So I have an idea that I have been thinking about. I am doing independent research to work things out so that I can first disprove it before I really stick with it.
Now the philosophy behind this idea are that it CAN happen, but it's not definite. With how astrophysics is currently, there is so much that aren't being explained, nor being asked (as far as I can see, but I could be wrong). Now the thing about this idea is that it is currently conceptual, so don't take this as definite or anything. Now enough of my rambling...
My idea is regarding the composition of the universe. We are always fascinated by the idea that the universe is existing right now, but one thing that really perplexes me is its composition. You may be wondering why I'm thinking about its composition considering that its been established within the community that space is completely void. The problem with that is: what is a void, or what does it mean to be void? There is the concept of nothing but since there is really no such thing as "nothing", since that is how we think of the void we know as space. You can't really have nothing, cause if there is nothing, then why is there something within this nothing? There is matter within this void and that honestly doesn't make any sense. The concept of void or nothingness is completely philosophical. If space was really absolutely nothing, then that makes space infinite, but physically, there is not such thing as infinite, its just an idea...for now. So my idea is that space really isn't a vacuum chamber like we all say, nor is it a void. My idea is that space is occupied by a massless, chargeless substance, with an unknown property. We wouldn't be able to get a sample of it because it's massless, which means it won't have a position, inertia value, nor a momentum value. Since it's also chargeless, then is has no way of changing positions nor changing states. Because of this, sound can't move through it naturally. However, things can move through it just fine because there must be some unknown law that allows matter to move this said substance. Now the thing about this substance is that is has to be made of something. This something, I believe, to be string-like. Remember the string theory? Something along the lines of that, just massless and chargeless. Then particles just run along these strings like gravitons and quarks and elemental particles like electrons and protons and neutrons, and so on, just ride along any of these "strings". Now what gets really crazy, is when you have this collections of "strings" altogether, they have liquid like properties. So these "strings" or more or less much like rubber strings, where they can expand and contract. Not only that, but these "rubber band" like properties are only partial, and when you put them together with other liquid like properties, you get something completely different, when put with the whole massless and chargeless part, you get something completely new and different. It would be on levels beyond quark levels when it comes to size. In fact, it has no size, just like its mass and charge. It's not completely developed right now so it sounds completely inconsistent, I know, which is why I'm hoping that if anybody here are taking physics courses in university or have a degree in physics, then hopefully I could get some help with both determining its possibility and its details, with possibility being prioritized over details, obviously.
Now I have never taken a physics course, this is all from independent research. To be completely honest, I am a game design student, but this has been bogging my mind for the past 24 hours.