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The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
"'You should know this. I don't know how many times I said this in my messages. One has to change back the pH of blood to its original value or range of values.' Plain wrong." Well, you just say what I say is "plain wrong" but you don't say, why that what I say is wrong? Another thing Can you name a source where it is written that people die f.e. on arthrosis because they followed a alkaline vegan diet? "You are ignoring the fact that the lungs and kidneys are part of the body and can control blood pH." If everything in the body is interrelated, that you seem now not deny anymore, than lungs and kidneys cannot control the pH of blood. They are part of the 'system' that can change, by interacting with the pH of blood, not by themselves alone, the latter. But only because of environment problems, extreme consumption of something like f.e. alcohol, or mutation of DNA. Well the mutation of DNA is a chemical process which is reversible. Mutation is a chemical process, because biology cannot explain it. "DNA repair is a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encode its genome. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_repair Because biology cannot explain it is according to the hierarchy of the sciences of nature: The human body is explained by biology. If some parts cannot be explained by biology it needs to be explained by chemistry and if not by chemistry it needs to be explained by physics. That's because in the history of the big bang first physics appears then chemistry and then biology.- 53 replies
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
No I don't say, that the only thing that can change a person's illness is the pH of blood. Well, I say that the pH of blood has changed when a person becomes ill. And that illness can be caused f.e. by poisons, bacteria, viruses, clearly also alcohol and also eating wrong food for some time and then also the environment can be responsible. It can be taken months or even years until a chronic disease manifests. It's obvious that the pH of blood is incorporated, because as I say it again, blood is everywhere in the body, except in the corneal of the eye. You seem to ignore this and you also seem to ignore, that everything is interrelated in the human body. You should know this. I don't know how many times I said this in my messages. One has to change back the pH of blood to its original value or range of values. And in chronic diseases it is possible by following a well-adjusted vegan diet. Also a very positive attitude can help a lot, since so many chronic diseases seem to be psychosomatic. You seem to ignore that there must be some measure of the performance of f.e. an organ is taken by the pH. "Extremely high or low pH values generally result in complete loss of activity for most enzymes. pH is also a factor in the stability of enzymes. As with activity, for each enzyme there is also a region of pH optimal stability." http://www.worthington-biochem.com/introbiochem/effectsph.html This is not far away from the statement, that the pH is extremely important, not to say the most important measure in order to understand why the body works fine or not. And I believe you cannot deny that the pH's are interrelated or can you? And I didn't suffer from arthritis, I suffered from arthrosis. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
I didn't talk about cyanide. As I said that food seems to change the pH of blood slightly. The pH of blood has to be relatively constant. And as I said in an earlier message: It seems to be different for every human beings. It needs to be between 7.35 and 7.45. So it can be that f.e. a specific human being needs to have a pH in blood around 7.42, and for another at 7.37. And that the vegan diet for example works in case of Venus Williams is not by coincidence. She is definitely not the only person where a vegan diet helped with respect to chronic diseases. I have only the German source in the case of arthrosis, but you may are able to translate the page: http://www.arthroseselbsthilfe.de/ I followed the tips on the site and spoke with some doctor who also suffered from arthrosis. She followed the alkaline vegan diet for some months in order to change her state. Myself I followed the alkaline vegan diet for several weeks. Then the arthrosis vanished. And I didn't change anything but food. I think I wrote this down several times. So, the first question is: how much does it change the pH of blood? And second: How slight is the change? That's, and I say it again, because blood is distributed to the whole body except the corneal eye. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Venus' problem as I said Sjögren's syndrome. This is an autoimmune disease and she doesn't change her life except for staying on a vegan diet: "I started for health reasons. