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Posts posted by JPQuiceno

  1. Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life or the universe. Evolution explains how life became more advanced, nothing more. It does not say that we came from a primordial soup. That is Abiogenesis.


    Intelligent design is not science. It says that life is to complex to have formed. Well, evolution doesnt talk about the origin of life, so that point is invalid. Second, the Theory of evolution explains how life could become more advanced. Read the actual theory, its all there. Abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. Keep this in mind.


    ID is based on a fairy tale (pun intended). It says that, since life is supposedly "to complex", that some being must of created. Need not I remind you, the "Christian God" is an illogical idea. He for one, defies the laws of physics.


    1. he is omnipresent.

    2. he has existed forever, and nothing has created him.

    3. he doesnt have to follow the laws of physics.


    Now, I have heard the arguement 50000 times. "Well, he is god, he created the laws of physics, he doesnt have to follow them". Well, first of all, a bit of my opinion. Don't you think it would be sort of stupid to make laws that you, "the creator of the laws of physics" yourself defies? Seems so to me.


    Remember, the bible gives no explanation for how "god" created the universe. It only says he made it, and it was so. So, what makes more sense? Something was created because some illogical, laws of physics defying creature said so, or some natural phenomenom was the acting force behind it? Obvious for a non-intellectually dishonest person.


    Therefore, we conclude that ID is based on a book which gives no explanation on how the universe was created. It only sits there and says "well, you guys can explain how life advanced, BUT CANT EXPLAIN WERE IT CAME FROM. THEREFORE GOD MADE LIFE AND EVERYTHING. STFU YOU LOSE STUPID SCIENTIST".


    Thats all there saying. They give no explanation for life or how god created it. All they do is say "science cant tell me where life came from, so some fairy tale creature made it. End of story. It should be taught to children."




    Cleary ID is UTTER BULLSHIT.


    I stepped on toes in this post. I know. This is not a opinion though, it is the truth.

  2. I had the same dillema. I come from a somewhat poor family, as we migrated here 16 years ago. My father owns a buisness. I graduated two years early from highscool, and I'm 16 years old. I have 2 years to prepare for college. I want to get a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics at M.I.T. I plan in the 2 following years to take SAT preparation classes, and to take advanced calculus classes. Then, when I go to apply for M.I.T, I have better chances. I have almost 4.0 GPA. My uncle does realsesta and has become VERY RICH doing so. I plan to be a side investor, and make my real fortune doing that. But, dont get me wrong, A Ph.D in Theoretical Physics still pays VERY well.


    My plan anyhow.

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