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Everything posted by JPQuiceno

  1. Yes it can run in a vacum. I doubt it has a lower limit. I've seen computers cooled by nitrogen and almost frozen, and they still work.
  2. Real hacker stuff, none of that black hat cracker stuff: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html
  3. Hmm... I didn't understand that statement. Please elaborate, perhaps I can help answer that question.
  4. In what other ways could it possibly count?
  5. Who said anything "about who created god?" Not to be a meanie, but please try to stay on topic. Getting off topic can lead to catastropic results as flames, off topic posts, and etc. Thanks.
  6. Can I ask, what is this for, maybe by telling us what level or field of mathematics you got this problem from would help.
  7. Currently working on it.....
  8. Seems to me that it is impossible. Lets call infinty "y" and the number being divided "x". If you do the actual math you have, x/y=?. Since infinity (y) can be anything, it is impossible to get an answer. Please correct me if im wrong.
  9. Use A Proxy. A good one is "Proximitron". Maybe switch to Linux O/S. Never save passwords on your pc, as if your pc is comprimised, they can also be easily stolen. Never give out your private information. Always have an antivirus, also a firewall, prefarably a NAT firewall. Always update your O/s whether it be *unix, Windows, or etc.
  10. you go into this buisness knowing those things. If you cant afford a trainer, thats your fault. You get payed to play, and what you spend it on is your problem.
  11. Seems to me that genetics is something natural and nothing we can do about. The have been affecting the way proffesional atheletes play sports for all of time.
  12. I believe steroids should be allowed. They should let every athelete use them, make them publicly available and level the field, and therefore remove the whole situation with "steroid cheating and abuse". With this remedy, every athelete has the ability to use it, and it is his or her own problem to use them correctly. In my opinion, everyone is happy. Some may argue that the teams signing the players dont want them take steroids, since they can have some drawbacks, but if they dont want them taking them, they should include that information on the contract, and if the player agrees he should sign and if not, then dont sign. Simple as that.
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