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Could a version of the aether be considered to be described by string theory, whereby space itself is the aether or membrane connecting different dimensions in space together In string theory space D Brains connect the end of vibrating strings dependi9ng on which versuion you look at. Simplistically does M theory not represent a multidimensional space or aether.
Nope You clearly post a lot on the religious thread, so must have some beliefs along religious lines. I was merely asking you to define your beliefs more clearly and how they are related to the thread.
- 136 replies
Do you have any opinion as to why the earths magnetic field flips every 50000 years or so, as evidenced in magnetite rocks and on the ocean floors etc.
As I pointed out earlier it seems no one can define what they do or do not believe in in terms of god. Your clear none belief in the god Zeus is the only thing clear in your reply. Egyptian gods were represented as solar discs, in Greece the gods like Zeus came down from the sky, If a Alien came down from the sky in a UFO and said I am Zeus the 111th would you worship it as god? Do you for instance believe in a god. If so please define your god? Do you have a spiritual side to your existence if so please define what you mean spiritual? It is clear from your statement above you do not believe in Zeus, does this include UFO's, and ghosts etc. Would you agree it is common in history for some people/religions to deify a stone the moon, sun or stars and ideas. You wrote earlier you did not believe in the old testament I guess this includes the creation story. Since light travels faster than sound and no one can hear you scream in space, it is plausible that in the beginning there was light, not a big bang as claimed by science Amusingly chuckle chuckle more neg rep marks coming up Could the old testament be correct on the claim in the beginning there was light. If god created that light, what was god? If only space existed, could god be space in terms of the old testament. Going further what is space, as we know from ligo it can expand and contract, it is full of little quantum fluctuations and or excitations firing away like a neural network, it transmits all forces. Could space be the mind of god Rather than using the term quantum fluctuations and or excitations should we be using the term strings from string theory which has more than 3 spacial dimensions including time dimensions. If you believe space consists of only 3 dimensions and time and is otherwise empty, would you state we are better of worshipping football teams and rock stars? As for your disbelief in genesis I dont believe in the exodus, it is approx 600km from egypt to israel over land, Moses must have been the dumbest navigator of his day . 40 years lost in the desert, if you were motivated and fit you could hike it from egypt to israel in 10 days.
Gun crime in the US is the highest on the planet, can you name a country with more deaths due to guns since the 2nd world war. Do you view the right to carry a firearm down the street to be a good in a tolerant liberal world? Should the rest of the world adopt US gun law? Do you think the right to bear arms would make the world safer or just the weapons companies richer? Is the right to bear arms a good liberal view? I understand Washington DC used to be the murder capital of the US until guns were banded, I may be wrong. Not being a US citizen, and having only visited your liberal country on work, the main memory I have is of a steroid pumped 2m tall guy with a pair of pit bulls packing 2 side arms wearing paramilitary gear parting a path down a sidewalk in the middle of a tourist centre, this was way scarier than any of your amusement park rides.
Ah So! you have an open mind about a god concept but dont believe god created the universe, or any of the egyptian/greek gods etc existed and you do believe in something you think might be god. Can you define what you believe your version of god maybe in your open minded way? Do you perhaps think god is an separate entity from you, or a part of you or etc etc etc.? Do you hear voices?
- 136 replies
God I write some S**t, but then so it seems does everyone else. On this thread people claim to believe in god others not, but no one is prepared to define god thing they do or do not believe in. You are all talking S**t just like me.
- 136 replies
You are most likely correct, when viewing US politics and politicians, watching police atrocities, people marching up and down respecting politicians and people in uniforms, it looks to the outsider as a military dictatorship. You could blame the situation in the USA on the founding fathers or freemasons and the war of independence. The declaration of rights to carry arms is the result of all the gun crime in the US, and is built into the constitution. The developed world does not have this problem, the rest of the world spends no where near as much on weapons and has a much better health service and pension schemes etc, the US is just lagging behind the times.
