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Get on google and look up: contradictions electromagnetic math 13000 results, first 10 pages presented You can go down the list and find maybe 2 or 3 genuine contradictions per page. Years ago I downloaded a page full of math contradictions in electromagnetic theory. On a another computer I had. I know that it can be found if you look for it.
I am answering this because you asked why I am not making money on this. Shortly before I got my physics degree I did an experiment to test for the existence of God. I got definite evidence from that experiment a became a born again saved Christian and a bible scholar. I do what I feel God leading me to do. I am not led to chase after money. I post mostly on christian forums, on bible issues and trying to save infidels from the fires of hell is the prime conscern, for me. not making money or science. I could give you the experiment I did for that and the evidence I got, but it would be stopped by the atheist moderators here. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged The electron does exist but it is misnamed. It is really a south pole magnetic unit. Atom smashers are giving photos of particles. They can tell mass and charge accurately. Electron microscopes work. Electronics and circuity work. It is not the devices invented that have the problem. It is the theory to explain what is actually happening that has contradictions in it. If it has contradictions it means something is wrong with it. The theory to explain it, should be changed to magnetism, not electric charge. This would eventually lead to further progess without contradictions. And also, levitating things on the earth's magnetic field like Leedskalnin did and the Pyramid builders probably did. When the theory is completely right it will make predictions that can be proven that you will not have if the theory is flawed.
Does anyone believe that Einstein is wrong?
antiaging replied to johnnny92008's topic in Speculations
General relativity, the theory dealing with space/time and gravity was proven to be correct experimentally. Based on his mathematics it was predicted that light passing close to the sun would be bent by gravity to a certain angle. During a solar eclipse, a star's position change as its light passed close to the sun was shown to prove the theory true. Special relativity, the theory dealing with time and length contraction is based on the assumption that the speed of light is constant in all reference frames. It is light being a constant that forces the length and time contraction. If the speed of light is not really a constant, then those contractions will not happen and the speed of light is not a barrier. It was the michelson-morley experiment that was supposed to prove the speed of light to be a constant. I have read on forums at times that light speed has been found to vary. I also believe the red shift in light from stars moving away from us proves the speed of light has slowed down in reaching us, and it is not a constant in all reference frames. I also think the michelson morley experiment was not accurate enough when it was done to establish light speed to be a constant. So I don't believe the length and time contractions to be true and I don't think the speed of light is a barrier. [Depending on what you accept as evidence: UFOs coming to earth from outer space must be traveling faster then the speed of light. The aliens told Betty Hill in the Barney and Betty Hill incident that they had trading routes between stars, which require faster than light speed to do that.-- That is depending on what you accept as evidence.] E=Mc2, was calculated from special relativity assuming the speed of light to be constant. The equation shows large energy release from a small ammount of mass, justifying the search for an atomic bomb, during WW2. But, the equation is still approximately true if light speed is not a constant, so that does not change anything. -
Go to the longevity section of about.com. It has articles and references to peer reviewed articles where they got the research from. Here is some of it. Question: How do Antioxidants Slow Aging? Answer: Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which damage cells, clog arteries and contribute to chronic illness and aging. Antioxidants are found in leafy vegetables, fruits, wine, and chocolate. Antioxidants can also be found in certain vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C and E, zinc and selenium. I use the supplements in that article, along with calcium, which is necessary for bones and teeth. But, I use certain of them in very high doses. http://longevity.about.com/od/researchandmedicine/p/age_radicals.htm Free radicals are a byproduct of normal cell function. When cells create energy, they also produce unstable oxygen molecules. These molecules, called free radicals, have a free electron. This electron makes the molecule highly unstable. The free radical bonds to other molecules in the body - causing proteins and other essential molecules to not function as they should. Luckily, antioxidants can minimize free radical damage. Antioxidants - the Free Radical Sponge: Antioxidants are substances found in plants that soak up free radicals like sponges. If your body has plenty of antioxidants available, it can minimize the damage caused by free radicals. Get your antioxidants from eating plants. There is some evidence that we can only get the full antioxidant