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Physical Chemistry, SC technology, Cosmology
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Lepton (1/13)
Gravity-driven Liquid vortex LV is seemingly a generic analog of black holes (BHs). Here are some exciting things about the BHs I have learned from this analogy. Vortices of different kind could be found everywhere around. One can get an insight in understanding the hardly observable vortices of interest by studying the easily observable generically similar ones. The LV I have observed was located in a pond and arranged confining its developments in the thin water surface layer making it acting as a two-dimensional one. For the LV observed, quite a number of generic features appeared to be in coherence with those known for the cosmic BHs, so, I hypothesized that it would be odd not to consider them both to be, in general, analogous. Here is the list of the related matters I am going to discuss in this summary: The “spinning” LV was observed of generating double-spiral waves (DSW). In the light of the hypothesized analogy, this should mean that the “spinning” BHs also should generate spiral waves, gravitational in this case. Generated by multiple BHs, the waves interfere forming a rippled all-over-the-universe energy-rich (dark energy?) gravitational background. In the same way as combined action of the LV incoming streaming and the outgoing DSW make the water surface around the LV to be whirling and warped, the combined action of the BH-generated distortions and gravitational DSW also should make the spacetime around the BH to be whirled and warped. Recently, wobbling effects were observed for some BHs. For the LV, the wave swelling out of the LV epicenter (shown at the upper featured image) in dynamics also appears as being wobbling. On the basis of the assumed analogy, the matter and the spacetime should be adhered to each other as an inseparable duo: where the spacetime there the matter. And vice versa. The BHs are thought to pull and swallow/drain not only the matter but also the spacetime, making it whirling around in the same way as liquid whirls while flowing into the LV. When a handful of shredded dry leaves was spread over the LV area they were arranging in a spiral galaxy-like pattern. It is concluded that these are the whirling waters guiding the floating leaves to set up in spirals. Similarly for the galaxies, the spacetime, whirling around the BHs, is thought of directing the galactic matter to shape up in spirals. Actually, in both LV and BH cases, the floating stuff, the dry leaves and the regular galaxy matter, correspondingly, just decorate the structural profile of the whirling medium they are “floating” over, namely, of the water surface and of the spacetime, correspondingly. In the same way as criminal investigators are powdering fingerprints to make them visible The BHs act as matter consuming power plants in the same time spreading some of the acquired mass/energy all over the universe as gravitational spiral waves, which, interfering, form a universe-wide rippling energy-rich gravitational background. As to the title of my post “Black holes swallowing/draining the spacetime… – does it sound that crazy?" It is not due to the following. If a hole, a BH, is created and grows, it must pull in and stretch the spacetime, as a rubber film, into the depth of its singularity. Which, actually, means that Following the accretion of matter, the spacetime must flow into a growing BH The more matter acquired by the BH the more spacetime pulled in. There is quite some stuff discussed in my summary of this work, which is published at Linked In and in my blog links deleted
Well, it might nevertheless be the case… (see the attached file for discussion)
Waves and strings. Tidal waves, I observed, consisted of bundles of strings providing an intriguing clue into the strings fundamentals and associated phenomena. As my observations show, strings appear structuring the tidal waves practically always. Even significant turbulence does not completely destroy their well correlated and tight bundles. This phenomenon caught my technological attention because, as a SC technologist, I am aware about quite a number of advanced technologies utilizing spreading liquid to create a later solidified thin film by pouring the liquid over a central section of a spinning wafer for centrifugal forces to force it spreading uniformly (hopefully) over the surface. The observed string formation, if being an intrinsic property, may occur in any liquid thin film spreading process including all those involved in advanced SC wafer processing, ultimately affecting device yield and reliability. Here below you can see a magnified section of the Pacific coastal waves picture boldly showing their string-ed structure. You can also find numerous examples of similar structures examining the relevant pictures published at the Web. Pacific coastal waves picture clearly showing the string structure. Also, at this point, I was looking through a paper on Superradiance (SR) phenomenon – a radiation enhancement process involving interaction of a propagating wave with an energy-dissipating system (like, for example, a vortex) resulting in energy and angular momentum exchange between them. And I immediately guessed that the appearance of tidal waves consisting of bundles of fine longitudinal strings may assist in better understanding of the SR phenomenon, showing how the vortex-imposed wrenching action pushes the strings to compress forward resulting in their increased localized amplitudes. And also how the vortex wrenching