Stupid question I am not religious BUT please can someone define what religious folk think god is or does on this thread An easy explanation of weird shit happening to a flat lander would the concept of god did it. A mathematician might explain weird shit with a probability function. A being that experiences another dimension might think weird shit is explainable to flat landers only if they could understand extra dimensions. At the end of the day ALL things are just automatons responding to external inputs(teslaish), from inputs experienced in flatland or inputs from multiple spacial dimensions. A very clever person on this forum stated all things are quantum fluctuations or excitations. I am getting into string theory now and would reduce this even further all things are vibrations. My personnel opinion is religion is nothing about the concept of god and more about control of people. Science is more about trying to understand the mind of god which we may all be a part off anyway, depending on of course if you have a definition of gods.
Ligo gravity waves.
Clearly you think my questions are bollocks. Straw man someone else.
- 276 replies
I am trying to ask questions on things I do not understand or completely believe, my questions are not intended to be explanations. If I do not believe I say so, ie I think their are more dimensions, I do not think it is spooky or spiritual. Extra dimensions dont need to spacial or time related in my opinion, but I am just learning. My questions are not bollocks, Thanks
- 276 replies
Light is blue shifted and red shifted depending on if the source is moving away from you or towards, if it is blue shifted its frequency appears higher, and it has more energy, gravity waves travel at light speed, if a planet is moving towards you, is the gravitational intensity greater ie does gravity experience a form of blue shift and red shift. Could this effect the strength and or focus of gravity orbiting a planet. Edit Are you meaning lensing or distance to the bottom of a trough, or gravity well if you observe a circle on 2 D space PI D applies. Nothing weird about it. However if the length of your ruler changes over a stretched surface then yes I get what you are saying, the ruler gets longer towards the middle of the circle in a gravity well, or stretched space. Edit But wouldnt spaghettification of your ruler inside a black hole cause the distance to be shorter to the centre of the BH
I only ask questions based on the bollocks I read, currently I am reading about string theory which is really interesting, and can include extra dimensions, which I do not think are bollocks. I was completely unaware of biological entanglement until I read the link above, which has been unaminously declared as bollocks or spiritual clap trap, spooky action maybe. Using your arxiv tip heres a link on the subject entanglement in DNA, nothing spooooooooooooooooky or spiritual about it. We model the electron clouds of nucleic acids in DNA as a chain of coupled quantum harmonic oscillators with dipole-dipole interaction between nearest neighbours resulting in a van der Waals type bonding. Crucial parameters in our model are the distances between the acids and the coupling between them, which we estimate from numerical simulations [1]. We show that for realistic parameters nearest neighbour entanglement is present even at room temperature. We quantify the amount of entanglement in terms of negativity and single base von Neumann entropy. We find that the strength of the single base von Neumann entropy depends on the neighbouring sites, thus questioning the notion of treating single bases as logically independent units. We derive an analytical expression for the binding energy of the coupled chain in terms of entanglement and show the connection between entanglement and correlation energy, a quantity commonly used in quantum chemistry.. If my questions are only bollocks, it is an improvement on complete bollocks, I must be improving, thanks for the encouragement. As for the spelling blame an american spell checker.
Misspelled I spelled the words string theory is string theory complete bollocks for you I am not a religious person, but if you believe in something I wont condemn you for it. All hail quantum theory.
If the direction of motion follows a circle and the length is contracted why is not the diameter of the circle contracted also. If the circumference is shortened then the diameter must also appear shortened unless basic trig falls down under relativity I think I was talking about the rotation of a galaxy not light. Some galaxies are moving away from us at 3 c and life in those galaxies goes on as normal, because all things are relative within those galaxies. If space is viewed as moving with them I do not see any change, in your relative perspective. Space contracts and expands due to gravitational waves, if it is viewed to flow like a big sea of vibrating strings , and it was rotating in the same direction as a spiral galaxy made up of vibrating strings, the centripetal forces would be due to objects moving with respect to the space the planets exist in would it not? Is it permitted to use vibrating strings instead of Quantum fluctuations and excitations
You seem to have a flat lander view of things. Via the powers of google and possibly pop science. Can string theory shed any light on extra dimensions, entanglement and separate particles acting as one separated by space? It seems it does, the link below is interesting, for those that are interested, and suspect there may be more to space than meets the eye.
