For a long time, I've had this idea in my head, but never really got around to verifying whether it would work or not. If this works, it would be a perfect way to create Plutonium for you element collectors out there. Unless you're scared (or smart )
You would need:
Americium or Radium (Legality Questionable)
U238 (Legal)
Beryllium (Legal)
Borated Parrafin (Legal)
Lead (Legal)
Let's say you had a 1'x1' lead block and you drilled 2 holes 3"x3" right next to each other, and you drilled a small drillbit-sized hole connecting the two holes. You put Americium or Radium in Hole #1, along with beryllium coated in borated parrafin, line the lead with aluminum foil. This would generate lots and lots of neutrons. In hole #2, you would put a block of u238. The lead block would then have another block of lead stacked on top of it to seal it up. In theory, the Americium or Radium emit Alpha rays, when these rays come in contact with the Beryllium, it emits neutrons, and since it is coated with Borated Parrafin, the neutrons are slowed down, and flow through the hole connecting to Chamber #2, when these neutrons strike the U238, it decays at a very fast rate, into Neptunium (im unsure of the isotope), then P239.
Would this 'transform' or 'decay' the Uranium block into Plutonium?
Also, what happens to lead when its is struck with neutrons?
My science may not be totally accurate, but I've done lots of reading online so I hope I'm somewhat understandable. Heh, believe it or not, 8th grade science doesn't exactly include nuclear radiation. Stupid school system...