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Everything posted by JPQuiceno

  1. Thanks for the heads up/
  2. I just started playing Dungeons & Dragons. Its pretty damn fun. I bought the 3 core rule books, but a special box set of them. I also bought the D&D Basic Game. I'm going to join the RPGA at a local RPG Players store. I was wondering if anyone here played, has played, and is interested in discussing anything regarding D&D? P.S: I'm from Miami, Florida USA. If anyone wants to play with me and a couple of other people, let me know. Thanks. -JPQuiceno A.K.A -Renti Human Fighter
  3. My friend. Computers are the most powerful entertainment systems, and always will be. Consoles are always catching up with pc's. Consoles also have limited entertainment sources, theres little modding, little replay and extra value. The gaming community is also, very casual, per se, less interesting. Well thats my opinion anyhow. I know that xbox has supposedly 9000 cpus and such, but those first are not really as fast as they say they are. For example, sony says there ps3 can process 2 teraflops! By gosh thats unimaginamble, you would need a monster to do that! It was all done in some biased testing with twisted results. Floating point bullshit. Anyhow.... Pc still rock the faces of any console or any other gaming medium.
  4. LOL Someone was being a naughty boy! w00t i just finished watching bill maher "im swiss..."
  5. Computers are still the best video game medium.
  6. JPQuiceno

    Video games

    I believe there already was a debate on this. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
  7. That knowledge comes from reading so many Dan Brown novels. That place is gorgeous. I want to go there so badly. /me poor hehe
  8. Well, science tries to answer yours and my questions, but remeber, we are TRYING. Just because we don't have the answer doesn't mean any other illogical explanation will do.
  9. I sense some mockery in this post. Anyhow, I would like to know to. But remeber, just because science can't explain it at the moment, doesn't mean a fairy tale being that defys logic and physics is the one behind it!
  10. Ummm... louvre museum paris?
  11. JPQuiceno


    That is not really a chatroom. Its a IRC java client, which connects you to the IRC room. A lot of the time people are afk or don't have their IRC client up.
  12. I believe ps3 and xbox 360 are both coming out in USA in winter 2005. (correct me if im wrong) 4 Years is more than enough time to make and perfect the game system. The reason why sony took so long from to realesea the ps2 was because it was to their advantage. Its called marketing. Don't get me wrong, it does take time to make a console, but not 4 years IMHO. I don't see any proof from your arguement on why xbox 360 will be a bust, just an opinion.
  13. lol ydoaps is A JOKE. ;-) /me hides from ydoaps.
  14. chemical reaction when the materials composing the dime are heated. IDK im guessing
  15. Well ed, thats the problem with creating an "All-Mighty" god. Once you give an imaginary being "power to do anything" hence, defy logic, defy laws of physics, change anything, he has become an unproveable and unquestion being. For example, if scientist found a way to explain the universe, and how it began, that being could just "have created it for it to seem like that," and you could argue that we will never know, since we cant prove that some "being" created the universe to seem like it doesnt have a creator. So by giving somebeing ILLOGICAL powers, we throw all of science and knowledge out of the window, like David Hume said.
  16. lol that was ed84c on parrallel universes.
  17. The Matrix! Infinite parrallel universes!
  18. That was the easiest riddle ever.
  19. Einstein was an Atheist. Einstein said this "It was' date=' of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. [u']I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly.[/u] If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." and this: "A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity; in this sense, and this alone, I am a deeply religious man." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein#Religious_views
  20. Keyword "Usualy" This time it is not. If she was afraid of erasers, well the can't harm her therefore its illogical. But storms are frightneing to people and in some cases phobic. Perfectly logical.
  21. Why don't you look into hyponist, then worry about the money after. I doub't you would need more than 3 visists to a hypnotist to get cured. Good Luck.
  22. I graduated 2 years early from highschool. I have my diploma. I'm planning to go to M.I.T for a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics. Wish me luck!
  23. JPQuiceno


    Keep the homepage. Shows the most recent post. No searching.
  24. Java.
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