Yah, mostly if you dialyse with progressivly less concentrated urea, you will return back to the native protein, but the problem here is that, the chaperones acutally help with the folding...
I'm not sure what you mean by "HSP70 as a part of it", but if you mean that they are functioning as they should, then maybe the technique you described would work.
The problem is that you don't have any proof of it, so...the only way I can think of to get proof would be to use an NMR machine...unless you want to make X-Ray crystals, and work out the 3D structure...but lol it's better not to go there, because that would take ages. The NMR route would take you the time needed to make the samples and then probably a few hours on a basic NMR machine, and a little bit of time to compare the spectra...so it really is (in my opinion) the most time efficient way of getting direct proof that the protein has folded up properly.