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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Engineering, Physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hi everyone! Having lurked around here I finally thought it was about time I introduced myself and (try to!) contribute to this community. I'm from the UK and have been a lifelong nerd however elected not to go to university, instead going into the workplace. Since then I've seen the error of my ways and have begun studying engineering through the Open University (can't recommend them enough if anyone else is thinking of going the same way), I chose engineering as of all the sciences physics is probably my favourite and I felt that with a young family to support any degree I get needs to be something which enables me to find employment in the future and engineering to me feels a lot like 'applied physics'. I can't promise any answers to other people's questions yet, but I look forward to asking plenty of my own in the meantime!
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