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Green Xenon

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Everything posted by Green Xenon

  1. Hi: Is it possible to generate coherent light with a device other than a laser? If so, has this ever been done before? Thanks, Green Xenon
  2. Couldn't stimulated emission also result in an intensity of 1-photon-per-second? Also, is it possible to have coherent light [not necessarily a laser] whose intensity is only 1-photon-per-second?
  3. Most lasers tend to be high-intensity [all give warning not to stare into]. I was wondering if it is possible to have an extremely-low intensity laser [one which the eye could look right into at close range without experiencing any damage/discomfort] Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged The next photon?
  4. Hi: Is it possible to design and build a laser that emits 400 nm light at the extremely low intensity of 1-photon-per-second. This is one extremely low power laser! Thanks, Green Xenon
  5. Hi: Is it possible to bioengineer a bacterium to generate very-low intensity radio waves? If so, what frequency? Thanks, Green Xenon
  6. Ok but does the aforementioned chest pain suggest a heart attack took place?
  7. Hi: A 23-year-old slim and athletic patient is admitted to ER with extremely sharp and intense pain localized deep in the middle of his chest. The pain is steady and does not radiate anywhere, it just stay in the middle of his chest. He says it feels like "a knife in my heart". No nausea/vomiting, no shortness of breath, no feeling of chest pressure or tightness. According to patient, the pain started of as barely-noticeable but gradually became excruciating as an hour passed. Type of pain [sharp] and location [middle of chest] remained the same throughout the episode. Upon entry to ER, heart rate is only 35 bpm. Heart beats are very strong and cause patient's chest to vibrate. Pulse is also slow and strong. Blood pressure is 80/50. No family history of any disease. No use of alcohol or illicit drugs. No tobacco use. Diet is high in butter. Is this a heart attack due to the high butter content of the patient's diet? Thanks, Green Xenon
  8. Hi: When I go to http://sparkingtech.com/tech-sci-news/researchers-create-worlds-fastest-internet-connection my AVG software gives an alert: "Threat detected!" "File name: sparkingtech.com/tech-sci-news/researchers-create-worlds-fastest-internet-connection" "Threat name: Exploit Javascript Obsfuscation (type 905)" Below this it is underlined "More information about the threat" Below that there is, "Process name: C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" and "Process ID: 2776" I click the underlined text "More information about the threat". I am then taken to http://free.avg.com/us-en/virbase?idn=%40EID_Id_exp I then search the threat "Exploit Javascript Obsfuscation (type 905)" and the search results are "We did not find any virus in the Virus Encyclopedia. Please try to use a more generic name at least 3 characters long." What's going on here? Thanks a bunch, Green
  9. Hi: How does extreme nerve excitation cause shock? Quote from the below site: http://books.google.com/books?id=AB4fbXqlUJwC&pg=PA373&lpg=PA373&dq=%22extensive+superficial+burn%22+shock&source=bl&ots=wkO_EbLn9m&sig=ywnhw2l0NlXhfCE9DtVBPjbE8Ag&hl=en&ei=SBFVStunMpP6sQPMvJ3NDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6#v=onepage&q=%22extensive%20superficial%20burn%22%20shock&f=false "An extensive superficial burn produces great immediate shock, due to involvement of so many sensory nerve endings in the skin". What is the mechanism by which this shock occurs? Is this shock fatal? Thanks, Green Xenon
  10. Just out of interest, what form of volatile RAM has the shortest period of data remanence when the power is offed?
  11. I'm asking just out of curiosity. Would Twin-Transistor RAM have a shorter period of data remanence [when offed] than other forms of volatile RAM? I think the answer is yes because TT-RAM doesn't have any capacitors. It's able to perform capacitance without capacitors.
  12. Would Twin-Transistor RAM also have this problem? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Transistor_RAM
  13. Doesn't DRAM have a shorter period of data remanance [when offed] than SRAM?
  14. Huh? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Are there any SSDs that use volatile-only RAM and absolutely no non-volatile RAM?
  15. Where can I find a solid-state computer laptop that does not have or need any non-volatile RAM?
  16. Can't the info from the live CD be read into the PC and then temporarily stored in the volatile RAM chips as opposed to constantly using the CD drive? That is what I would like to do. Use the VRAM chips as an HDD substitute. Now of course, when the PC is offed, all info is lost but I'm okay with that. I don't plan to save anything for long-term on the laptop. Would you suggest I buy this: http://www.axis.com/products/dev/index.htm It's Linux on a chip. Hopefully it doesn't have any non-volatile RAM and does not need an HDD.
  17. Hi: I'm looking for a laptop that: 1. Is fully-compatible with the Linux Live CD and does not need any HDD or any non-volatile RAM. 2. Uses dynamic RAM for volatile memory with no static RAM at all. 3. Has a wireless internet card in it. 4. Is new and not used. 5. Compromises* among the following: 5a. Least expensive 5b. Has the most amount of volatile memory *I say compromise because usually if the system is less expensive, it will have less memory. So I am looking for the least expensive with the most amount of memory [dynamic volatile memory] for the price I'm paying. The reason I need so much volatile memory is because I don't plan to use any HDD or non-volatile RAM on this laptop. Linux Live CD doesn't need any non-volatile RAM and can boot from the CD. Thanks, Green
  18. What is the difference? I have a hard time understanding.
  19. Hi: Let's say I'm running Linux Live on a laptop that has no HDD or NVRAM. How do I change the MAC address of my NIC? Thanks, Green Xenon
  20. Hi: Which method of radio transmission/reception for wireless computers is more secure -- Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum or Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum? I believe the former is more secure than the latter because it does not constantly remain on the same frequencies. Am I right? Thanks, Green
  21. Just an individual preference. Even I don't know why.
  22. Rivers and lakes [even Great Lakes] are fine as they are freshwater. I don't like sea, though.
  23. Why? Is it because there is more industry in the northern hemisphere?
  24. Hi: I have some questions regarding flames. A dicyanoacetylene-ozone flame reaches a temperature of 5516 K. This causes it to emit EM radiation mostly in the UV spectrum. A wooden log flame reaches only 1170 K, as a result it emits most of its EM radiation in the IR spectrum. Since IR generates more heat on human skin than UV of the same intensity, does this mean that a wood log flame will be perceived to be emitting more radiant heat than a dicyanoacetylene-ozone flame? Also, does a yellow bituminous coal flame give off more infrared radiant heat than a blue methane flame? My guess is yes, because the former gives off light due to incandescence [about 90% of which is emitted in the infrared spectrum] while the latter gives of higher-energy EM radiation due to quantum jumps [i.e. the blue spectrum]. So even though a blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame, the latter will emit more radiant heat while the former will emit more convective heat. Do I guess right? Thanks, Green Xenon
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