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Everything posted by interested
Thanks again for the clarification.
Basically you are correct, except I was thinking along the lines of manipulating space to create a gravitational distortion or some kind of pressure by trying to manipulate something like the Casimir effect. I also mused over various ideas of quantum teleportation of space but kicked them into touch. If we manipulate space or gravity it would be interesting, apart from the Albercrombie drive no one seems to be thinking about it, or even remotely interested in speculating and as Swansont said the speculations forum is for new theories not questions. So I guess the thread is dead via lack of of interest, but thanks for the reply anyway. I had a few more amusing lines of thought but will keep them to myself.
Please expand I know and it is complete conjecture, but why can the Casimir effect not be used to prove the existence of virtual gravitons.
Thank you at least I may have something mostly right
Thanks I forgot your earlier explanation, point driven home thanks Is there any proof gravitons virtual or otherwise exist, have they ever been detected. Mordred wrote the mantra all things are quantum fluctuations and or excitations, could he be right, or have I been mislead.
Thanks for that observation, Seville oranges are of the menu.
what is not ? gravitons have not been detected, but may exist. casimir effect is cited as proof of quantum fluctuations. I think Strange has the answer as to what is and is not I will go away and have a read up on feynman diagrams. I asked a question is it possible to warp space, I have not developed a whole new theory of everything or even a model, but I guess that may be why there is no response. I read that there might be a connection between dark energy and gravity and quantum fluctuations in space, I just dont remember where at the moment, I will have a trawl and see what I can find. Perhaps I will post that as a new thread. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One final stupid question ref time dilation at the centre of the earth, if you had an empty sphere at the centre of the earth and the sphere had all the pressure sucked out of it, there would be no acceleration due to gravity, and no casmir effect between atoms restricting the appearance of virtual particles of any kind. Would the time dilation still be the same as it would in a space full of compressed matter.
Thanks for the clarification. Gravitons are theoretical but may exist they havent been detected yet. The Casimir effect I read was proof of the existence of quantum fluctuations and I read it works by restricting wavelengths of quantum fluctuations in the gap which I assume are photon modes. The reason I mentioned the casimir effect is because it is proof of quantum fluctuations the virtual graviton is also a quantum fluctuation. In a perfect vacuum there are quantum fluctuations and appears to be no way of getting rid of them, but the casimir effect does restrict them, I reasoned that inside a mass quantum fluctuations are restricted, also which is reasonable to assume based on the casimir effect, a more dense piece of material will restrict them further. On mordreds thread what space is and on the thread I posted on, what is a vacuum, I think it is a chicken and egg scenario, for space to exist quantum fluctuations must exist. The next is pure speculation but if space is a substance which I think is partly evidenced by space dragging and by string theory then if there is a gap in the substance of space/quantum fluctuations/virtual gravitons then more space will flow in to fill the gap creating the stretching of space effect. The way in which the gravitational potential energy is at a maximum at the centre of a planet even though you would theoretically be weightless is intriguing and I wondered if the casimir effect was in any way involved. I started a new speculative thread, due to moontanmans thread and being told I was hijacking again sorry . The Casimir effect from this point of view is interesting in that I was wondering are there other ways in which this effect could be created over a large area via radio waves in the terrra hertz region which are possible to generate or by rapidly fluctuationg magnetic fields etc to warp space and create a warp drive type effect. If the casimir effect works between two plates then it will also work between atoms including at the centre of the earth.
You are possibly correct But My view is that they are quantum fluctuations which appear and disappear at random out of the vacuum of space briefly violating the conservation of energy. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics allows violations of conservation of energy for short periods, any physical system with zero energy can spontaneously produce energetic particles. Virtual particles also transmit forces and exist in various forms. The concept of virtual photons producing a magnetic field is a wave shape that moves in space around a magnet generated by electrons aligned inside the magnet or in coils of an electromagnet, the wave shape allows attraction and repulsion depending on polarity. The concept of virtual graviton is possibly a little more open to interpretation, but think for gravity to be attributed to virtual gravitons they must be distributed throughout all of space like quantum fluctuations. Because nothing much gets out of a black hole I assume they are absorbed by mass not radiated by it. The absorption process must also cause the appearance of the stretching of space, so the volume of space full of virtual gravitons must flow towards the mass. The graviton has never been detected but the casimir effect proves the existence of quantum fluctuations and the concept that the vacuum of space is not empty. Equating the virtual graviton with a quantum fluctuation I think is fair, but possibly strictly not correct. Quantum fluctuations have a restricted amount of space to appear in inside a solid mass, and if they do they will be quickly absorbed or as in the casimir effect restricted to wavelengths that fit in the gaps. Are you possibly correct
Nasa are not investigating warp drive https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/warp/warp.html only ion drives. Can radio waves destroy or absorb virtual particles? Could the Casimir effect be repeated between wave troughs from a radio signal in the terra hertz range, rather than between two metal plates. Could a large curved surface producing multiple out of phase radio waves in the terra hertz range, create a greater response.