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and I wanted to maintain my performance on the court. Once I started I fell in love with the concept of fueling your body in the best way possible. Not only does it help me on the court, but I feel like I’m doing the right thing for me." http://www.health.com/nutrition/venus-williams-raw-vegan-diet If this is not a proof, what else is then a proof. Well, if we stay with your example of an organ failure: Where does it come from? Just out of nowhere? There must be an influence from the environment or from consumption of something. And these influences change at the end the pH of blood. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Well I would like to know, what in your eyes is the active system, that 'measures' the pH of blood. I think with the active system measuring the pH you mean it controls the pH. Well all pH's, except that of the corneal eye, are interrelated and thus everything 'interact' with the blood pH, since as I say again, blood is everywhere except in the corneal of the eye. You have the problem that you don't see the body as being a whole system that works together. Of course it tries to keep the pH of blood at the same level, and buffering supports it, because it is essentially for staying alive, but: the pH of blood can get into trouble if f.e. an organ doesn't work properly anymore. It is out of the question that itself the pH of blood could also get into problems by the environment or by some food which is not the proper food anymore. That's because the work of the buffers could become to function not well anymore. See alcohol for example. Drinking too much alcohol leads to problems. And very often it takes some time in order to work not properly anymore. We are lucky that it is so, because if not we all would become ill all the time and humans would be extinct. Also specific medication can lead to trouble. And I think, since all humans are different, it depends on the specific human, if it gets into problems or not. And if you don't believe my case of arthrosis, haven't you red about Venus Williams as I suggested? Do you think she's lying? And I meant not vegetarian diet, I meant an alkaline, in my case, vegan diet. Also Venus Williams' diet is vegan. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
I think, your problem is that you don't deny that pH's can change through their interrelation. I think you have a problem with the idea that food has a pH, or why can't you see that the pH's of everything in the body whether it is consumed or not is interrelated. I don't deny that the changes of pH's in blood are slight, but that seems to be enough as many examples have been shown, including that of arthrosis in my body or that of Venus Williams who suffered from an autoimmune disease, the Sjögren's syndrome: I said that it could take some time until the pH's change which is a result of buffering.- 53 replies
The main problem in schizophrenia from a psychological point of view is the lack of trust in others. At the beginning I didn’t believe that I was ill. That’s very common to schizophrenic people. So this was the first thing why I didn’t trust the psychiatrists. My first psychiatrist, who I met when I left the hospital, said I can work eight hours per day. I knew that this was impossible with the dose of Haldol I got. But I wasn’t telling him that, because I got the feeling that it wouldn’t change anything. However I was also been so overdosed that I wasn’t able to concentrate more than a few minutes. Again I wasn’t able to tell this the psychiatrist. I didn’t trust him. I changed the psychiatrist. I was able to tell the second psychiatrist that I had problems with Haldol. She said that we could try another medication. I didn’t trust her, that it could be better. What did I really feared? I wasn’t sure about this for a long time. At the beginning it was the fact, that I couldn’t do my work; that I couldn’t live a normal life. The fears changed while living my life. In 1995 I started to work under the influence of a new not so high dosed medication. The fears became more and more existential when I started working again. First they only appeared as something that I defined as a ‘crisis.’ A crisis? Yes, I couldn’t identify fears as fears. When the crisis appeared I was in a state in which I wasn’t able to act in any way. Thus I have put myself into bed. I waited until the fears disappeared. That could take awhile. Usually at the beginning a few hours. My new psychiatrist said that she can solve the problem within ten years. For me ten years was an infinite time period. With the statement that ‘problem’ will be solved she meant that schizophrenia would be gone. But the real problems behind all this are fears, fears that are not visible to people who don’t suffer from schizophrenia. During a psychosis delusion of grandeur or paranoia for example are based on fears. Why is a delusion of grandeur based on fears? In my case I thought I was the most intelligent person in the world. The fear arises because you fear that something would happen to you if you are not so high intelligent. You fear that if you are not high intelligent society wouldn’t love you. Moreover, that you for example cannot say or do what you like, because you think for example Einstein was able to say or do whatever he wanted or liked. Paranoia is another form of delusion based on the fear that someone is after you and wants to do something bad to you. You think you cannot