benefits from eating real plants and other foods. Supplements appear not to be as effective. I disagree with the last sentence of that article. I have found supplements to be more effective because they allow for much larger doses to be taken. However, natural vitamin C, which is sold with rose hips, has chemicals in the rose hips that make them much more potent. Purely synthetic vitamin C, with no rose hips, is much less potent. So, you see the chemicals in the rose hips add excipients that cause the full benefit. So, there is a small amount of truth in the last sentence of that article. http://longevity.about.com/od/researchandmedicine/p/age_radicals.htm How Free Radicals Cause Aging: This theory asserts that many of the changes that occur as our bodies age are caused by free radicals. Damage to DNA, protein cross-linking and other changes have been attributed to free radicals. Over time, this damage accumulates and causes us to experience aging. The Evidence: There is some evidence. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of antioxidants in the diets of mice and other animals can slow the effects of aging. This theory does not fully explain all the changes that occur during aging. It is likely that free radicals are only one part in the aging I have read a theory in a nutrition book that free radical damage can account for all of the effects of aging. Books I used to formulate my experiment are books in the Good Health Guide Series. Vitamin C updated, The Disease of Aging, and The antioxidants. You can get on Google and find those books. I was taking 9 supplements in combination to fight aging and high doses of 2 of them. The duration of my first attempt to slow aging was 19 years at lower doses, to get an idea of what was going on. I was about 26 at the chronological age of 40. The duration of the attempt to reverse aging at higher doses lasted for 17 years [During that time I did not need to work for 3 periods of time, 11 months, a year and 5 months, and five months] I got about 10 or 11 hours sleep per day during those three periods trying to force more growth harmone. [Even if I stayed awake I would stay there trying to sleep to fulfill the time.] Most growth harmone is produced in sleep. My method don't show results against aging for almost 3 years and then it is only a little bit. But, as time goes by it accelerates. Cells divide, 2, 4, 8 16 32 -- many more divisions in each succeeding generation so you get rapid acceleration as time goes by.
Acne rosacea, often called adult acne, is a facial condition that is different from teenage pimple acne. Rosacea causes the face to get permanently red in the center portion of the face and nose. It starts with on a off blushing red, and then as it gets worse the face stays red. It itches and can cause skin flaking. I read that it is a little understood condition. Well, I think I understand it, what causes it and what can cure it. I had Rosacea and was forced to devise my own cure because the condition was supposed to be incurable. I will just tell you. If you don't have enough regular bowel movements over a long period of time [months] the blushing red face of rosacea will come on you. If you have rosacea already, then start increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, and have more frequent regular bowel movements [for months] and the condition will heal itself. Depending on how bad your condition is, it will determine how many months to heal it. I made my own observations of what was happening to my face. If you eat, more blood comes up into the upper body, while the stomach is digesting, causing a temporary worse blushing. A few hours after you have a bowel movement, I noticed the blushing to get less red, as more blood was needed in the lower part of the body to process food in the intestines. If you don't have frequent enough bowel movements then the blood won't go into the lower body often enough. This causes more blood to be in the face more often and it stretches the blood vessels of the face, so that they can hold more blood. Holding too much blood, because they are stretched, the blood vessels of the face will cause the face to blush permanently red. The skin cells must divide around stretched blood capillaries. This causes the dead skin when it reaches the surface to have small holes in it. This causes localized infections and red bumps. This will heal and the localized redness go away, but the skin is not proper and won't come off right. It will form flakes of skin, that itch causing more redness. The cure for all of these rosacea symptoms is to shrink the blood vessels of the face back to normal size. This is done by having more fiber in the diet which increases the frequency of bowel movements. More frequent bowel movements will cause more blood to be in the lower part of your body around the intestines and this will pull the excess blood out of your face. Keep up the frequent bowel movements for a long period of time {for months} and the blood vessels of the face return to normal size and this cures the rosacea. I healed my rosacea totally. That lasted for years. I got into a bad diet again and got constipated too often and the rosacea came back. I increased my fiber, had more regular bowel movements and healed the rosacea again. I know that this is the real cure for acne rosacea. Psyllium seed husks is a great fiber substitute as is prune juice. Cascara Sagrada, a natural herb laxative can also be useful.