Using the stretching of space analogy I can see the gravitational potential will be at a maximum in the centre of the earth, Using the Quantum fluctuation/virtual graviton analogy would seem to imply that they are at a minimum in the centre of the earth, due to being mostly absorbed by the surrounding mass. Also if there was a hollow sphere at the centre of the earth you would be weightless due to the gravitational forces all cancelling out, but the gravitational potential or stretching of space would be at a maximum and therefore time dilation would be at a maximum ie clocks run slower and what I read about the age of the centre being younger than the crust is in fact correct. Got it thank you very much, gravitational potential more -ve at the centre ie lower. Quick question what are the units on the left hand axis for gravitational potential, I can see the top axis must be metres. But looking at the equations I am not sure, normally I am used to seeing gravitational acceleration as m/s^2. Gravitational potential seems to throw up a mixture of answers on google. yes it will be weigtless at the centre of the earth.
But gravity reduces to zero at the centre of the earth, therefore to start it moving from the centre it has no mass only inertia. It will not have mass until it experiences gravity as it moves away from the centre of the earth. Maximum pressure will be experienced at the centre but no gravity until you move away. The gravitional effect as you approach the core is reduced. I am going to have to mull this one over, Im stuck in a loop.
Due to a thread on the Abercrombie drive I have another question Also involved was this link on zero point energy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy If gravity is caused by the absorption of virtual particles/gravitons by mass (giving the appearance of stretched space), is there a way of generating virtual particles at one side of an object whilst allowing or increasing absorption on the other, creating a gravitational gradient as in warp drive, or putting it another way, rather than having a uniform stretching of space in all directions round an object due to gravity, create a distortion in the stretching of space. Is there any way of absorbing virtual particles or stretching space in the direction you want to go. Briefly the Casimir effect at the quantum level blocks quantum fluctuations in the vacuum between the plates and the plates are forced towards each other via quantum fluctuations occupying the full spectrum of frequencies. Can these quantum fluctuations be blocked or enhanced in any other way? Is it possible to distort space either electrically or magnetically in any way creating more or destroying quantum fluctuations/virtual gravitons. Would generating UHF waves create or destroy virtual particles, would a very short wavelength radio signal create the casimir effect between the waves and reduce the quantum fluctuations in the direction of the radio waves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect
Can you explain the above a bit, both Potential and Force can be viewed as a pressure gradient 1 Volt 1 Newton 1 G all potentials. To have a gravitational potential one needs a gradient, at the centre of the earth assuming it is uniform(noted the earth is not uniform) there is a null point with no gradient at the centre ie no gravity, A null gravitational force/potential will also exist between the moon and earth, when the attraction forces of each are matched. Why does this zero gravity point not affect time dilation, I read that the earths core is younger due to time dilation than the crust by about 2.5 days because of increased gravity as you approach the centre, but this is not true. Gravity reduces as you approach the centre of the earth, only the pressure will increase.
Google is good. Does the below also apply to a black hole, and how does this affect the pressure and heat at the centre of a planet. The graph below shows how g varies with distance from the centre of a large spherical object (e.g. a planet or star) or uniform density. As you can see, g varies with the inverse proportional to the distance, r, from the centre of the planet. However, this is only from the surface of that object i.e. 'R' is the radius of the planet. If you were to tunnel through the Earth towards the core the gravitational field strength would decrease linearly, until it reached zero when you were in the centre. Essentially you would hover in the centre of the Earth if you reached it and it was hollow. Conceptually, this is because all the mass will be pulling you equally in every direction, making the resultant force zero, meaning that you wouldn't accelerate in any direction. The reason why this is so is given below: Volume of a sphere (i.e. a planet): Density, p (Greek letter 'rho'), of a uniform sphere: Using both equations and rearranging to get m the subject of the forumla: Use the equation for g and this equation for mass to get the following: Finally: And so, within the Earth's surface (i.e. r<R) the gravitational field strength, g, is directly proportional to the distance, r, from the centre of the planet. As for the question, at the center of the Earth, the pull of gravity is equalized, and a person would feel weightless. However the pressure would be very high. Even though there is no pull of gravity, the pressure from higher layers of air would still be present. There is no anti gravity at the center which would push the air away. Pressure exists even in a weightless environment. Having answered most of my own question by a spot of googling. Would the above also apply to a black hole ie does it also have no gravity at the centre and lots of pressure from the higher layers. How does gravity affect the ticking of a clock as it moves from outer space down to the centre of a planet or black hole.????????????? edit: Time dilation is not an affect of pressure. If Time slows down as gravity increases, what happens at the centre of the earth or black hole when there is no gravity only pressure does it speed up again????????????????
The above question still stands.
I have been reading a few rather dodgy threads pertaining to gravity. A question not related to those threads but induced by them occurs to me. Firstly assume you have a hollow space and are not being crushed or burnt to a crisp at the centre of the earth, the sun, or even a black hole Assuming the above, would a gravitional force be felt. Would you feel any gravity at the dead centre of the earth, the sun, or a black hole? My reasoning being there is a equal amount of mass in all directions from the centre of any mass and gravity would pull equally in all directions producing weightlessness perhaps inside your hollow space.