action will force the wave strings to bend and turn propagating in the wrenching dictated direction. Well, this idea… it was finally not bad at all. Here what I discovered while doing some video image analysis from the work https://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys4151.html (its first 5 sec) published at Nature Phys. and reviewed at http://www.zmescience.com/science/simulating-black-hole-bath-tub/. But first, let me tell why I considered to look right into this exact work through their video and snapshot images. The authors of this work utilized the phenomenon of plane waves interaction with a so-called bath-tub vortex to address the Superradiance (SR) problem. I am not going to review the results of this work, and the conclusions, I just will use their published video to look into the wave propagation details and present here my findings based on combined my data and on my analysis of their images. As I assumed above, if the string-ed tidal wave propagates and reaches a vortex, the vortex-imposed wrenching action should cause the forward scattered strings to be longitudinally compressed and rise in their amplitudes. And also forcing the strings to bend and turn propagating in the wrenching ordered direction. Well, as it appeared, my view was overly too kind with regard to the finally observed vortex action, which came out to be way more cruel than I expected. The set of images below (original snapshot from the mentioned above work, and two its black&white copies with different level of contrast and brightness manipulated to better accent what I discovered. In the image the surface light reflections clearly mark the wave sequence propagating towards the vortex with easily observable its maxima and minima, as well as the vortex circle itself. Being not sure about the origin of the bottom shade waviness and considering relevant only effects related to upper water surface, I manipulated the image contrast and brightness to minimize the effects of bottom shadow contributions (see the lower right image). And, here are the observations: The incoming wave fronts, maybe not perfectly, but clearly demonstrate here and there (where the light is reflected under given set of conditions) multiple fragments of the wave string-ed structure The vortex wrenching action not only bends and dis-bundles the strings, but also rips them apart causing a complete structural chaos after the wave pass the vortex . The mentioned features are conceptually well reproduced in all 10 snapshots extracted and analysed. The mentioned features are conceptually well reproduced in all 10 snapshots extracted and analysed. So, was it worth to dig into somebody else’s experiments without knowing exactly the details, conditions etc.? Yes, in this case it was worth indeed, especially, because not any subjective influence could be expected. And I learned a lot from this analysis combined with my own observations on tidal waves: The waves and the strings are a oneness, an indivisible cohesion, with the strings as fine structure of the waviness. “Engraving” it. Because the spacetime is a continuous entity, it is subjected to create waviness induced by various gravitational disturbances. For this reason gravitational waviness (ripples of different periods, amplitudes and wavelengths) widely appears all over the spacetime. Like an ocean surface. And where the gravitational ripples there the strings – short and long, thick and thin, well bundled and dis-bundled, disrupted and distorted by intense turbulences, like Black Holes, for example. So, my major conclusions are: Strings appear everywhere where waviness appear. Waves and strings appear to be a oneness with the strings being the wave fine structural component - the waves are made of strings. The Universe is full of dynamic waviness and, as a result, is populated by a variety of strings continuously changing their locations and shapes - short and long, thick and thin, bundled and dis-bundled, disrupted and distorted by intense turbulences. It may sound crazy, though… Well, this is our brain, never stops working – use it or loose it. I think I finally got an idea what drives the large (f(x,y,t)) waves to split in strings – it is just the simple energy minimization law. In other words, each particular f(x,t) wave (or string) of the overall f(x,y,t) large bundle must be as independent as possible ((within the limits provided by the string-to-string adherence forces) to minimize energy losses due to inevitable in reality sudden distortions, distresses, jerks, shocks, pulls etc.. So, it is a natural property of large wave, actually, of any flexible shape-adjusting continuous medium, continuous substantia, exposed to variable gravitational force field and possessing a maximum capability to prevent destruction of its integrity. Well, then THE SPACETIME MUST BE PSEUDO-CONTINUOUS To answer the question formulated in the title, should I say The Universe strings are the fibers, the material, from which the PSEUDO-CONTINIOUS SPACETIME, as a stringy fabric, must be woven. Sounds good to me at this point! But scary... Future analysis of the Universe structures may provide some clues on this matter, and, hopefully, I will have a chance to run into the related future summaries. Being excited with the first version of this summary I decide to get and place here some wave strings pictures from the Web, which are compiled in the image below with the most impressive one shown as the largest left section, and the separate lower image demonstrates how a vortex deals with the strings, pulling them from around into the depth of its funnel.