I am working 40 hours per week and trying to get more than 8 hours sleep per day. I don't have too much time to spend in cyberspace. Don't have the time. I was heavily involved in science in my younger years. I am not now. I examined Leedskalnin's ideas in 2000, when I had lots of time. Just out of curiosity. I just did that experiment to demonstrate to myself how he could do that. Science is not my main conscern right now. I posted that mainly to show you scientists that there is another theory out there about electric current and magnetism that challenges accepted science. Also to remind that there are contradictions in electromagnetic theory; they can be found on the internet. And, Leedskalnin's challenge to science is a serious one. 2 million pounds of unexplained coral stone prove that. I will probably leave this forum soon and go to other forums. Getting wealthy is not my main conscern nor is science. Get Leedskalnin's book, Magnetic Current and see the experiments for yourself. He really was eccentric. He died of malnutrition. He had 3000 dollars cash adjusted for inflation it would be about 40,000 now. And he was so absorbed in what he was doing he neglected to buy enough food to live. He checked into a hospital and he was too far gone to save. He could not hide any of his equipment. He died and scientists went out there and they could not solve the mystery of how he moved those heavy stones. --because their ideas about electricity and magnetism could not even consider the possibility of floating stones on the earth's magnetic field. The electron never should have been invented to try to explain what comes off the cathode in a cathode ray. It is a magnetic flow of south pole magnets like Leedskalnin said. Electromagnetic theory has + and - charge (repelling and attracting in place of what it really is, north and south pole magnets, (repelling and attracting). So, current theory will still be right in many instances and have contraditions [especially mathematical contradictions] in other instances. I think the world will end before it is corrected.
What Leedskalnin did is no fantasy. There is a 28 ton stone sitting in Florida, with other stones weighing much over 10 tons, used to build his coral castle. The lifting equipment he had, --the best of it was a tripod of poles and pullies that could only handle 10 tons, and just lift it and not move it. You tell me how he lifted and moved and set into position, a 28 ton stone with that equipment. People spying on him did sign sworn affidavits that they saw large coral stones floating in the air. --that is a fact. Leedskalnin was featured on Unsolved mysteries, with Robert Stack and In search of with Leonard Nimoy. It is a scientific mystery how he put those stones there. It was a mystery till I solved it, anyway.
Based on your idea of what a magnetic field is, you think it couldn't be done. Physics calls a magnetic field a region of space that acts on magnetic material or something like that. Based on Leedskalnin's definition of a magnetic field it could be done. Here is why. This is what Leedskalnin calls a magnetic field: Just like physics considers an electron or proton to be the smallest unit of electric charge, there is a smallest unit of magnetism which he calls north and south pole individual magnets. They are free to flow in metals, in the air and in other things. The iron shavings around a bar magnet trace their path. From the North end of a magnet, there are many north pole magnets flowing out and going around the outside of the magnet and coming into the south pole of the magnet and then running in the metal and returning to the North pole. From the South pole of the magnet, there are many south pole magnets flowing out and going around the outside of the magnet and going into the North pole and flowing through the metal and returing to the South pole. Some flow straight out from the poles and don't return, but are replaced by others from the air. The Earth acting like a big magnet has these magnetic particles flowing around it like that. The North magnetic pole of the earth is the same polarity as the south pole of a compas. --south seeking pole of a compas. In the northern hemisphere south pole magnetic units are flowing upward from the earth. They extend as far down as close to the earth's core, some 4000 miles of them; south pole magnetic units flowing upward. According to him a negative charge on something is the same as making it a south magnetic monopole. If you put a south magnetic pole on a stone, it is going to have south pole magnets coming out from it in all directions. At the bottom of the stone they are going to be repelled by the south magnetic pole magnets coming upward from the earth. So, there will be a place below the stone where the magnetic units flowing down from the stone will cancel the magnetic units coming up from the earth and the two opposing forces will cancel each other. This will put an upward push on the stone. Increase the magnetic field on the stone and the place where the forces cancel each other will move lower into the earth as more of the magnets coming up are cancelled and it will put a larger upward push on the stone. As the magnetism on the stone is increased a greater and greater upward push will be put on the stone as more and more of the magnets flowing up from the earth are canceled and the place where they cancel each other moves lower and lower into the earth. This can go on for a distance of roughly 4000 miles below the surface of the earth, roughly the radius of the earth. A time will come when the upward push will lift the stone. By his definition of magnetism and the earth's magnetic field, you could probably lift the rock of Gibralta, if you could put enough of a south magnetic pole on it. The biggest stone he lifted was about 28 tons. --no problem The biggest stones in the great pyramid, ---no problem And by your definition of magnetism you say the earth's magnetic field won't lift a needle. I think Leedskalnin is correct and those 2 million pounds of heavy stones sitting in Florida prove that. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged The pole had a metal ring connected to it. Don't know what it was for. Clip fit easily. A concreted brick does not soak up water like a terry cloth towel. The amount of water on it is just on the surface and does not weigh enough to move the needle on a bathroom scale. 20 amps comes out if you have it connected to a car battery. I have no idea how much current actually survived the conductive surface I set up with the soaked concrete. All bathroom scales are not the same. I think I may have soaked the scale also.--I used water to increase the conductivity. I really think the cold dry air that night helped with conductivity.