The link posted by koti on zero point energy and the Alburcorrie froning warp drive posted by Moontanman, both combine to produce my question and line of thought. No I have not, but you may be correct that there are threads that state this, I have not read them but am aware virtual particles exist but not in relation to zero point energy which I had thought was nonsense and have never mentioned on this forum. I have looked into zero point energy a bit more and find there is a lot of nonsense on the subject but am intrigued by some other aspects. Koti's link was the first coherent version of zero point energy I have come across. In order to to start to investigate or think about a subject a nudge is sometimes required, kotis link combined with the OP and moontanmans video interested me, so I asked the speculative question above. When something interests me I ask questions, but being a grown up do not always believe the answers and cross check them to get a clearer understanding. The question stands it is speculative and I think is related to the thread, but then it wont be the first time I have been wrong on this forum
That link was very interesting I had heard of zero pint energy before but had assumed it was nonsense, or maybe science fiction. If gravity is caused by the absorption of virtual particles/gravitons by mass giving the appearance of stretched space, is there away of generating virtual particles at one side of an object whilst allowing or increasing absorption on the other creating a gravitational gradient as in warp drive, or putting it another way rather than having a uniform stretching of space in all directions round an object due to gravity, create a distortion in the stretching of space. Would generating UHF waves also create virtual particles due to the disturbance in space as the UHF is radiated away, is there any way of absorbing virtual particles or stretching space in the direction you want to go. Would something like a linear drive using magnetic fields also influence virtual particles and possibly cause them to flow through a warp drive. Beam me up Scottie
Having had a scare I think it is safer not to eat the grapefruits or seville oranges when taking perondopril. If my medication ever stops working in the future I know now to check what I am eating. You may be correct with the 2 hour wait, what I had been doing was waking up, taking my pills, then having breakfast consisting of 2 or 3 oranges or perhaps plain greek yogurt with orange compote poured over it. Its back to plain yogurt and honey for me or maybe some cereals for breakfast. @ anyone Are there any other fruits or food which are likely to block the function of ACE inhibitors like perondopril?
What does everyone here put in their omelettes for breakfast?
interested replied to mad_scientist's topic in The Lounge
I always add milk or a little water to the eggs to make the omelette lighter. Smoked salmon is very good, blue cheese cherry tomatoes and garlic comes in a close second. After this adding just bacon bits or fish flakes or crushed and chopped garlic or chopped onions or grated potatoes makes for a bit of variation. -
The conclusion in the link reads Conclusion A large number of drugs are introduced every year. Food-drug interactions can produce negative effects in safety and efficacy of drug therapy, as well in the nutritional status of the patient. Generally speaking, drug interactions are to be avoided, due to the possibility of poor or unexpected outcomes. Like food, drugs taken by mouth must be absorbed through the lining of the stomach or the small intestine. Consequently, the presence of food in the digestive tract may reduce absorption of a drug. Often, such interactions can be avoided by taking the drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating. Like drugs, foods are not tested as comprehensively so they may interact with prescription or over-the-counter drugs. The authors would suggest patients to tell their doctors and pharmacists about their food intake and dietary supplements so that interactions can be avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None of my medication has ever said dont take with grapefruits or seville oranges even though it is known they can completely block the action of perondoril. There is not even a basic statement like citrus fruit could stop perondopril from working. I heard of the grapefruit link a long time ago and so avoid it, I had not heard about other fruits causing a problem. I think the law needs to change, how many people must have had heart attacks or strokes because they inadvertently consumed the wrong sort of fruit. If the penny had not dropped for me ref oranges, I could be well on the way to having a heart attack, brain hemorrhage or stroke right now.
I guess bon appetite sounds better than lets eat, dig in, help yourself, get stuck in, dont wait for me, perhaps. But they mean the same the japanese say いただきます Let us eat according to google translate, a bit like some english. Most speakers would understand bon appetite. English being an adaptable language deriving many of its words from other invading countries over the years. I wonder what the signal or sounds dolphins and whales waiting for other members of their species to shoal their food would use before diving in to eat? dive in perhaps eek eek eek. with perhaps each eek having a different tone and meaning like other tonal languages used by some humans. Some whales have brain cavities you can stand inside and they do communicate over huge distances. The fact they dont read and write and would not find a table useful to eat their food from due to evolutionary developments does not mean they are completely stupid. They of course due their evolutionary development over a few millenia did not need to develop weapons to defend themselves.
Yes, Seville oranges are used for making marmalade. Some other types of oranges do not have naringin and may be ok for me to eat. It should be born in mind I was eating a large number of oranges as well as eating marmalade and compote made from oranges. Interestingly for me at least. I went out and had an abundant amount of alcohol last night with friends since I have been on the wagon for a while trying to drop my blood pressure, this morning my BP is 130/83 which is still very acceptable, my resting pulse however is 100, and I have a cerebral edema and might not drink again today at least. Perhaps eating all things in moderation applies to oranges as well as alcohol.