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except for a few very small things wrong with that in my opinion, i think that has been ur best post on this thread so far and shows u have some understanding and is up there with the best few from this thread IMO. Hope i helped u to understand that were not all monsters (beast's) out to hurt children. this is the fourth time i came back to this thread today lol, think i have to much free time, and im interest in how this all ends lol. Merico
No im not, but just as a starting point the only site i know where people have and are discussing the postive aspects of underage sex from there own experiance is this BL site. I know there are others about but i dont know what they are and if i ask around by the time i find out this thread will be closed but i will try for u. There are site's out there on which adults discuss the postive aspects of underage sex and who dont carry on those behaviours, but as i said i know they exist but i dont know any but i will try and find some b4 this thread is closed.
Im not going to finish up with posting cases as it will simply result in more discussion and then points will be left unsaid by all parties involved. I will simply finish by thanking those involved in this thread who havnt resulted to name calling and flameing for actually listening to another point of view u dont agree with or even understand. i really hope it has helped u to understand a topic about a different kind of love which although we have is unlikly to be understood or accepted by society with in my life time or urs. I hope these posts have allowed u to try to understand something which u normally wouldnt have the ability to discuss. If u would like a bl forum where there are boys and men posting who have enjoyed their experiances as a child i will gladly give u the address. I will not post it directly on this site as i would not like it to be subjected to flame posts as from experiance thats what tends to happen. Before anyone ask this forum has been around for many yrs and has no illigal content and also no illigal posts it is also very well moderated by a very large and succesful team. I also know that there are people there who would gladly discuss points there with u, me included in a scientific mannor. I also know that members there are keeping an eye here as well but feel uncomfortable joining in. If u or anyone is interested in this please PM and i would gladly give u the address. thanks for listening merico
Sorry i simply believed after reading the threads in my mind it had been disproved, im sorry to generlise it to othere posts if they havnt. So uv just said a pedophile has to havsexual activeity with a child so by ur defiunation tho's of us who do not have sexual contact with children are not pedophiles, 'thanks' since i hate the image that, that word brings up. well said however i believe that some 12/13 yr olds are ready for it, i just dont like the risk it carries if they are not ready and the idea it is also illigal fair arguement it was simply and implied compariesion of the route it took, i dont believe that arguement was comparing pedophiles to gaus but simply th path that was taken to reach that decision. u are welcome to pm me if u are interested in me answering specific questions when i cn since at the moment i am really busy and probably wont have to much time to post long threads here for a while however i will try. if he believe every thing he posts the he does me to, however i may simply be reading to deap into his posts. the term pedophile does incompus many meanings and as such depending on who u talk to the word means different things, from a molestering monster to a child lover who means to harm. We do have another word Boylover [bl] and girllover [gl] these words tend to bring up less bad images. Also u may be using the term as u understand it professionally however others here are not and as such arguements are being confused and we seem to be argueing the defination of pedophile rather then answering questions. I cannot provide any as due to my work load i am unable to find it, and this was my opinion as i stated after talking to many other bl and gl. I do hope to provide some when my work load slows down if this thread is still active. Yes i mainly refer to bl as that is what i am and the majority of ppl ihave spoken to are, as i dont know any gl personally. I would never have sexual activity because of the laws and because of the risks it carries if the child is not ready. it does not mean in some case i disagree with it, and i never mention that i hung around with ppl who wish to lower it, i said i know bl, but that does not mean they wish to lower the AoC, u are making assumptions. i believe in a lot of place's AoC is to high in my opinion its should be around 12/13, as i believe then a child has all the fact and is free to make their own decisions. I belive i am not like just because i wouldnt act on my thoughts doesnt mean i dont think about it. i have fantasies but i just refuse to act on them, along with a lot of bl and gl. I dont belive u would accept me as like u, if i was to discuss be thoughts with u as im pritty sure u dont have them lol. Yes i agree with u, this is the first non BL board where a discuaaion like this hasd taken place that i know of where we have not been threatened, banned harassed or reidiculed for our beliefs. Not to sure i agree with u there, as lowing the AoC in some places will alow the child to express and understand their feelings, especially where it is above 16 as thats just rediculas, children are more mature now then ever and as such are active younger. Im not top sure if it should be lowered below this as although some children are ready younger around 12/13 not all children are so it could be argued either way and has. Merico
I can only give u my opinion and express my ideas about my psychological assumptions as i am yet to finish my degree and have not reasearched it fully due to lack of time. If we are taking about consensual sex and only consensual sex then if both partners are consenual and the child recieve's all the information and understands them then fine (my opinion its around 12) and that s/he truly persieves themselves as wanting the relationship and u are sure it is what they truly want then its fine. But i think the problem occurs when the child believes they want the sexual relationship, however when that part of the relationship arrives the child truly regreats it and as such because of it they become depressive, succideal and generially traumatised because of what happened. In my opinion it is truly hard to understand if the child is ready for such a realtionship unless u know that child very well. As such my opinion is that abstanence is the best policy unless u are postivie it will cause no harm to the child. Before i am critisied what i have said it is only applicable if the child is truly willing for the relationship, has not been minipulated into it and also has not recieved pressure from the af in order to get the relationship. This idea is only applicable in situations where the boy has accepted himself as gay and wanting an adult relationship. Also before i am critised directly i do not condone sexual relationships with child even if i am attracted to them, as it is illegal and also carry's to many risk's. Merico
