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Green Xenon

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Everything posted by Green Xenon

  1. Ok Sorry, I meant to say none of the plants are genetically-engineered by humans. Yes but fermentable fibers have that benefit along with more. Refrigeration isn't much a of problem. All stores will refrigerate their perishable drinks. The ketosis will assist significantly with staying on the diet as ketones suppress appetite for other foods. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Thanks, I forget to mention exercise. Exercise can definitely increase the efficiency of the hypothetical diet product and routine I'm talking about. Stretching [for warm up] and aerobic exercise are highly beneficial to those with diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other diseases associated with overeating and sedentary lifestyle. Anaerobic exercise [such as weightlifting] should be avoided as it decreases flexibility and causes a chronic rise in blood pressure.
  2. Hi: I’m currently daydreaming of a hypothetical liquid Atkins induction product that is vegan-friendly and has all the nutrients of vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae, seaweed, and other plants that are necessary/beneficial for human health. It also contains beneficial and essential microbes [such as probiotics]. All the aforementioned are in amounts optimum for human health. This product is completely organic and free of any pesticides, synthetic ethylene and other man-made substances that compromise the heath of plants and their human consumers. In addition, no plants used in the product are gene-modified. Prior to the making of this product, all proteins & fats are pre-digested completely, and the following substances are completely removed from the plants: 1. Any carbohydrate that raises blood sugar. These carbohydrates are bad for induction. Fermentable fibers [such as inulin] are not removed at all as they don’t count as net carbs and actually benefit health during induction and otherwise. Simple sugar and digestible starches are completely removed. Non-fermentable fibers [such as cellulose] are also completely removed as they don’t offer much benefit other than to add bulk to the stools. 2. Unhealthy amino acids [such as homocysteine which damages arteries] 3. Glycerol [which is unnecessary calories and can be produced by the body] 4. Saturated fatty acids [which contribute to atherosclerosis] 5. Trans fatty acids [which are far worse for health than saturated fatty acids] All plants used in this product – excluding tomatoes -- are raw. Tomatoes are boiled to bring out the lycopenes. To make the product healthier, bad minerals [such as lead and thallium] are removed. To decrease blood pressure, sodium and chloride are decreased [but not completely removed]. The sodium is decreased as much as can be without leading to symptoms of sodium deficiency. The chloride is decreased as much as possible without causing any serious symptoms of chloride deficiency – the consumer should still be able to safely perform tasks taken for granted – such as driving or operating machinery. The decrease in chloride will help balance out the acidity caused by ketosis. To help prevent kidney stones during ketosis, extra potassium ions are added to the product. The potassium is also alkaline and will further assist the body in keeping itself non-acidic during ketosis. The product has drinking water added to it to make it easier to drink. This product is in small health-friendly, eco-friendly bottles. Five bottles per day should be consumed. The bottles are in a package and are of different sizes. The biggest bottle should be consumed in the morning. The smallest should be consumed in the evening. In between, are bottles of different sizes. Earlier in the day, the bigger bottles should be consumed and as the day progresses the smaller bottles should be consumed. This routine follows the saying “eat breakfast link a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” – except the food is divided into 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger meals. This is an extra benefit to diabetes patients who are following Atkins’s induction. It is important to understand that this product will initially not satiate it’s users. However, once ketosis kicks in, appetite will decrease and consumers will no longer feel the urge to eat. To summarize, the plants in the product are chopped to the molecular level. Second, the proteins/fats are pre-digested all the way down to their monomers [amino acids in the case of proteins, fatty acids & glycerol in the case of fats]. Third, the undesirable substances are removed. Finally, good microbes, potassium ions, and drinking water are added. There still will be fat in this product, it's just that they will be broken down to fatty acids [and the glycerol portions removed] prior to bottling. Many fatty acids are necessary and/or beneficial for health. They also assist in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. If this product did exist it would greatly benefit obese patients. I just wish someone would start a company, get the company to make this theoretical product, and sell it to the general public at a reasonable price. What would happen to me if I spent a year on a diet using only this product and in the manner I described [5 bottles a day, first bottle biggest, next bottles getting progressively smaller, the last bottle smallest]? Anything unhealthy? I doubt it. Regards, Green Xenon
  3. Greasy substances will clog up the kidneys.
  4. Hi: Sorry to bother the group with another question. I'm really interested in hypothetical stuff. Let's say the human body is modified so that the transverse colon has new cells that safely filter out the following from the bloodstream [and carry them out of the body via the stools] without removing anything else from the blood: 1. Cholesterol 2. Glycerol 3. Saturated fats 4. Saturated fatty acids 5. Trans fats 6. Trans fatty acids 7. Homocysteine [an amino acid that damages arteries] 8. LDLs 9. IDLs [intermediate-density lipoproteins] 10. VLDLs 11. Chylomicrons In addition, another modification is made. Microscopic new vessels directly carry molecules of fat out from the visceral adipocytes into the colon [then out of the body via the feces]. This would safely treat abdominal obesity. Let's say the subject's immune system does not go against the new cells and vessels facilitated by the modifications. What would be the disadvantages if both modifications were made on a human body? Would anyone want to volunteer for these modifications considering they would live much longer and still be able to eat buttercream desserts and not exercise? Thanks, Green Xenon
  5. Hi: If all other factors are constant, does a lower pH indicate more entropy than a higher pH? I ask because chemical reactions that lead to a decrease in order, often increase the acidity of the environment. For example, our consumption of fuel increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This CO2 dissolves in the ocean causing a decrease in the sea's pH. Thanks, Green Xenon
  6. What if the intestines are modified so that the gases are absorbed into the bloodstream in a manner similar to the alveoli in the lungs? This will alleviate the pressure. But then, what if the gases are toxic? That's a big problem.
