Do appreciate.
Sorry - What is the meaning of the observable Universe age in an Infinite Universe?
The age of the Universe had set as follow:
Age of the universe - Wikipedia
"In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. ... the Big Bang, and measurements of the expansion rate of the universe can be used to calculate its approximate age by extrapolating backwards in time."
I assume that this extrapolation was based on the observable Universe.
However, if the Universe is infinite, than it's age must be infinite (or close to infinite).
As we set the extrapolating backwards in time (For infinite Universe) - It is still there.
It is there 20 BY ago, It is there 100 BY ago and even 1 Trillion years ago.
Hence, if the Universe is there (at any age), than we can't claim that 13.8 BY ago the time of the Universe was Zero.
How could the Big bang start without setting the time to Zero?
How could it start while the Infinite Universe is already there - full of mass?
How a Big Bang which took place 13.8 Billion years ago could affect an infinite Universe?