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  1. I see two threads started by you, in your profile click statistics ^ ^ ^ and click on "Find all threads started by frederick"

  2. Ah, I used to be able to do this easily but I really have forgot by now... Say you have a sphere with radius 10, you are drilling out a hole along the diameter with a radius of 3 inches... Find the volume of what's left of the sphere... So the way I thought to do it was just y = sqrt(100-x^2) in range y>3 rotated around x axis, but I really did forget how to write this... It was something like [math]pi \int^{10}_{3}(100-x^2)[/math]? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedActually, sorry for wasting your time, that seems to be about right.
  3. It's alright though, it wasn't very interesting. Maybe it was too soon after confirming my email or something.


    After evaporating, that yellow precipitate simply turned out to be sulfur, which I actually kind of like because I've never seen sulfur before...

  4. I don't get what happened, the one thread I've made has disappeared.


    UC had seen it... maybe admin has deleted it?

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