escape something really bad. You don’t trust nearly anybody. I trusted only the stars in Hollywood, but I have had no connection to them. If you are taking your medication these fears and delusions are covered by the medication. That means they are still there, but the medication just calm your fears down. The big question is: How can the fears disappear? In order to get rid of the fears, you need to trust people. You need to find people who are not cynical. Usually you can trust your therapist or psychiatrist. Why? Because people get help from her/him. It’s their job to help you. On the other hand, if you don’t trust her/him because of reasons you cannot explain don’t hesitate to change her/him. It could take some time until you find a therapist with whom you have or can build up a fruitful connection. I started to tell my new therapist in 1995 some basics about myself. Usually you go through hard times when you open your heart more and more to the therapist, because you think the person you already started to trust can work against you. This is from your point of view logical, since you may haven’t trust anyone before. During the psychosis you got to the idea that people didn’t really help you. You think you could loose this person. For example, you think you can loose the contact to the therapist, when you have a dispute with her/him. You need to learn that this is usually not the case. Disputes can be a common thing within relationships. Some people argue less some more, but it is likely that you have disputes. Usually after some time the actual dispute evaporates. If not, something is really wrong. You should avoid cynical people. Those are in general people that discriminate or judge you and who are selfish and/or dishonest. I discussed in this post how to find out who is cynical. Everyone usually has sometimes setbacks while getting to know new people. For schizophrenic people this is an even more sensitive issue. If you are schizophrenic it is dangerous to be too open too soon. This is only possible if you are strong enough to do so. Don’t worry too much about what I said, because your intuitive inner voice will tell you what do to. To really trust someone, you need to trust yourself first. If you don’t start trusting someone you will not solve your problems. Trusting someone means, that you risk something. You risk to be disappointed by that other person. So at the beginning you should not invest too much. By investing too much I mean you should not invest too many feelings. Is that true? Is it possible to invest not too many feelings? It depends what do you feel for this other person. If you are instantly fell in love with this person, than how can you not start to invest a lot feelings into that person? That’s life. And can you always be sure that you won’t be disappointed? Can you see always through this person soon to find out if this person really loves you? At the beginning you will be probably very enthusiastic. ‘Love makes you blind.’ At the beginning this could be the case. You will find out, when you listen to you inner voice, your intuition, your heart. You will find out, if this other person loves you, if you want her/him as your life partner or if she/he really likes you. Listen to what she/he says, what she/he does and check how you feel about these statements and actions. Don’t worry you are no sociopath if many people you get to know aren’t falling into the category close friend or even possible life partner. It’s not common that one has many close friends. But you should feel comfortable around the people that you meet in daily life to stay healthy. Back to the fears that are essential during medication. These are existential fears. Fears like not having enough money to live from. The fear that I could be dying in an accident while walking down the street. The fear that the bridge I am walking through could break down when I was actually walking across. A person in a sane state wouldn’t usually thinking about this, maybe only if it came up in the news channel. How to get rid of such fears? By becoming aware about what you really fear and making yourself clear, that the actual incident is not very likely to happen. How can this be helpful? It makes you feel comfortable. You loose your fears if such facts like the non-likeliness of the bridge breaking down enter your consciousness. Also what was very important to me to get rid of the fears was the fact finding out, with the help of a friend, that I have a purpose in life; that there is something of value what I can contribute to society. That was even the biggest insight for me. Yet, I didn’t really understand why this makes me feel so good, but I found out it is the feeling of positive self-worthiness that put me on track; the faith that what I write down and what I communicate to other people is giving only myself but also them a good feeling. The mechanism, how the fears disappeared, is not quite clear to me yet. Time is a factor, since as time moves on I became somehow more convinced that everything will turn out fine. Also nothing seriously bad happened which improved my positive self-worthiness and someday back in October 2016 the fears finally vanished.