hey Coral, i just read ur post and for some unknown reason u seem to have gone back to many sterotypes that have already been disproved. the arguemnet about gays was mentioned because untill recently gays were prosicuated because of their beliefs and actions, and also untill recently homosexuality was also classed as a mental disorder and it is only now recently been accepted that it isnt. i was not summonered here by anyone, i know no one on this board i posted here to defend by beliefs and also to offer another perspective to ur arguement. if u do not want it i will stop posting, i thought u as u started this thread would value our opinion weather or not u agree with it is another mattor, but it is another perepective to ponder. As i have enjoyed reading ur posts and although i havnt been involved directly i believe u have a wider understand of our belifs, as i have understood ur arguements. Also u seem manily to be posting in reply to ezekiel23 posts, i personally do not agree with them as he seem to be promoting sex between minors and adults as right whatever age. I however and nearly all pedophiles i know personally would never accept sex between adults and minors as right. this is simply because u are unable to analyse the childs psychological actions and as such u do not know if it will harm a child. However i do believe that most 12 and 13 yr olds are capable of making up their own mind. Having never allowed myself to get into this situation i cant really comment further on it. Also once again u are sterotyping cartain beliefs u have about us and then generlising them to the rest of the pedophile population. Again u have used the media's defination of pedophile, as it has been established here only a very small part of the pedophile population would ever act on their beliefs and be sexual with a child, these are the ones that are prosicuated and so should be locked up. However u do not hear about the bl/gl who have these beliefs and do not act on them and as an estimate is about 95 percent of of pedophiles. u dont have to believe that figour as i have nothing to back it up with it is simply an estimate having talked about this with others. And also u dont know how much attention this debate has raised it is being discussed on numerious bl boards and i assume many gl boards, but not being a gl i cant comment. A lot of people are really interested that u are willing to discuss something where people would normally simply jump to preconcieved ideas and ignore any points raised. I just thought i would mention this as someone had preciously mentioned the high view count. merico
Your right BL is not the norm, nor in my opinion will it ever be, and also as u said it is very hard to compare teen vs teen, adult vs adult, with adult vs child as there are just to many variables to comprehend. But what i believe he was trying to put forward in his post was that there are risks in any situation and in any relationships, just as there are in bl relationships. thanks for listening merico
To answer this i believe it is that same amouont of time as a straight guy thinks about women, how often do u think of women?? To answer it i think about boys as much as possible whenever i see one or see a picture of one, as well as nearly all the space in between. But i also think about women just not as much as i think about boys. Hope that helps Merico
In my opinion i believe that personality is a mixture of things. Firistly it is effected by our innate predispositons (sorry bout spelling) that is recieved from the parents which set out the basic underlineing beliefs. However this is then built on by the attachment we form with our care givers from an early age. Then as todlers they begin to explore their environment they experiance things which alter their percerption of the world thus altering their personality in order to accept and understand what they are experiencing . Also as they experiance more and more things throughout life they build upon their personalities by pericieving and learning to understand what they are experianceing. This is just my view on the mattor merico
sorry in order to answer the original question no i dont believe we are. no i dont believe abuse at childhood is the only way pedophiles are created or how they pass on abuse. i was never abused be it psycholgically or physically yet i am still a BL however i would never abuse a child. A lot of pedophiles wernt abused and yet are still pedophiles weather the abuse or not so know it is not the only way they are created however it must obviously contribute in one form or another. yes i believe it is however it will never be accepted within my life time or for many to come. Merico
hi one and all, this is my first post here, i simply decided to post here after reading this thread. i am as u are probably going to assume a boy lover or as the majority calls it a pedophile, its taking me a lot of confidence to post here to please listen to what i have to say b4 u shoot me down, im sure u will any way but thats ur opinion and its always valid even if i dont agree with it. i have also read nearly almost all the posts here to understand what is being discussed even tho thats taken me about 5 hours lol just to show my commitment. Anyway back to the discussion it has been assumed here that a pedophile (argh i hate that word) is automatically a child molester, this is not so i have never touched a child neither will i ever, as this can have way to many psychology effects on the child, as this has already been dicussed here i wont bring up all the cases again. i also know of many other BL's that will never touch a child either, and never have. a majority of pedophiles will actually never touch a child and only wish to be there as a mentor. However there are some pedophiles out there who do and as a BL i think this is wrong and something should be done about it, but this is only a very small majority of the pedophile population. Also i can remember somewere in the past post the idea of isolation at birth being brought up, this is rediculis. i tried many methods of 'cureing' this feeling for many years (im only 18 so not that long really lol) and these were to non avile. however discovering a BL community online i was able to discuss my beliefs with people who believed the same, and as such have accepted myself for who i am this has helped me to live my life as 'normal' as possible. there is no cure for this as many of u are saying get help, expecially one above the others but i will not bring them into my arguement. If there was there are meny BL's out there who would take it as living this life is very frustrateing knowing that u have a love which can never be expressed in any way which is acceptable to us (me) pr the majority of the population. To bring up the AoC laws i dont believed they should be altered however i beliec that 18 + is to high to be an AoC. Thios has been debated to many times for me to argue it again as i agree with the AoC, even tho in some case a lot of boys are more sexually mature at 12/13 then a lot of adults at 16/17 . I am willing to answer any questions u post as i know there will be loads lol, but i may take me a while to reply as i have a lot of work at the mo but i will check up when ever possible, im also sorry for the bad spelling as i was very emotional about this subject and wrote from the heart not the mind lol and also i just cant spell lol. thanks for listening and for actually thinking about another persons perspective b4 automatically shooting us down as many do. thanks for being openminded even if a lot of points here refer to comon media sterotypes Merico