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Everything posted by rthmjohn

  1. Copper oxides are either red (Cu2O) or black (CuO) depending on the oxidation number of copper. In this case, your copper oxide is black (as expected). The green stuff in the water, however, is probably copper carbonate. As far as the gas coming out of the water... I would imagine that it's hydrogen gas from the electrolysis, but if it leaves a black smoke then I don't know what it could be.
  2. Now that we've established that women also view porn, can we focus on whether or not porn alters one psychologically? I agree with YT. Let's be professional about this
  3. g orbitals don't exist in ground-state atoms, only in excited ones. As far as their structure... I wouldn't bother until you get into advanced calculus... or you could look online for some pictures, but the g orbitals themselves (g has NINE suborbitals) have an EXTREMELY COMPLEX three-dimensional arrangement
  4. order some fuse from unitednuclear.com They sell the visco fuse that you would need. I use it to light my smoke bombs.
  5. Conservatives would argue that pornography is morally wrong and psychologically harmful, while liberals would say that porn relieves stress and sexual tensions. Some believe that pornography is degrading to women, while others can argue that most women engage in sexually explicit activity by their own free will. You can also see those religious billboards on the highway that say "PORN DESTROYS SOULS." Is there any evidence that pornography is actually psychologically detrimental? Does porn afect one's social life. Are MEN the ONLY ones who look view porn? I realize the awkward subject matter, and only ask that it be addressed professionally and seriously.
  6. Thanks for the consolation
  7. Upon contact with water, Fe is OXIDIZED to Fe2+ ions (Fe gives up its electrons so to speak). The electrons simultaneously REDUCE the dissolved O2 gas (yes oxygen dissolves in water) and H2O to make OH- (hydroxide) ions. The OH- then reacts with the Fe2+ to form iron(II)hydroxide (Fe(OH)2). Iron(II)hydroxide then loses its hydrogens and reduces more dissolved oxygen gas which makes a hydrated iron(III)oxide. The equation for the last step is as follows: 4Fe(OH)2 + O2 --> 2Fe2O3 . xH20 + 2H2O (the degree hydration of the rust may vary) I think Lucid's equations might have a small error.
  8. Thanks. It makes sense that if all electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light then it should be comprised of photons.
  9. I've always wondered how speed of a drive is measured. When you're burning a disc and the computer says the drive is writing at 24x, how fast is this in terms of information per unit of time?
  10. Visible light is packets of photons. The only difference between visible light and the rest of the spectrum is frequency and wavelength. Does this mean that all electromagnetic radiation is comprised of photons?
  11. If you think of it this way, it is easier for iron to reduce (for oxidation to take place, reduction must also take place to make a redox reaction) the hydrogen in H2O than it is to reduce O2 gas (check out a reduction-half reaction table). For iron to burn, it has to be heated in pure O2. This highly exothermic process yields magnetite (Fe3O4).
  12. I truly believe that there is no one cause for the existence of homosexuality. For some, a gene may trigger it. For others, it may be influenced emotionally by external causes. I've heard of people who were sexually abused as children and turned homosexual. Few people may deliberately decide to be homosexual for their own pleasure. Maybe some people are even born this way; I knew a boy who lived in a "straight" household with three "straight" older siblings. The young boy showed VERY homosexual behavior at the age of FIVE. As for being born straight, I do believe that most people are naturally... after all, how could a species perpetuate if a very large percent of its population was homosexual?
  13. I believe the equation is as follows: 6 KMnO4 + 14 Al --> 3K2O + 7Al2O3 + 6 Mn. I don't think the blue stuff is permanganate though...
  14. Damn... I've used almost all my 3000 mesh on thermite, what a waste... I plan on buying some 625 mesh though and maybe I can use the rest of my 3000 in flash compositions. Btw, I made a mixture of about 2.5 parts Al to 1 part KMnO4 (a flash mixture I presume) and after I lit it examined the products. I found this bluish green stuff that dissolved in water. Also, my gloves were stained by a brown compound when I retrieved the sample. What were these compounds?
  15. btw, what is the minimum mesh of aluminum for a successful thermite reaction?
  16. btw, how did you make the copper chloride? I might have to try this experiment...
  17. I thought KClO3 is hygroscopic. I left my container open overnight and the next day it was all lumpy. Was humidity not the cause?
  18. its -852 kJ/mol for ferroaluminum, but what i don't get is how its so powerful if acetylene's is -2599.2 kj/mol. Can someone explain why thermite is so imensely powerful? Is the copper oxide/aluminum thermite as exothermic as acetylene?
  19. I don't know if you have studied ancient Greek history, GeminiinimeG, but during the ancient Olympics of whatever BC, all, with the exception of a few, athletes were single males and by tradition were not allowed to marry. Because of this, Greek society (hetero and homosexual men alike) actually encouraged athletes to have intimate relationships with each other so that they would avoid having children. The competitors went along with this cultural belief, and at the time, it was rare to find a -- by our modern verbiage -- "straight" athlete competing in the Olympics. Did the ANCIENT Greek athletes experience pschological TRAUMA? I think that the US has the biggest homophobic population in the world. Maybe homophobes are the ones with the problem because they can't accept diversity. I also don't believe that "straight" people are in a position to say whether or not homosexuality is natural; how would they know? Homosexuality is not new concept; it has existed probably since the first Neandertals. To fully understand its existence, we have to trace its origins to prehistoric times.
  20. Whoa, bio-hazard. You say you're for freedom yet you would tax the homosexual population. Are you saying you don't have morals? And besides, nobody would sign a legal document stating their sexual orientation just so that they could pay a discriminitive fee for not being able to produce offspring. Who says they're more likely to engage in sexual activity? Did they mean with one partner or many? And heterosexuals are just as capable of sexually harrassment...
  21. you should check out uniteduclear.com. they've got a solar powered electrolyzer that makes large amounts of H2 gas. The cost is quite high, mind you.
  22. Maybe after several years of calculus I'll try to interpret Schroedinger's equation and draw out the orbitals for fun
  23. On the topic of Arrhenius and Bronsted acids and bases, are fatty acids clasified as Arrhenius or Bronsted?
  24. I imagine most parents should be concerned for their childrens' well-being when handling possibly life-threatening compounds; I know mine are. But I agree that your mom shouldn't worry about you blowing anything up with acetylene. Maybe you should tell her that miners used it in their helmet lights to prove how not unsafe it is
  25. got ya, bengkulu. It's just as I figured, human height isn't a Mendelian trait, but oh well, I just hope that I'll reach at least 5'8" because I'm 16 years old and only 5'4" Just for the record, I didn't have a calcium deficiency last i checked...
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