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Didn't you see this: "There is some evidence that the gut may modulate systemic acidosis in experimental endotoxemia by removing anions from the plasma [35]. The full capacity of this organ to affect acid–base balance is unknown, however." That means the effect of the gut is unknown. Thus there's needed additional research to find out the connection between the gut and other systems of the body and "there is some evidence that the gut may modulate systemic acidosis in experimental endotoxemia by removing anions from the (blood-) plasma." Removing anions from the blood plasma. Thus a change in the pH of blood! -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
I cannot be wrong. It is simple biochemistry and chemistry that solutions are interconnected within the body. Can't you see that the gut is connected to the blood stream. Now I found some source that research is now going into the correct direction. "There is some evidence that the gut may modulate systemic acidosis in experimental endotoxemia by removing anions from the plasma [35]. The full capacity of this organ to affect acid–base balance is unknown, however." See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC137247/- 53 replies
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Well, as I tried to make clear, food changes the pH level of the acid. Because the pH values in all regions of the body are different and they are interrelated. That means they are connected. Thus the pH of blood changes too. What's so difficult understanding this? Of course problems usually don't arise especially because of the buffering system. But when they arise it must have to do with pH value. That's because every chemical compound influences the pH value. That's because food has a pH value, since it is a chemical compound. That are basics of chemistry. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
In 2015 I was diagnosed with arthrosis in my left food. I was already a vegetarian. I didn't want to take medication against pain. I googled for a self-help group. There was coming up some German group, and it leads to a site where that Fisseler was presenting his book about arthrosis based on the ideas by Prof Dr. med Lothar Wendt. According to his theory arthrosis is based on an acidity/base imbalance of the human body. The body was becoming acidic. The book gives a recommendation to eat fruits and vegetables that are leading back to a alkalic state. I called some woman who posted on the homepage of the self-help group, that this diet helped her. She's a doctor. Then I started with this diet and after 6 or 8 weeks the pain was gone. Now I eat sometimes eggs or cheese. When I eat too much the pain comes back. The idea that it changes the pH of blood came up afterwards not a long time ago. I don't deny that the change is only slightly, but it hasn't been undertaken research if this causes problems. And also it wasn't considered, as far as of my knowledge that everyone has a specific range of pH blood which is healthy for her/him. I think there should be done research. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
You say I am wrong because you say so. You give no proofs for this. Just that mainstream says so. I have given the logical conclusions why my theory can be right. The basics which are building my theory are biology, biochemistry and chemistry and not medicine. Especially biochemistry is interesting. Blood runs everywhere around everywhere in the body, except the corneal eye. That's a fact. I say it again. And the pH value is influenced by for example alcohol and this can lead to serious issues. And food is made of chemical compounds which are dissociated in the body. Thus the pH value of blood and these of other regions are interconnected. That means they are influencing each other. That's all (bio-)chemistry and thus well accepted, right?- 53 replies
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mainstream is not always right. Can you explain why I have no problems anymore staying on a alkalic vegan diet? Because mainstream medicine says that is right or wrong because of this or that doesn't mean it is the truth. And medicine is no real science, since every fact in medicine is based on statistics. Statistics is subjective. That's a mathematical fact. Read E. T. Jaynes: "Probability Theory". That is a well accepted text book on statistics. Biochemistry is a real science, like chemistry or physics. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Well, buffering cannot be extended to the infinite. It's only a factor 20, f.e. if considering bicarbonate/carbon acid. That you can proof that by googling for it. And metabolism is influencing everything also pH of blood. And the pH of blood is essentiell for the health of the body. We are clear of that, or aren't we? Because I am the only one who is supporting my point of view, doesn't mean that I have to be the only one who needs to proof his point of view. You have also to proof what you say. You only come up lately with suggestions. Those suggestions can be only true by coincidence. They have no logical basis. -
The pH Value of Blood and chronic Diseases
kayzumfelde replied to kayzumfelde's topic in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Well, can you disproof that the pH value of blood isn't changed by f.e. alcohol? Why doesn't food change the pH of blood? Can you explain this? Does in your theory the pH of any organ or region of the body changes, if you for example drink too much? If you say it doesn't, than why not? And the experience of many people, including myself, who experienced that arthrosis is gone by staying on a alkalic vegan diet is not an evidence that the body was before in a wrong condition regarding the pH value of blood. What else could it be? What do you mean by real data then?