Watched alot of science stuff lately, here is something that I theorize: 0 and 1 is male. It is absolute, black or white, one or the other. Some things, like computers operate with this system of "0s and 1s"
However; Every number inbetween 0 and 1, an infinite number of numbers, is another story (female). This male and female are as alien to each other
as it gets and thus their interactions cause amazing things to occur. It is this interaction that causes chaos in the universe (when male is dominant because it can't handle how advanced it all is) and
harmony in the universe (when female is dominant)
Since they are alien to each other allow me to further define them (female and male). Male is simple. Female is advanced.
Male is absolute past and absolute future (first and final point);
however these points don't matter since female is infinite and takes up all the space ever of everything while male is as small as possible
(big bang is a pea sized thing theory. this "pea" moment is the only time male is being experienced ever)
what we always are experiencing, all the time, is female data- no matter what.. it takes up all the space everywhere by being absolute infinite~
I hope I made this theory clear. Thank you.
The smallest pea; the male is a total opposite (contrast) to the universe. It is what exists outside the big bang/universe.
Think about it; how much time has there been? SOOO much right? How big is it? SOOO freaking immensely huge. The contrast is definitely overkill.
Total overkill. Just think about this.