The conjugate complex is also based on Maxwell's theory.
"Denoting the conjugate complex value by a bar, this is YY*..........(28)". (Schrodinger, p. 1065).
"The fluctuation of the charge will be governed by the Eq. 28, applied to the special case of the hydrogen atom. To find the radiation, that by electrodynamics will originate from these fluctuating charges, we have simply to calculate the rectangular components of the total electric moment by multiplying (28) by x, y, z respectively, then integrating over space, e.g." (Schrodinger, p. 1066).
Schrodinger is using the electric field radiated by an electron to represent the structure of a hydrogen atom which is physically invalid since Maxwell's massless electromagnetic field cannot be used to represent the structure of a H atom that has a mass. Also, Maxwell's expanding electromagnetic field cannot maintain the particle structure of a hydrogen atom since as time increases an electromagnetic field expands which would eliminate the particle structure of a hydrogen atom.