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Everything posted by who_knows

  1. Are you saying a Psychological problem is caused by a Neurological disorder? I dunno what page of the book this one is on,but I very much doubt if anyone has become depressed and suicidal for no reason at all other than a chemical imbalance and other Psychiatric half truths which they base their theories on
  2. I think it is Psychological caused by lazy mindedness. If one allows their mind to wonder with or without drugs it can lead to depression or Schizophrenia and other so called mental disorders.
  3. Ok.Well they never helped me anyway. Did they cure your problem?
  4. Has she had therapy treatment to find out the real cause behind her Depression? A Psychiatrist putting her on drugs straight away is no way of going about things.Psychiatric drugs never helped anyone It's just to save time and money.
  5. I agree with iglac.Psychiatrists talk a lot of c#ap(strange people too) and their use of dangerous drugs on people can do more harm than good. Therapy and self help is the best way to solve a "mental disorder"
  6. well,I've had this for like 11 years now and consider it quite serious. It doesn't seem to be going either.I try to convince myself it is just how I think,but maybe I need a brain transplant.My doctor has me down as moderately depressed and anxious and gave me some pills which didn't do a lot
  7. You could have a point there me old boy
  8. The brain is not effected any differently whether someone has one bout of depression or many throught their life.What causes the relapse into depression again is when the person relives how they felt in their mind when they had their previous episode.It's just a cycle that's hard to break. Even if depression is caused by an abnornality in brain chemistry,it doesn't mean it is permanent and not reversable on it's own
  9. well,a lot of Doctors talk crap.I've been told by them,it's nothing to do with a defective brain and it's all brought on by yoursef and praying is the only cure and another say it is both a mental and physical problem. I've tried these seretonin drugs,complete waste of time.Increasing seratonin won't cure it. I still believe depression is all in the mind,once the person figures out what their underlying emotional problem is and why they are sad the depression will go.This is a curable illness if you have the mental attitude to fight it
  10. sorry about the accidental repeat posts.If I knew a way to delete them before being given a warning that would be a good idea. You could be right their EwenM about family genetics playing a part. But don't you think the child who becomes depressed like their parent is not really a genetic thing but more like the child being around their parent copying there emotions which leads them to adopt their depressive characteristics. like sometimes you will see family members adopting the same expressions of the other.Facial expressions,hand movements,body language.Or when you train a parrot for example,they will copy what trainer is doing because theie mind has been predisposed to it over time
  11. I don't think Depressed people have physically abnormal brains? any proof No-one is born depressed and suicidal for no freason until external factors are intruduced,e.g untreated stress,emotional peoplems etc..If these problems are untreated ove some time it can lead to depression.Ther mind triggers off bad experiances which affects the brain chemistry.I don't know of reoprts where the brain structure itself chanages,but trying to bring the thought process back to normal and chemistry function is very difficuly.I know how hard it is to try to be yourself again because when you are depressed for so long you forget who the person you were before and your thinking changes
  12. Yep,Anti-Depressants certainly have been reported to have negative effects on some patients also.An Increase in suicidal tendancies has been noted by some taking SSRi's. Anything that artificially messes with the brain is best avoided. All these illegal recreational drugs like Cannabis,Exctacy and LSD have no worse effect on the brain than a lot of these Psychiatric drug.You will find that they act on certain chemicals in the brain the same way
  13. I was taking SRRi(Seretonin increasers) Anti-depressant drugs for Depression. They seemed to aggrivate the depressive symptoms not alleviate them,but I have heard anti-depressants have been a Godsend for some people.Maybe I was given the wrong ones?Many Doctors I'm sure don't know the correct meds to hand out to people with mental problems I Now take Ativan(Benzodiazephine,Depressant) rathen than Anti-Depressants with much better results at treating my Anxiety,Insomnia and Depression I think one has to really address the underlying emotional causes of why they became depressed to begin with by therapy and self understanding etc..to treat it effectively.No medicine will cure it.
  14. Ok.So things are being created and destroyed within existing space and not the existing Universe actually betting bigger
  15. Are planets and matter etc still being created/evolving as part of the Universe,or had the Universe reached it's maximum a certain number of years after the so called Big Bang? The Universe now would not have the heat of billions of degreesC like it did in the begining to cause any new planets ect to be created
  16. What is a Nervous breakdown exactly.Is it just a non medical term for someone suffering from a combination of psychological problems that build up and come together all at once like depression,stress,anxiety etc and the person loses all control
  17. If space is part of the Universe,then it must be continuously being creating. But there is no observable proof and measurement for this theory.They would have to see where the end of space is to see what is happening.
  18. That's what i'm saying.The Big Bang only suggests what is happening inside of the "Balloon" enclosure.Not what my exist outside of it. Maybe I have strayed from the original question as to whether the Big bang being true.I understand it is,with all the scientific observational facts that have been put forward
  19. I personally believe that something must exists outside of the Big Bang "Baloon" model It has some basis in reality of how the universe works,but a lot of it is theoretical speculation,trying to find the answers to things they can't possible know.Not yet anyway
  20. like four walls of a box or house you mean?but there is space beyond that Space is needed for everything to exist,so one would have to ask the question.What is beyond space and the first thing that existed.Nothing?
  21. You could be the first person to ever prove it ends.Not even Einstein new if there is an end. The thing is that gets me about the Big Band is they claim there was a begining of all things,but soon fails when they can never find the end
  22. Ok,thanks Jonathan.Will take a look at that thread. still searching for the meaning of life the truth must be out their
  23. Hi.I mean everything,the universe and beyond,from the tinyest particle of what is seen and unseen and how it all came from nothing if there is a nothing?.What religious people claim God did in other words
  24. Assuming everything was formed by Natural causes.Do you believe Scientists will ever find the definite answer to the begining and end of all things in say the next 1000 years,given that technology and knowledge has moved on so much over the last century?
  25. If the Universe is said to be expanding and of finite size,then there must be something(Space) outside of it for it to increase. If everything was contained in a vacuum to begin with as the Big bang suggests,then there would be nothing outside of itelf to expand or increase into?Wouldn't it be more correct to say the Universe is finitely bound in infinite space than than to say space is finitely bound in a finite Universe(as the big bang suggests)
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