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  1. F² . M~H _____ = TIME R² AcceLeRATion e' SONA&ZioNative 8106 (Wait & See:) Sounds: when Frequention rise our Mass M~H = Enligh10ment, we come conscious aware time is LESSon due uplifting AcceLeration & Frequency wAves enhighers us to come aware of our Oura, & our brain, become IQed Our Body movement becomes quicklier & feels 2bc, walking on clouds. {(F².M~H)/(R².∆T)}=1 So1 can Timetravel when (F².M~H)=(R²)! = Keygen JwsHe' 'ETernity Sciences & We'L7 I Am WhoIAm&I am ME AL YC! IT¥NoTa Who We are &A way We do;& note '40-2 'What was been;4)grace(' & What will Be, &We thank Y 4support! E=H.F! Behold E=C C = H.F whereinby C = Conciousness {(E . C)/(F . M)} = 1 & (E.C/ F) = M & M = Ev/C² & Light = The Frequention from our Conciousness. Conciousness = F . M / E Once F rises even Light fastens!) & this because C² = F.M Conciousness & ISA kind of Spiritual Wave OHM YC?Y!) our Frequention is rising, because we pass the Photon Belt with the earth as Orbit & all what’s on & in the earth, will make this transformation through: “schumanresonantion” is for ten thousands of years been 7.83 Hz & Now; Arisen up to ^33,8 Hz.>60Hz. What does this causes*? C = H . F C = Conciousness H = 1,602 . 10^-19 J.s F = 7,83 Hz & rises too 60 Hz. Conciousness rises too 63,612 .10^-19 J.s.Hz. & sounds Alike: “Jesus=CHrisTen”!) * The Acceleration of the Earth fastens & thereby the Newton law of gravity lowers. How can this be? 1,43328 x 10^101 kg __________________ = N 9,81 kg/m.s² (1,208 x 10^-10)² m/sec² à Aproximathly the acceleration of the earth & the mass of the earth & this is without loose resistance wherein the earth as orbit has been pass through last 10.000 years. Now we crossing the Photon belt = NEW PATH which will fasten the accelerations,because, 1 resistance causes than on 1,602 x 10^-19 J.s & the concequence = acceleration will fasten, wherethroughby the gravity will lowering. Because Photon may seen here as a mass enlighter particular light mass. & It actually lowers the weight of earth without that in fact lowering earths weight where so by Acceleration fastens & time shortens. We also BeCome enlighten & quickly as human Mass too through by this phenomenah. SOlar year Will than not be 365-366 days endure well about 358-359 days endure due AcceLeration of earth through the Photon belt effect. Gravitation or N lowers from 9,81 --> Aproximathly 9,6287 N The frequention of Earth Hertz rises due the fasten Acceleration & because (E . C / F) = M & F rise conscious E rise in our body & Mind. = Spiritual Awaken & more IQued. Throughby acceleration from An Electron in An & around An Orbit )ORAcle(; came AL in shape in the beginning & last forever continue! We can conclude: “The Universe is A great Spiral & Time = fractal due this effect. The acceleration from Ev will frequently rise in spinning time & is the origin from creation & universe grows or expand eternity!)" E = M . C² M = Ev / C² & M = an (E) ‘E’ can be equivalent for being just: ‘1 Ev’!!! {ᴪ}(n+1) = E² = M . C E / M = C² √C . E = M Because ‘E’ can be 1 Ev & M = Ev / C², we notes: Ev = Ev/C² . C² -> √C . Ev = Ev/C² -> √C/√C . Ev = Ev -> & (√C)² = Ev/Ev <-¥-> C = 1 as E = Ev Causes & needed 2B4 dark & light to set apart ;)Oracle(; 40-2 creating life & All excistens*)! & So we notice it: "our Soul shall not perish when we thake our last or new breath, that's what within the maths can be conclude”*!) {(F². ∆T)/( Ev². R²)} = 1 FATHER FAITH 4 EVER = 1!) Ev = A Standard measure 0,511 MeV, à ET is also the Roots from Ev. {(F². ∆T)/( √Ev . R²)} = 1 Codex & Origin from ALL Creations!) VI3AMASING!) {(F². ∆T)/(Ev . R²)} = 1 OMINDDuCe'e'e'* DNA. Y1S AMEN.,) <link removed>
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