OK. Get some people to do something similar and see if it is repeatable. You need to wait maybe 10 years to see if it is really working. You would get some results in 3 years, but not enough to prove anything. Do you see the difficulty with repeatability of this kind of an experiment???? I have been trying hard to reverse aging for 17 years. My age stayed around my early 20s for maybe 14 of those years. In the last 3 years I have seen reversal. There are websites and nutritional books about fighting aging and slowing it down with nutrition. There are many sites on the internet. Proving that aging can be slowed down with vitamins was done in the 1970s, and the theory behind it, "free radicals" goes back to the 1950s. I am not the only one doing this sort of thing. People are slowing aging with vitamins all over the world. What I am saying is I acheived reversal evidenced mostly in the last 2.5 years. Large doses of growth harmone were shown to reverse aging but accumulated side effects forced the experiment to stop. Giantism or acromagalee can be caused by too much growth harmone.
I have no scanner, cell phone or digital camera. Pictures can be faked anyway. I thought about this already; how can I prove this to an internet forum? The only real way I see is to meet with someone that uses this forum in my city, and he can report if I am really young or not. I can do a fast 100 yard dash if he likes; ordinary 57 year olds cannot do that fast. I can show him my driver's licence and birth certificate copy to show I was born in 1952. I live in New Orleans Louisiana. If someone using this forum is willing to meet with me anywhere in this area, then I can prove it to him in person. He can tell you if I am physically as young as I say. If you really want to pursue this idea of proof we can do it that way. Get someone on this forum to post a message that he will meet with me in the New Orleans area and check out my age. I don't really see any other way of proving it on the internet.
Well here is a simple little experiment you can do to see if my idea of magnetic fields is connected with reality. Get two magnets of equal strength and put north pole to north pole. Feel the strength of the magnetic repulsion between the two. Now get a stronger magnet, and hold that on the left, and put them north pole to north pole. See if the repulsion between the two increases because the magnet on the left is now stronger than the one on the right. Get a stronger magnet still and put in on the left and put them north pole to north pole. See if the repulsion between the two increased further because the one on the left is now a stronger magnet still. If increasing the strength of only one of the magnets will increase the repulsion between the two, then my idea should be correct. Increasing the strengh of the magnetic field on the stone should increase the repulsion force between it and the earth's magnetic field. Increase the repulsion force enough and the stone will lift. --Because of how strong the magnetic field is on the stone. If the earth's magnetic field in this situation is as weak as you say, then how come the brick I charged up lost two pounds in weight? I am like Leedskalnin. I let the experiment show me what to believe.
Fighting aging is about increased cell divisions. vitamins and calcium, sleep and protein promote cell divisions. A high protein diet needs fiber supplementation. Try psyllium seed husks. Do a colon cleanse about twice per year and try to keep the colon clean using fiber. If I gave dosages and someone tried what I said and got sick or died, then I could be resposible before the law for hurting that person and maybe charged with a crime. A, C, E, calcium, stresstabs, selenium, magnesium, zinc, biotin, -all fight aging. Too much A or D can kill you. C has side effects at large levels. I megadose on C and E. [Read about megadosing before doing it. Look it up in nutrition books or internet. I am not telling you dosages. I don't want any legal trouble. You decide that for yourself at your own risk. Avoid side effects as they come up. Stop taking the vitamins for awhile. Sleep as much as you can. 8 hours per day minimum. make up for lost time on the weekends. Use technique for healing an ulcer to keep stomach in top shape. baking soda in milk for acid stomach. If you start this now, you would get healthier and have more energy and higher resistance to disease, in a few days; spend roughly 800 bucks a year on vitamins. rough estimate. more or less You won't see any change in aging for about 3 years. It would start out slow and increase its effects. What is happening to me now is because of what I did years ago. I have been megadosing for 36 years. the last 17 years at very high levels trying to reverse aging. It has worked. I took risks. Had to deal with side effects. Very restricted diet to keep stomach in top shape. The stomach bears the brunt of this.
My town in New Orleans LA. It is a roman catholic controlled city. They control the news. I am a protestant that posts against the roman catholic church often. They know me already. Don't expect the news in this country to favor me no matter what I accomplish. Believe what you will. Based on what I have read and what I have seen personally, the news in this country is controlled by the Roman catholic church. We don't have a free press. If we did, your post would be meaningful; I should be on the news already. The AMA also discourages vitamin megadosing. They don't make money off vitamins. They are money oriented. They favor expensive drugs and expensive hospital machines that they can make money off of. Look up vatican spy network --the vatican papers on google.
