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Serpent Mystic

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    Occult Science

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  1. Modern science cannot take into account the larger scope of reality because it is confined to physicality and to the materialist paradigm. This has been enforced for centuries by the various factions that aim to keep humanity in a state of degeneration and anti-evolution. Why? Because a man that can fend for himself and stand upon his two feet doesn't make a very good state-dependent slave. The materialist attitude It is the same reason as why imagination nor thoughts can be proven or explained properly, because we lack the critical understanding of the human psyche. Materialist science will never be able to uncover why and how remote viewing works, because it doesn't use physicality to work. This is all deliberate. The contemporary scientific community is grounded to physicality as we lack the innate senses to assess and perceive subtle energy - which for sake of ease, we'll call the "counterpart" of dense (physical) energy. Here's the thing. Everything is energy, every single part of our universe. Not all of these are either physical, and certain types of energy can pass through physicality with ease. Now here is the catch; not all of these are physically observable to our physically oriented senses. But they very much are to our subtle energy senses. These however, are under constant attack and have been for the past few ages. Here's an example of the subtle senses. There's a recent study done that demonstrated conclusively that the human body can sense imagery and events before it happens. The participants weren't informed, and momentarily before they were shown a series of images, their body had already responded to types of images that would show up. If memory serves me well, these ranged from sexual images to "begin" images that illicit no natural response. That studies shows it is testable and observable. But can it be properly explained by the materialist physical paradigm? No, it cannot, because it doesn't take into account the subtle, non-physical counterpart of nature and reality. Access to these subtle energies used to be a conscious ability of ours. However, because of the thousands of years of spiritual neglect and corruption, this ability has completely watered down and gone dormant. Think about the "dark ages", or how the church systematically murdered those who DID have the ability to interface and manipulate subtle energies. Millions were murdered because of this. Gifted bloodlines needed to be eradicated so that the malevolent established order could continue its reign over the non-spiritual man. The mentioned study; http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00146/full This is also a banned ted talk about modern day science:
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