Imagine we had two line currents (ignoring the rest of the circuit, return paths and the voltage source) of same direction and rotating in a common x axis with equal angular velocities. Assume that the distance between them is much larger than the wire lengths.
If we were sitting on a wire and rotating with it, in the S’ frame they would appear stationary to each other so there is no time delay and they would be exerting the full magnetic force on each other.
But in the S frame, they would look rotating and their EM fields arrive at each other with a phase delay, which means each one should be “seeing” the other as slightly backwards in time (and angular position). There should be a little less magnetic force on each other due to the slight angular difference/delay between them.
Or amI ill-defining the S' frame as keeping it's orientation with the wire? Maybe the wires would be looking as rotating around S' frame (around a point on a wire)? Then in both S and S' frames, there would be a decrease in the magnetic force, once the wires started rotating.
I would be grateful if anyone helps.