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John Ye

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Everything posted by John Ye

  1. see my paper, there is illustration in the paper. extra electrons come from other ionized atoms. in excited gas, a lot atoms lost electrons. it's OK. I am not good at English, might have misspelled a lot Angular momentum is quantized in all atoms, even hydrogen, which has only one electron. If you think it's because of a variable number of electrons, let's see the model that predicts this. Give us the math. ------------------------------------ I answered this. In excited hydrogen gas, not all H atom has one electron. some H atoms have more than one electrons. the "Angular momentum" is quantized due to the different number of electrons, form 0, 1, 2, ... to 8 all other quantized parameters are due to the same reason. including the spectrum. My paper can not give the math of "angular momentum". It can only calculate the spectrum of H gas, and the ionized helium gas. the spectrum of H atom include so many wavelengths light. they are emitted by many H atoms, not by a single one H atom! or we should say, they are emitted by the one bottle of H gas, not by one H atom. if we can detect the spectrum of a single one H atom, then, we can't see the spectrum(only can see one wavelength light). Spectrum is a group effect of mass atoms, not the effect of a H atom.
  2. Let us assume all people in New York are adult When extraterrestrial scientists are watching all building rooms in New York city, they will see quantised oxygen consumed by each room. 0, A, 2A, 3A, ........ 100A, to 1000A. Where A is the amount of oxygen taken by one adult's breathing. The same reason for H atom. the rooms are like each H atom in hydrogen gas.
  3. take an university's classroom as example: in any time, the consumed oxygen gas is quantised if you see all the classrooms. because the number of persons in them varies for the same reason, many other parameters relating to person are quantised .
  4. I understand your question. If an electron is only within one atom, R is the balanced point(sphere) it stays at. If the atom is near another atom, for example, in the case of the molecule H2 or OH2, the balanced sphere will NOT be R, it will be shifting to another value due to the attraction force of other outside proton. In fact, molecule is constructed by the shared electrons that stays in the new balanced sphere, which is the nature of chemical bond by "conceived concept" I means it's a concept people thought, which does not exist physically. for example, angular momentum. quantum model does not know how a single electron is moving in atom, it only describes it's appearing probability. how does the angular momentum exist? angular momentum is only for something that is moving in circular manner with a real physical track. Thanks. I missed dr in the integration for the energy in page 3. Revised version corrected it. The key point is: a H atom can temporarily have more than one electron. the electrons value from 0 to 8. in normal case, it has one. in the excited H gas, the number of electron varies from 0 to 8
  5. Because the number of electrons attached to atom varies, many parameters are quantized, including angular momentum
  6. angular momentum comes from circular motion. The electrton's movement is unknown in Quantum model, the angular momentum is not solid, and it's only conceived concept. why is it quantised? because the number of electrons is quantised. Any conceived concept is quantised for the same reason. Yes, but the Bohr model can reasonably support angular momentum, the electron is circling nuclear. Quantum electron have no fixed track, it's randomly appearing at somewhere like a ghost.
  7. Angular momentum is the concept of Bohr model. Quantum model doesn’t know how the electron moves, only randomly appearing in somewhere have no angular momentum
  8. A new atom model Abstract: This paper presents a new microscopic extension to the Coulomb’s law-a formula that describes how electron and nucleus interact each other within atom world. Based on this Coulomb’s law extension, a new atom model is proposed. Compared with current electron-cloud model and with old Bohr model, this model is most like atom’s real physical structure. Using this new model and basic integral calculation, the spectrum of hydrogen gas and the spectrum of ionized helium gas are successfully derived. Key words: Energy levels, Microscopic, Coulomb’s law extension, Balance point, Balance sphere. New atom model.pdf
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