  7. I do the treadmill because I'm more of an indoor person. I don't like outdoor activities. I hate dust and dirt. I'm very sensitive to outdoor dirt -- such as grass, soil, pollen, asphalt, concrete, tree-sap and other outdoor dirt. If I touch the outdoor floor, I immediately have to wash my hands with clean water. I can't use soap or other chemicals either -- just pure clean water. I can handle small amounts of dirt particles that are present in most habitable environments, however, construction work just gets my nostrils flaring. Discomfort which most can ignore, feels like pain to me. I'm not at all a germophobe. In fact, I like bacteria. It's the allergens [such as pollen, soil, and grass dust] and sticky stuff that makes me sick. Also, I hate anything with a sticky texture [such as syrup/sap]. If there is any sticky substance to any extent, there is a good chance I will feel it.
  8. So it will never be possible to live long, high-quality, sedentary lifestyle and eat all those cream-rich, butter-filled, sugar-packed desserts? Oh no! My dream has been crushed! Whenever I have free time, I spend of lot of it daydreaming about way to modify the body so that I can eat those desserts, not exercise, and still live a long, healthy life. Sadly, this is just a dream because we don't yet have the technology for this. Can anyone think of a way the one can achieve what I'm looking for -- at least in theory? I'm currently following a moderate-protein, moderate-fat low-carb diet to help me lose weight. I also do an hour of aerobic exercise everyday. However, this gets boring.
  9. Botulinum is a muscle relaxant, not an anesthetic. I did a search on oxethazaine. From what I read, it is more potent than anesthetics found in EMLA. However, is oxethazaine the most potent?
  10. By "most potent", I mean for the same concentration, you get the strongest numbing affect.
  11. In the next 5 to 10 years, do you think gene therapy will cure obesity in those who can afford it?
  12. Won't the substances that are not absorbed simply leave the body through the stools? Fiber does exactly that.
  13. What symptoms would occur as a result of my theoretical operation?
  14. The hypothetical modification I described would *not* block the absorption of: 1. Amino acids that are beneficial and/or essential 2. Fatty acids that are beneficial and/or essential Cholesterol and glycerol don't need to be absorbed because the human body already produces them. Ethanol does not need to be absorbed because it is not even a nutrient. BTW, which vitamins are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates have calories, vitamins don't.
  15. There definitely would be a lot of gas but it's better than having a heart-attack due to obesity. This does happen in diabetes patients. Plus such modification would be dangerous. The kidney already have lots of work to do. Why overload them? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged In that case, what about modifying the digestive system so that the following substances are not at all absorbed: 1. Carbohydrates of any kind 2. Any alcohols -- such as ethanol and glycerol 3. Fatty acids that are neither beneficial nor essential [such as trans-fatty acids and saturated fatty acids] 4. Unhealthy amino acids [such as homocysteine, which damages arteries] 5. Cholesterol Insteading of entering the lymph or blood vessels, the above undesired substances would go out in the stools via the colon. Desired substances [i.e. other nutrients] will continue to be absorbed normally. Sure, there are drawbacks, but at least the patient will live much longer and with a better quality of life. When the operation is complete, the patient can eat all the delicious butter-filled, cream-packed, sugar-rich desserts without decreasing his/her quality or span of life.
  16. Can carbohydrates other than glucose be absorbed into the bloodstream via the small intestine?
  17. Why will it kill the patient? Won't the brain eventually adapt to using ketones in place of glucose?
  18. Hi: Let's the say the villi of an obese patient's small intestine are modified -- via gene therapy -- to prevent him/her from absorbing any carbs he/she eats. The carbs are still digested as they normally would be but are not absorbed into the bloodstream. The villi continue to absorb all nutrients other than carbs. This will cause starvation of glucose and will result in the body breaking down fat for energy. Will this cure obesity? What are the obstacles to doing this? Thanks, Green Xenon
  19. Hi: I looking for the wireless adapter with the most sensitive receiver and most powerful transmitter. Which one should I buy? Thanks, Green Xenon
  20. Hi: What is the most potent topical anesthetic? Thanks, Green Xenon
  21. All drug tests [including pain killers] are negative. In addition, the patient has optimum physical fitness in stretch and aerobic exercises.
  22. Hi: Burn victims must undergo a painful debridement of their wounds in order to prevent infection. Normally, they are given morphine and other non-anesthetic pain-killers. Sadly, this does not work. They still yell in pain during the operation, which is why they have to be housed seperately from other patients. Why aren't the burn patients given anesthesia [local or general] prior to the operation? Is there a safety issue with anesthetics? Thanks, Green Xenon
  23. Hi: The followings are not homework questions. They are question of my genuine interest. If all the pain receptors in the solar plexus are stimulated to the max-possible, will neurogenic shock occur? If so, what is the mechanism by which the pain will cause neurogenic shock? Is it lethal? Thanks, Green Xenon
  24. Hi: What is the minimum intensity laser possible? 1-photon-per-second is too small an intensity. Thanks, Green Xenon
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