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Everything posted by kevmac

  1. Yes, I want to model the photon path across and beyond the EH. Perhaps using Kruskal–Szekeres, which lack the Schwarzschild coordinate singularity at r=Rs?
  2. Hi Mordred, thank you for the link to that paper. However, what I want to do is plot photon paths as they cross the Schwarzschild radius - these will vary with M and will be smooth, because the Schwarzschild radius is just a co-ordinate singularity or 'cutoff'.
  3. I'm looking for an expression for the deflection of light in a static gravitational field. Referring to 'deflection of star light past the sun' in Sean Carroll's "Spacetime and Geometry" - equation 7.80 for the "transverse gradient": Deflection angle is As far as I understand it, the transverse gradient is only valid for weak fields/small deflection. And I'm not looking for a general integral solution - I'd like to plot photon paths in strong fields, so I'm looking for the instantaneous deflection, which I'll plot/integrate numerically, based on mass, radial distance from mass, and angle of photon trajectory. It should not use the Schwarzschild solution/metric, because I don't want the singularity at r=Rs and it only needs to be in 2 dimensions, because of spherical symmetry. So, is there an expression for the polar coordinates r2, θ2 and trajectory a2, for a photon travelling from p1 to p2, using M, r1, θ1, a1, L? Below is a diagram which I hope illustrates it. Many thanks
  4. I'm new to this forum, and didn't know I could upload files. Attached is the article, since people may be reluctant to click the link. Thanks BB.pdf
  5. I have what I think is a new idea about the CMB (I haven't turned up anything similar so far). I'd be very grateful if you could look at it and let me know what you think: "Is the CMB a Reflection of the Universe Before the Big Bang?" link removed Many thanks Kev
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