In several scientific disciplines that involve mathematics an imaginary number is used in the calculations to make the numbers come out right. That should mean that there really is something acting on the physical world that is represented by that imaginary number, since it makes the math come out correctly in real world calculations. An example of this is voltage = current x impedance The number used for impedance is a complex number composed of a real number plus an imaginary number. V=I*(R+J) voltage =current times impedance J is an imaginary number to make the math come out right. Current is plotted horizontally on a graph and an imaginary vertical axis is used for j; a2 +b2 = c2 pythagorean theorem is used to calculate a value for the current. Showing that the imaginary number represents another dimension acting on the current. This imaginary axis, for the imaginary number, on the graph, is at a right angle to the real axis for the current. So the imaginary number is acting, mathematically, as another dimension. Einstein's general relativity theory, to explain gravity, (which has been proven experimentally correct) uses time as a 4th dimension. In the real world the 3 dimensions, length, width, and depth are each one at a right angle to the other two dimensions. Time, being a 4th dimension, should be at a right angle to the 3 physical dimensions, to qualify as a 4th dimension. The imaginary number, used in calculating current and other things, has an imaginary axis on a graph that is at a right angle to the real axis, and it is therfore acting as a 4th dimension. Since the only proven 4th dimension is time: I recommend that time should be substituted for the imaginary number in all calculations, in scientific disciplines, that use an imaginary number to make the math come out correctly. This could lead to all sorts of new equations in all of these fields, and show how time itself is entering into the function of the real world in these scientific disciplines. copyrighted/plagiarized material removed Investigating the equation v = i x (r + j) v = voltage or potential difference (charge difference); i = current, r = resistance, J = imaginary number Well let's do the substitution and see: v = i x (r + j) substituting t (time) for j (the imaginary number) v = i x (r+t); substituting i for charge/time [coulombs/time] v = charge/t x (r + t); v = charge/t x r + charge/t x t; t's cancel v = i x r + charge. For alternating current. That equation that I derived from substituting j with t makes sense after considering it. v = i x r + charge [substitution was made for i = charge/time (or coulombs/t) That equation makes sense for alternating current. Current goes from max to 0 then back to max in the opposite direction and then to 0. When the current is at 0 and ready to change direction the charge (built up at both ends of the wire) is at a maximum, so the potential difference has reversed and ready to push the current back in the opposite direction. So, the value of the voltage (potential difference stays constant) throughout the cycle. As I x r increases the charge moves away from the ends of the wire, in current, and charge at ends of wire goes down while current goes up, still keeping voltage value v, constant. That equation does describe what is happening with alternating current. The substitution of j for time worked. Also, v - (i x r) = charge is valid. When v = i x r then the charge built up at the end of the wires is 0. V = i x r in direct current, and with direct current there is never a charge built up at the end of the wire because the charge is flowing constanly in one direction through the wire. This is easy to do as you see. Go to any scientific discipline that uses an imaginary number (as another dimension) to make the math come out correctly and substitute t (time) for the imaginary number and then derive your own equations. My argument for why this is a valid substitution is in the post up top. You could be the first man to see a new mathematical relationship in nature.
I really have to say here that you must not understand the situation. A sewing needle, magnetized, as much as you can, will have the south pole hanging upward as the earth's magnetic field pushes up on it, if you hang it from a thread in the middle. The more metal you have, the stronger the magnet can be made. Suppose you made the needle to be 20 feet long and weigh 150 pounds, and you magnetized it as much as you could. The magnetic field around the needle would be much stronger because you have much more metal. Hang that in the middle by a strong rope, and the south end is going to still be pushed upward; it will hang with the same angle upward as the small needle. The difference is, it now takes much more force to make it hang slanted and much more force to make it hang level against the upward push on the south end. How much force the magnetic field can exert is going to depend on how strong the magnet is. The earth's magnetic field will lift a strong magnet even weighing tons, if it is magnetized strong enough. Leedskalnin designed his own powerful direct current generator; I think he powered it with a strap to the axle of a car. It pushed a lot of amps. You think the earth's magnetic field is not strong. It is extensive, very large, that makes it strong. The Nasa tether experiment hung a conductor tether 12 miles long from the space shuttle. It traveled through the earth's magnetic field as the shuttle orbited. The magnetic field of the earth is much weaker way up there. It generated enough electric current, traveling through the earth's weaker magnetic field to provide enough electrical power to run the space shuttle.