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Everything posted by hipmatt

  1. Thank you guys so much for all your Wisdom! First i would like to explain a little more. It is for an English class and i had to pick an article in my field of study. I was going through a program for Network admin, But then realized i need a full on degree to get anywhere so i started school for BS of CS. (wish me luck) I have read through all the posts and would like to thank everyone who replied! So I came across an article by the name of “the science in Computer science” by Peter Denning. I read the whole article and it argues the view point computer science is science. Some people say that any field of study that calls themselves a science is not a science. He states this “Computing’s original focal phenomenon was information processes generated by hardware and software. As computing discovered more and more natural information processes, the focus broadened to include “natural computation.” We can now say “computing is the study of information processes, artificial and natural.” That is fine and dandy, but i have not been able to find articles that debate this viewpoint. I do have my own opinions but i will use what i find in peer reviewed articles. All my work will be cited. I really appreciate you guys posting! I think I found my home. I look forward to reading your guys topics and posts as well! For my introduction paragraph I have this. (so far) “What is your profession? Computer science. Oh? Is that a science? Sure, it is the science of information processes and their interactions with the world. I’ll accept that what you do is technology; but not science. Science deals with fundamental laws of nature. Computers are manmade…” [1] A misconception brought on by the lack of familiarity of computer science usually can be found to be the encouragement to such conversations as these. If we can take the time to look deeper of the field of computer science we will find more than just a keyboard and a mouse. “Computer science studies information processes both artificial and natural”, [2] best put in the words of Peter Denning. What makes a field of study a science? How did computation started? Computers are, in fact, not just a tool used by other types of fields but also a science within itself because computer science study information both artificial and natural. I am arguing the claim that computer science is a science even though some of you guys made very good points to why it is not. Science I could not find much about arguing against the claim i did find a letter from Fred Brooks jr. called "The computer scientist as a toolsmith" Here he states "I submit that by any reasonable criterion the discipline we call “computer science” is in fact not a science but a synthetic, an engineering, discipline." Which then i argue criteria for credibility as science
  2. Thank you Roger. for your explanation. I Have been searching different forums and a bunch of databases. There just seems to be no articles on why computer science is Not a science.
  3. Well i believe computer science is. I am writing an essay on why it is considered a science. I have found great peered reviewed articles on why it is but I cannot find a single article on why computer science is not a science. I need help in finding these articles. if anyone would be so kind in just point me in the right direction.
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