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Posts posted by JPQuiceno

  1. Welcome back. Good lord, it's been a while. What have you been up to since the old days?


    Also, holy fudgemuffins, I've been on SFN for eight years.


    Thanks. I've been busy being an entrepreneur to put it simply. Various jobs, self education and various business ventures have led me to my now present as the propietor of a business signs manufacturer located in Miami, FL.


    Besides my work life (which I enjoy as my hobby as well, the enthralls of capitalism and entrepreneurship are one of the most important underpinnings of my personal life) I've been very active in the house/techno music scene in Miami and well enjoying the life in Miami overall.


    How about yourself?

  2. Hello everyone. It's been a while for those who remember me from back in the day. 7 Years have passed and I just thought I'd swing by to see how things were doing.


    I'm going to see if I have enough time when not working to participate in some lively discussions. My main interests to be honest are economics and philosophy to be frank, so we'll se where this goes. (I'm a anarcho-capitalist/libertarian/voluntaryist of the Austrian Murray Rothbard type.)



    Salutations to blike, sayonara, capnref, ecoli, ydoaps and the all others I forget to mention.


    See ya' when I see ya!

  3. Hey! I am the hugest HL fan. Been playing since the first one came out.


    Anyhow, to your question.


    To have the console enabled, do the following.


    1. Start up steam


    2. Click on the my games tab.


    3. Right click on half-life 2.


    4. select properties


    5. click launch options


    6. enter the following without quotes "-console -dev"


    7. Start hl-2!


    There you go!

  4. I really shouldn't say this on an international site..... but...

    americans :rolleyes: whatever next? :P


    Heh. Spare me the cliche. That's why we are so good at developing technologies, we try and try, and never give up until we actually see that its not worth at the time being.

  5. @5614


    -from what i gather all forms of E.M. radiation are created when an atom or molecule drops from a higher energy state to a lower one. The loss of energy which occurs is emitted in the form of radiation with an energy which matches this drop. energy from mass = light.


    -when light is converting back into mass i was referring to antimatter.


    -the event is when light reverse its polarity back to its source' date=' which

    as a result may coverting back into mass (possibly as antimatter).


    i would like to say thanks for your questions. It has given me more of insight on the properties of light i was not aware of. thats exactly why i started this






    LOL- i have a homework assignment for u. look up the word

    novice and post it here__________. also while your at it look

    up the word COULD__________.[/quote']



    Please do elaborate on that cheap attempt to be humorous, I seriously do not understand.

  6. Sorry to sound too religious, but aside from the discussion of super-string theory and the speed of gravitons the remainder of the thread is based on fact. I will find the article I read in Wired Magazine and post the issue.



    I was being metaphoric in my statement. I mean't that all those words that you said mostly had no real value, they were just their to stun the ignorant who don't know about science. Same thing with religion. Same thing with the scientist who said he found "The equation that proves all science wrong", which he hosts on a geocities account.


    /me laughs and walks away...

  7. I don't see how you can compare Saddam Hussein to Starlin, and Hitler. My be if you compared Sharon to them two maybe you should have a valid argument. Saddam only killed those who committed treason. He didn't bomb refugee camps!



    He tested many chemical and biological weapons on his people, he also set up a ANTI-HUMAN RIGHTS regime. Treating people like SHIT, killing women who looked at other men and etc, STUPID war crimes and crimes against humanity.


    Break his legs, arms, and nose, then tear them off, let him live, but cut off his genitals, THEN throw him into the lions den.


    /me is being nice to the animals this time. :)

  8. there Should be a video feed from his cell with pictures and bytes played daily on al jazeera via sat intercept.


    show all his countless victims that he`s no longer anything to fear and how perfectly pathetic he REALLY IS!


    and I`m with Ryan' date=' it would be cruel to the animals! :P[/quote']



    I guess your right, didn't think of the animals.


    /me is sorry. :-(

  9. We all know what the graviton orbital looks like in the third dimension' date=' a swirling torus around the nucleus but in the fourth dimension you have to imagine that the earth is flattened into a zero-mass plate. Now it is very important that we realize stellar bodies have no mass in the fourth-D because of what I will explain later.

    There is an article in Wired magazine about semi-conductor pseudo-atom formation. The semi-conductor is shaped like the prongs of a fork all pointing into a central location spaced a few atoms apart. This allows the formation of a specific number of electrons to form together in a pseudo-atom without a nucleus. Now, with the absence of a nucleus to make the atomic structure unstable they are able to create huge atomic structures that will interact with other elements much the same as real atoms. The mass-less atoms are able to support these atomic "super-structures"; by comparison the graviton orbitals are able to remain stable in the 4th-D because 3rd-D stellar bodies also have no relative mass.

    Electron spin cannot be rectified mathematically unless they pass in and out of the 4th-D, therefore the connection between the graviton and the electron must be bound together, proving super-string theory. The electron passes in and out of the 3rd-D and 4th-D interacting strongly in the 3rd-D and the graviton passes in and out of the 3rd-D and 4th-D interacting weakly with the 3rd-D but strongly with the 4th-D.

    A graviton passing through the Earth would do so instantaneously because of the fact that it is flat in the 4th-D however it would take some time to complete the rest of it's orbit. A magnetic flux is the fastest known force to us meaning that gravitons must be smaller than a photon to satisfy the Special-Theory of Relativity.[/quote']



    Sounds like the tazmanian devil got a Ph.D in balogna physics?


    Let me be a little more helpful. Everyone here is entitled to display what they believe is a theory on a subject. But, you MUST use the format laid out in the stickies section.


    Other than that, everything you said sounds like nothing more than religion. Something to amaze the ignorant. :)

  10. No way man, you've helped so much....


    BTW, I wanted to discuss with you regarding if we should use the backups of the sites to get the rules and all the old important posts, or should we start it all over. I mean, we are getting a new skin, logo, and theme. So perhaps me and you replan the whole thing out? I think this would be best.



  11. Yup, I'm back! I quit my job at a body shop, now run my own Company called "Executive Computer Solutions", which I am having legally registred, and am going to college in a year and a half.


    I'm also looking to buy a dedicated server to get my IDF (http://www.internationaldiscussionforums.net) back up, which my great friend Cap'n Reffsmatt who has stuck by my side since the beginning is going to help me run. So let me get some money, and my sites should be back up!


    Just wanted to say hi to all you oldies and new people, I'm back!! :D

  12. Hello, and welcome to SFN. You are going to love it here! I hope you enjoy your stay. Just one not though, you might want to go ahead and actually introduce yourself in the official "Introduce Yourself" thread. Anyhow, I won't bother you anymore with semantics, just make sure you get me free energy! :)

  13. Secret Service is something I first saw at a place called ESEA (http://www.esportsea.com).


    Basically, they aren't moderators or contributors, but rather people who normally participate in the forums, but watch out for things that break the rules and etc. Basically the eyes and ears of the forums. But, no one knows who the service is, so you always have to watch what you say and do. ;-)

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