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  1. Question 1:Is it factually incorrect to say homosexual acts can be seen in many species? Question 2: Also even if that were true it wouldn’t matter humans have sex/procreate by choice & for pleasure other species by instinct it’s apples & oranges.What do you think?
  2. Hhmm you seem to be lacking in that area, though as much.
  3. Aids, full stop. It will harm society for this reason and making people more open to be gay.
  4. You guys still a haven't provided actual scientific reasons as to why it is natural. It's a deformity. Yuck. No research articles nothing. You guys keep on going on about majority of scientists can't find anything wrong wit homosexuality and the most recent studies say it is part biological..... but no citation, no peer reviewed agreement. You guys are talking out of your behind.
  5. Still no links, thought so.
  6. Is there any studies that says homosexuality is natural?
  7. You can google anything these days. You can not prove examples and studues so you have lost. Being gay is not noramal. Agreed.
  8. No it is not that kind of rant, I am being serious. It is you that needs to provide evidnce. But I see noting.
  9. l and I bet ya the only studies out there are atheistic. Where are the studies by scientists that say being gay is natural? None. Thought so. Sinners.
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