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Everything posted by jhet

  1. More..? Someone, something..? Europe - how to protect fields from boars and deers? Do you have any expierience? What about hunting? Is there an option to stop hunting in Europe? What do you think?
  2. Thanks to all of you, all informations will be helpful. Mainly I'm looking for regions which are not far away from human settlements, for places around human villages, cities and cultivations. In every part of the world it would looks different - I'm the most (but not only) interested in regions like these ones in Europe - where there are not many uncultivated areas, where are bigger or smaller woodlands in the neighbourhood, where environment was devided and changed by humans (roads, villages and so on) and where wild animal species (like boars, deers..) would be interested in crops or other human's production. And where, in the past, their populations were under control of hunters.
  3. As far as I know hunting is not prohibited in national parks, or maybe only commercial hunting is (at least in my country). But what I am interested in the most is a coexistence between people and animals considered to be a pests (these ones destroying fields and having bad influence on agriculture). Usually there, where are fields, hunters are controlling populations of species like boars to protect cultivations. But besides killing animals they also feed them, what is the next big influence on nature. So I'm curious if there are regions where nobody control boars, deers populations and where people managed to find ways to coexist with animals without harming them (methods of repeling the animals, methods of crop protection etc.). Or maybe they just don't need to use any methods because animals left alone are no longer a pests and they live on their own in forests (or in other habitat) and are not much interested in fields. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language iNow, Zapatos - thank you, I'm going to see what you have linked.
  4. I'm looking for information about places around the world where hunting (especially forest animals like boars, deers) is prohibited. I need to know where such a places are, how the interactions between animals and humans look, how these interactions are changing, how hunting prohibition affects agriculture etc. I'm doing research on a possibility to coexist humans with animal species like boars without controling their population. If you know places, where from some time hunting is strictly prohibited, please let me know. I will be grateful for your help!
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