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  1. Universe is curve so doesn't need to expand even Nothing, could do all the jobs. Due to curve nature of Nothing it can change any job so not any need to expand. And we are expanding in time outside time everything is stagnant we live in time so see expanding universe as our dimensions are changing due to we are in time In time means everything happening from spaceforce here some event or function is happening what we don't see or see is wrong our see is wrong as we can't see outside time it is so so telescope we require so by making a software couldn't include time (that is making electron work at light velocity in telescope if we see if the glass possible made so). So we see universe expanding is wrong and earth is spherical. Due to rotation of earth we see space is moving and due to in-time we are so some past and future we could see and else not see like Nothing. Some past and future we see, don't see things at exact place am I correct so make the telescope as I said. Dimensions and space are our problems both are in time so both can't inform about space too like Nothing which is outside space. Our past or future is moving not that dimensions or galaxies moving both are immovable and galaxies we din't see yet. Any galaxies you don't know due to me. I reject that universe is expanding. What we see future is electrons as galaxies and what we see blackholes are past of electron. So in blackholes you can know past if travell and galaxies are just future to us someday, someday, here they only show electrons, in past electron is opposite so is blackhole as past electron reacts with Nothing so come to know blackhole and in future electrons will be doubled or as many times so we see more galaxies not one as future could be too many kinds out of one possible I mean one future possible. So what are galaxies proton or neutron both it could be, if not-applicable it is proton or if Nothing we see is neutron and ourselves we see is electron as take power from Nothing. If we see ourselves taking power then it is electron known as galaxies. Or visible to us I said was electron or due to electron galaxies are visible, like blackholes are visible so we see past due to electron and only see future due to electrons if galaxies as to see in present we need right kind of telescope. So we see electrons in space I say. Now Nothing is included with clusters of galaxies so Nothing too is future like galaxies are. In Our World we should try electron is the future.
  2. Expand universe: It is on kinetic energy which we see. So kinetic energy of Nothing we see as event. As we see protons moving or anybody who is not-their moving so they are our future we see. They indicate too so. In Nothing you do some job they say so are not expanding universe but contracting or migrating migrating them we see. This I don’t know so don’t say universe is expanding. Nothing is more than kinetic energy its centripetal and centrifugal force keep working so galaxies rotate or revolve but are not expanding as our telescope lenses are also curved we see as there is event what we see so as we know them expanding it is they are instead of moving. Our lenses could only show expanding other than centripetal and centrifugal force. Flat lense telescope is required which is electronic could be then we see correct them for us.People even this is the discovery. So I don’t say. Our electron if flying up in space that we see as galaxies those are electron with us and any space is not made by electron but Nothing is space for them if they are electron. With magnifying lens we just see electron as it is microscope not telescope which we use to see space. All electrons are affected by centrifugal force so will not escape unless Nothing say it. Due to centrifugal force we are on sides away from center. So you become center in seeing centripetal force so are electron too. Our electrons require centripetal force. So stopping the expansion of the universe we live so could maintain centripetal force we try we see in future. Electrons are ahead of us if we are stars. As speed of light square times time times mass is Nothing Power value so difference between they and us should be just Nothing as per told in Qur’aan. What is destroying is opposite time (I ask Money) which is centrifugal force and Nothing works on centripetal force causes time so we don’t know ahead.
  3. Okay I don’t know and I will give you money if my theory is accepted I explain at too many places like website forcetravelsinwith.blogspot.com I also write on same links I want Money and Forcetravels I WANT Money both this links on url deleted then Now I get Money link on url deleted and other places too I write theories saying or not saying I write. Universe is in equilibrium to Nothing Force maintaining balance. Now as we are explosions universe is expanding and not getting shattered due to time forms us electron by friction. Here title is expanding universe.
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