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  1. Does anybody know of a good transparent material to store lithium metal under? I need a sample for an element collection. I take apart coin cells for the dollop of lithium on them, and I want to store it so it doesn’t oxidize. I don’t want to waste another coil cell on testing, so could somebody please give some insight on the efficiency of the following materials? They work in theory, but I have not tested them in practice. Also, does anybody know of a good type of oil? And yes, I have tried petroleum jelly (Vaseline).


    -Types of mineral oil?

    1. StringJunky


      Mineral oil seems to be the norm or in argon gas. People who TIG weld use it.

  2. Don’t bother keeping it cold. Just put the oxygen under very high pressure.
  3. If you use pure H2O2, it’s much much much much more dangerous than liquid oxygen or hydrogen. You would probably be better off using just both, and even if you are only using this system to simplify the whole oxidizer/fuel setup to make a rocket more efficient, it’s not going to work. Just like doing algebra a bit differently to get a different answer doesn’t work, this is only causing more trouble than it is fixing. You need just the right ratio of fuel to oxidizer, and the most common problem in early liquid fuel rockets were the fuel mixers. You need to get it going in a perfect proportion, and that proportion is not 1/1 like you would get from splitting H2O2. Besides, the proportion changes throughout the rocket flight for different thrust adjustments. You’re only causing more problems if you want to split it on the spot like in a rocket. And like I said, it’s a much more volatile fuel anyway.
  4. A shame I don’t have a girlfriend, because currently I have to do science stuff alone. It really sucks because I keep seeing pictures of people hanging out and asking each other to dances and I keep thinking “Why didn’t they invite me? How did this new kid that just came here get invited and I didn’t? I barely have any friends, and I can’t seem to get a girl. I don’t really have any male friends, but I’m friends with a lot of girls, but none of them ever want to even consider taking it to the next level. I always feel left out, and I can never fit in.

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      If you always feel left out, you may be looking at everything as a single circle. Life is really about multiple circles of inclusion, and you look for overlapping borders of similarity. It's more like a Venn diagram than some kind of barricaded building, or a dance you aren't invited to. 

      I think the best relationships start with a good understanding of the first level. Sometimes we try to push things to the next level because it's expected, and that's when it can appear insincere or forced. If you already have lots of friends who are women, find even more that overlap with your interests and desires. I think if you work on the first level of any relationship, the next levels have a better chance. 

      Actually, in every story I've heard about great relationships, the people weren't looking for it, it just happened. You never hear someone say, "I really wanted a girlfriend, so I searched and searched and dated a ton of girls, and one of them was Sally and I decided she was the one for me." It's usually more like you spend time with lots of people, but eventually realize that when you have something exciting to share, one person stands out as the first one you call to talk to. A person like that normally starts out as a friend.

  5. Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is a useful catalyst that can break down H2O2 continuously forever (I am conducting in depth research on this reaction, so I have a system that has been running for a very long time now on only a little nugget of MnO2.
  6. Many artists call glaze “liquid glass”, but I can’t quite understand the chemistry that this statement references. Glaze is essentially a liquid mixture of metal oxides, such as silica (silicon dioxide) and, in the 1940’s, uranium oxides.
  7. I’m listening to David Bowie’s Life On Mars.
  8. Well all that I mean is that inside the battery it might be a rather clumsy setup and would be very hard to hook up the contacts without an internal short. If the reaction does do much at all, you would have to have a very clever internal setup. If the battery punctured or suffered even a tiny blow then all hell would break loose and the battery would likely stop working and would be impossible to fix.
  9. Essentially, yes. The human mind is a complex electrochemical balance system that can very easily be shifted simply by your own willpower. If the group puts auxiliary pressure on you to do those good habits it helps as well. All you have to do is say to yourself "Self! I want to be like these people! Lets do this!" It's actually quite a clever and mature way to set a goal for yourself, one that makes you one of the most mature users I have ever encountered before on this site. Hope you got your answer! Sincerely, Radiochemist
  10. I meant that 50% of asteroids with precious metals contain iridium. If you had enough iridium to make 1,000 pounds of it, it would be worth 15.5 million dollars. I phrased it funny sorry.
  11. Asteroids are also unusually rich in iridium, and all of the iridium on earth was deposited by asteroids. A tiny chunk of iridium is incredibly expensive, and since most asteroids that contain metal contain about 50% iridium, imagine a thick 1-ton asteroid made of 1,000 pounds of iridium and 1,000 pounds of other stuff. It would be worth 15.5 million dollars on today's market price.
  12. By Universe, you obviously mean ours???
  13. Hey guys, I tried to perform the hydrogen peroxide splitting reaction that is catalysed by manganese dioxide but I noticed some really unusual results. I had a small beaker with 25 mg of 3%H2O2 and 97%H2O and added 2 1/2g chunks of manganese dioxide I obtained from splitting open a lithium battery. Everything looked fine, and I even got the hydrogen and oxygen gas into an ideal little airtight jar for my element collection. After I obtained sufficient hydrogen and oxygen and made a cool little film of the reaction I left it in a cool ventilated area to prevent the flammable gas mixture from leaking into the house. I must confess I forgot about it for 3 or so hours and when I came back I found the reaction taking place at the same rate, with more hydrogen peroxide splitting around the manganese dioxide every minute without ever appearing to decrease. And now, to bring us to the second oddity I noticed- The 2 separated manganese dioxide chunks were doing an odd sort of dance. They always seemed to be bumping into each other in what appeared to be a very weak positive-negative repulsion. I know the manganese present in MnO2 has ionic properties, but I fail to see why they would both attract rather than repel. What's more, I repeated this in pure H2O and they did not do this at all. Tomorrow I intend to set out the reaction all day to see how long it will last, but until then I would like an explanation to why the reaction catalyst (the MnO2) behaves this way, and why it does this only in this reaction. Does anybody have a theory or answer explaining the phenomena I discovered in my experimental data? Also, if anyone can repeat this reaction finding the same results please let me know your procedures and other data so I can put together a few more pieces of the puzzle. Thanks! -RadioChemist
  14. Hello everybody! I prefer not to reveal my name (nothing personal, just a policy of mine) so I go by Cloud Variable, a nickname given to me by my friends for my understanding of quantum computing and other electronic tomfoolery. I have always been interested in the way things work, and I know a lot about philosophical physics, electroplasmaic engineering (building fusion reactors) and chemistry. I really like the site so far and am looking forward to answering questions and asking a few myself. Sincerely -Cloud Variable (RadioChemist)
  15. I had a similar theory to this which also explains the matter/antimatter asymmetry. I shared it on physics forums, but it got banned by admin because they didn't like theories. I'm not going to post it here, but I definitely think you are on to something, and perhaps we can work together to explain a possible split in the dimensions of our universe. Also, although I am a chemistry know-it-all, I still have a large background knowledge in nuclear and particle physics, as well as a huge knowledge of fusion research and electroplasmaic engineering. -RadioChemist
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