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Everything posted by Tori

  1. I actually think I got it to work regardless, and a friend and I think that the precipitate from my first attempt is Nickel (II) Hydroxide. I realize that it's not magic, but theoretically it should work, and I believe it did. Besides, I'd already seen on here in other posts that it had.
  2. So, I'm a newb, and although I saw something similar to this when I searched, I wanted to find out something... My mom wanted copper sulfate for painting. We discovered that my brother had a chem kit including epsom salt (MgSO4) and copper wire. A 25 mL 1M solution of MgSO4, a 9V bolt battery and a little wire-and-connector thing that goes with the 9 V battery later... I have a clear solution with a very light green, fluffy-looking precipitate settled at the bottom. So, what I'm asking is, what is this? The red side of the wire completely disintegrated from the wire-and-connector thing and I have no idea what kind of metal it was. Googling light green precipitate didn't help out much. I mean, I'm going to do the experiment again using the copper wire (which has now been cleaned of the plastic coating I had failed to realize it had) as electrodes, but I'm really curious about this one. Any ideas?
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