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  1. This message is for Matt880. I realize this post was from 6 years ago and you are most likely not online anymore. I found it when I was searchig for the same problem I just wanted to let you know I believe you and am literally going through the same thing you are. There is absolutely someone drugging my food. It feels like a Xanex or some kind of prescription drug. It's not medical, it's not my health, blood pressure, sugar ... anything. The food is drugged. I have been having problems with an individual for a very long time and I know this person is behind it and there is nothing I can do. The point here is like you - I know the police won't believe me and I have no faith in their abilities - they will write me off as the crazy blond girl. I have no proof and know I won;t get any. I just have to keep surviving this every day like i have been doing for a very long time. I have no resolution for you - and this post won't do anything except know someone does not think your crazy and it is happening to someone else. I hope you got some proof and was able to stop the abuse to yourself. If its any consolation you are not alone.
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