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Everything posted by JPQuiceno

  1. Secret Service is something I first saw at a place called ESEA (http://www.esportsea.com). Basically, they aren't moderators or contributors, but rather people who normally participate in the forums, but watch out for things that break the rules and etc. Basically the eyes and ears of the forums. But, no one knows who the service is, so you always have to watch what you say and do. ;-)
  2. JPQuiceno


    Walk up to him. Then kick his ass.
  3. I am in the process of starting some new forums. These forums are in NO WAY competing or trying to compete with SFN. They are forums which cover science, and all other subjects (e.g, philosophy, visual and performing arts, entertainment and etc.) If you are interested in joining and helping with this project, read what it is all about @: http://www.InternationalDiscussionForums.net
  4. Sure! I have a pretty cool list. Check Em` out: Physics: "The Mind Of God", Paul Davies "A Brief History Of Time", Stephen Hawking "Cosmos", Carl Sagan (Science In General) Evoultion 'The Ancestors Tale", Richard Dawkins Some of my favorites.
  5. Can someone please move this to the Evoultionary Forums please?
  6. First of all, I would like you to provide me with statistics showing how you substantiate that most christians belive that "God" used "the methods that science discovered to create the universe". Second, That's whats funny about creationism. It gives no explanation on how "God" created the universe. It just says he did, through "Super Natural" ways. Supposedly, "He said let there be light" and it was. It doesn't say that he used some method or something to create, it just came out of nothing with his words. Now, in Ophiolite's previous post he/she said that some Christians think that the first chapter of the Genesis is a metaphor. Well, lets take a look at the following passage, Genesis 1:1-13: Clearly one can see that it says "Let there be an expanse between the waters....". He directely was talking to the water, then IMMEDIATLEY after he said that, "It was so". It specificly says that he said it to exapnse, and that it was. So from reading it, I have gathered that it literaly means that god created it with his words. AFAIK , I doubt any creationist would disagree with me. Third, Charles Darwin is an exception from this. He said "the creator". He never said Yaweh, or the christian God. So don't make assuptions, because that is ludicrous, and a usual tactic of creationist. The rest of them, I don't know much of them, except some short reading. If they honestly believe that the Christian God created the Universe out of nothing with his words, than yes, THEY ARE IDIOTS. Yes you heard me right. Them being popular and contributing to science does not make them invulerable to illogic and wishful thinking. To Ophiolite: I am educated, unbiased and I am not using cheap tactics to win some "argument". Second, I would like to see the link to a statistcal article showing that a large body of christians belive that the first chapter of the bible is a metaphor. Because if we are going to make up things, AFAIK, most of them think it was literal. But that is irrelavent. It doesn't matter what any christian thinks, what matters is what is said in the bible, the only true source of christianity, and foundation of creationism. Assumptions are not health habits. I never said that. I am an Atheist, A scientist. No, I don't know how the universe was created, but I don't go around making fairy tale characters saying that they were the ones who made it. That is wishful thinking. I will, like any intellectually honest scientist, wait until we find a scientific explantion for the universe coming about. I will not succumb to "ohh some god made it out of nothing with his words". That I will not do.
  7. Spare me your bullshit. I had enough of patronizing with that idiot "RevPrez", when he was around here. In Genesis, it says God said "Let there be light" and such, and that it was created because he said so. It doesn't give any explanation, just some super natural BULLSHIT. I don't care what you think or any illogical person does, all I know is that super natural & science don't mix. Saying the universe came into existence out of thin air because some beings words is BULLSHIT. P.S: Ophiolite, I mean't no disrespect. I just get sick and tired (and I'm not saying you did) of people who say that it is possible that some being just creates things out of nothing, just with his words! Again, please don't misunderstand me.
  8. AFAIK, God created the universe with his words, and it was. That does not sound like evolution, big bang theory, or anything scientifc to me. Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
  9. Anymore of these? They are hilarious. And I for one, like Carl Sagan, am not afraid to call people who belive that the Christian God created the universe, IDIOTS. I don't really give a ****. They pollute this UNIVERSE. GTFO.
  10. I am reading this book in my spare time. My oh my is it amazing. From the first paragraph I've been hooked. What's your opinion on it?
  11. I believe its called the Gregorian Calendar. (I'm not sure) Thats just the way it is. Why do people call blue blue? Because, they do. Simple as that.
  12. Ok. Mokele, I'm going to suicide if I see one more of these IDiots post something like this again. May FSM be with us. Ragu.
  13. wtf? Thats your opnion. I will not regret it. I will love the memories I had playing them. And you say it like I will ever stop playing them, like if they are for kids only. Please, grow up.
  14. I collect computer parts, books, guns, car models, coins, magic the gathering and d & d items.... hmmm what else?
  15. Well Carl Sagan did a good job at doing this in the book "Cosmos".
  16. Well, I have a Girlfriend, go out with her, go to work, study, enjoy MTG & D & D. I hope you aren't implying that one can't have a social life and be a nerd. I'm not a nerd, I just hate that little cliche`. Anyhow, nerds do have social lifes, with other nerds. They go out and play and read and do nerdy things together. And they congregate and socialize with others "nerds". Having a "social life" doesn't only mean going to nightclubs and getting laid every other day, and living at a bar. I just want to clear that out, as someone who has done all of the above. -JPQuiceno
  17. Very cool. I wish I could go to guam. Seems the people are very friendly. A question for you: Does the Cocunut crab grow larger than that? Because holy MOG, that thing is HUGE. I swear on my life, if I saw one of those things on my bed one day (I know it wont happen), I would litteraly shit my pants. Something about that crab creeps me out. /me hides
  18. The online is pretty cool. Some people think its a rip off. Heres how it works basically: You buy online boosters and decks and packs, and once you amass the whole cards for a set (usually 350), they send you the RL card version of it. IDK, some like it, some don't. But online play is pretty fun. I still like RL better though. FNM is great, and I'm new to MTG. :-0
  19. Holy Shit. I must say this, because it irritates me so (excuse my language) ****ing much. A group of christians that I know, say that this is the will of "God". He is punishing them for their sins. I just realized, that Christianity is one of the crulest ****ing things I know. These people are crazed in saying that they deserve this. I seriously get angry and feel like punching them in the face. /venting off
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