can find graphs and charts on an electro magnetic pulsating emiter? I got a thing on how to make one, but not what they do on a magnetic scale. Or if you have any other ideas for me, please tell...
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