Star Trek again, The borg like to say "resistance is futile". I prefer carborundum illegitimi non, non deficere, aut in
I am not sure this is on topic, but is related to fore shortening and relativity and how speed impacts gravity. When travelling at near light speed in a straight line time slows or stops and distances appear shorter or none existent, plank length and time perhaps? When travelling around a solar system in a circular orbit at light speed the radius of the orbit must also appear shortened, and to the object travelling at near light speed it would appear closer to the centre of the solar system than observed by those at the centre. Would it experience a greater affect of gravity due to appearing to be closer to the centre? The outer edges of galaxies are moving at around 240km/s the amount of foreshortening they experience will be minimal compared to something travelling at light speed, is this taken into account when calculating the amount of dark matter in the universe. Moving through space affects time and distances. I understand Gravity can be viewed equally as either the stretching of space or space flowing towards an object, it has the same effect. Could space in spiral galaxies be viewed as moving with the galaxies? If this is the case then they would in their own reference frame be moving much slower through space, and may not need DM to explain their movement. If the movement through space affects time and distance, and gravity is the movement of space towards a mass, can space be viewed as moving with a rotating galaxy?
Thanks I now have the book. Quantum Teleportation transfers information, see earlier posts by Swansont. Not quite star trek but Beam me up Scottie,
I have bought books on string theory before, they are expensive like the one in your link. Is the one in your link worth buying, if so why? All the others I have lead to questions like those below. I know under string theory more than 3 spacial dimensions are assumed to exist. Would one or more of these go some way to explain the effects of quantum entanglement. I am aware Entanglement allows two particles separated by 3 D space to mirror each other or behave as one particle, would another dimension allow instantaneous information transfer from one particle to the other, without going through 3 D space. Quantum fluctuations are assumed to borrow energy and then repay it when they disappear, might they be borrowing it from an extra dimension. Light speed is constant for all observers in 3 D space, regardless of how fast they are moving in 3D space. If they are all viewing it from the same reference point via another dimension, then ???. Insane I am aware there are multiple versions of string theories and some explain things better than others. Is any one better than the rest, super string theory caught my eye is it worth following up on? I am aware in maths that extra dimensions can be invoked to make analysis easier ie for want of a better example for some one on the ground observing a spinning cube, inside a lift, on an aeroplane doing loop the loop, might give me 12 dimensions to play with if I do not include time. This however does not explain instantaneous information transfer via entanglement, does string theory allow extra interconnecting spacial dimensions, like wormholes perhaps?. This might be dodgy ground, photons dont experience a passing of time, distance may be shortened for them and might tend towards 0 or plank length maybe, could information transfer across our perceived 3 D space between particles be due to some relativistic effect, whereby the distance a photon experiences between point A and point B is zero or close to zero. @ Itoero thanks for the read, I read it, absorbed most of it, I need to read the last chapter again. But for what it is worth I think the holographic idea is more about speculation and possible routes of enquiry that might be interesting for the reader to pursue. Politicians use wordology to confuse people, I think the book may be using mathology incorporating various complicated ideas from different theories claiming to make sense of something, but leaves one feeling a bit confused, like a politician. The book however is good from the sense it made me think. It put some ideas in my head, and did not put me to sleep.
I guess (star trek) warp drive is possible then Yes I can 1/0 = infinity a number that can not be attained but is very convenient to use in maths. In computing terms you use a very large number to represent the infinity. By analogy it can be equivalent to an short circuit in electrical terms. 0/0 is defined, zero divided by any number is zero. By analogy 0 Volts/0 Ohms = 0Amps
- 211 replies
Or maybe its spooky action directly connecting distant points in space via an unfolded 4th or interconnecting dimension.
Thanks all for the clarification. I was trying to get a handle on how information could be transferred between photons or particles without going through 3 D space and time. It kind of fitted the requirement if all photons had been functioning in an extra unfolded spacial dimension overlapping each other, but appearing as a wave function in 3 D space and time. EDIT (posted question twice as it is related to entanglement also) Gravitational waves travel at light speed, are they affected by lorentz transform, I am thinking of entanglement and some gravitational theories, In support of the Holographic principle and loop quantum gravity I found this link. A look beyond the event horizon it also points to links on other more detailed papers, but you have to be registered with science daily.
At 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% c it works but at 100% c it does not work. When a photon enters a gas or a crystal and its speed is slowed, does the Lorentz transform then work? EDIT Gravitational waves travel at light speed, are they affected by lorentz transform, I am thinking of entanglement and some gravitational theories