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Everything posted by scherado

  1. I don't acknowledge anything from wiki-pee-D-uh as legitimate. A friend who teaches high school does NOT allow it to be a primary source, but does allow it as secondary. I told him he should reconsider.
  2. I decided to post a few of the answers. ---------------- 0. What I've been "studying": 1991-present, American politics, political philosophy & "the Press"; 2001-present, Radical Islamic Terrorism; Referent Analysis (critical analysis) 0b. "of the type that occurred at the baseball practice for Republican members of Congress, June 2017 1. Mainstream Media (MSM) narrative: This refers to the prejudicial, biased interpretations peddled repeatedly, predictably, comprehensively by MSM--the resultant narrative has a theme and it pervades the content sold (broadcast) by the outlet: ABC, NBC, CBS and cable CNN, MSNBC and, since mid-2016, FOX. On my cable provider, BBC is offered and that would be included in my list if I were to broaden my answer to international media outlets. For this news event, the Las Vegas massacre, if S.Paddock had been a "neo-nazi"/civil-war-statue preserver/white supremacist type (Conservative) killer then his name, address, family-member names, biographical history, entire internet content, favorite "right-wing radio" personalities/books, and so on would have been revealed 60 minutes after the name of the shooter was established. Except, in the USA, conservatives don't do this kind of thing; no they do not. The narrative of MSM is shaped by the the goal to protect Leftists, Democrats (unless pedophiles) and destroy, denigrate, demean Conservatives and Republicans. Conservatives and Republicans are two distinct groups, though some Republicans are conservative; they can be counted on two hands. There is a type called Constitutional Conservative, to which I will answer. ... 3. I have spent several decades around--living, working, playing--around Leftists. I spent 8 years in central Massachusetts, in the heart of the "Five College Area"; a few years in Santa Fe, New Mexico; many decades in the one-party state of New York (Democrats) Please see the above.
  3. What should one do with this? What I mean is what should I do with the information that people, being mammals in many ways similar to other mammals, eat, sleep, reproduce like other "animals?"
  4. Yes, the man from Penn State, where a relative attends as I type. She still doesn't know who he is, which I can't explain. I don't recall reading anything about his actual falsification of data being "proved to be baseless." Would you care to share that "proof"?--of course, I mean persuasive evidence, as proofs are the domain of mathematics. I repeat, would you care to share that persuasive evidence that he didn't falsify data? Let's be clear: I was being kind when I used the word "legerdemain". Are you aware that Mr. Mann has failed to present any evidence in the 5-year-long legal case being adjudicated in, I think, several courts between him and Mark Steyn?
  5. With respect to cause-effect, in the "mother-child" scenario, I humbly suggest you add "father"; and I suggest your re-think the "sun-plants" example. Is your question one of origins (of the Universe) or exactly how gravitation is related to matter? Please advise.
  6. I agree that length of time does NOT determine accuracy. That should be considered obvious. The facts of the Las Vegas case are scant. In leiu of receiving the facts-in-waiting (being held close to the vest by authorities), we, all of us, must rely on our experience and knowledge. Do you dispute any of this? What is the point of something that "outrages" someone no matter what length of time? I am outraged by fatuity and inanity. Do you follow? I'll consider revealing what I wrote based upon your replies. I meant I not we or thee, won't debate what I know to be facts based upon considerable observation of the population in question, a.k.a. American Leftists. I will discuss in the sense that I may post a comment on the subject. I most certainly don't have the time to post links and data in support of the psychic transition from hinged to unhinged; and I most certainly don't mean all of the Left is unhinged. If that were true, then I wouldn't have time to type such things and would be fighting in the streets or some such thing. Hiding perhaps. As I've made quite clear, I don't own guns. Is that the purpose of "numerous steps?" Are you sure of that?
  7. Nope, I've read all Nietzsche's works that were published while he lived, not in German. He wrote extensively about morality, yes, but in the passage I posted, the intellectual conscience is NOT the moral conscience obviously. I read the entire Joyful Wisdom/Gay Science, that is, entirely and more than once. This is very simple: The intellectual conscience is a faculty possessed by a person, not given to a person, and it is either weak or strong, used or little used. Similarly, the expression, "Opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one", refers to unexamined opinions
  8. I composed a lengthy response to your bulleted questions. Then I read again, carefully, what I quoted here and then decided to flush my response down the toilet--specifically what's in red. I just wasted a whole lot of time. Where do I send the bill?
  9. Exactly what in the box is directed toward me other than the sentence that begins with my name? Many of us here--in the USA, not trapped in the Mainstream Media narrative and squirrel cage--think the scent of this massacre is of the type that occurred at the baseball practice for Republican members of Congress, June 2017, except this guy Paddock, the smell of this tells us he had helpers; and the brother's show in front of the gaggle of reporters told me that the brother is what we call a Lefty. What's very obvious and not a matter of debate is that the Left in the US has become deranged and unhinged. Personally, I've been studying this subject since 1991--the Presidential race between Bush, The President and candidate Clinton.
  10. Hmm. After a little thought, yes. Congratulations! You are the only one to be added to the list today! You'll both be left to determine for yourselves which name made New Kid On The Block (list)®™ Now, that's a useful actual catchphrase.
  11. I was going to compliment you, but I--and everyone--can't find the posts of origin. They may be accurate, the may not be accurate: nobody will do anything more than click a convenient link, if they desire. You DON'T provide that. In each post, right-click the "Report Post <" link and choose "Copy Link Location" and place it after the "=" in the {url=}{/url} bbcode tags. Thanks in advance. Well for me you are famous for putting people on your ignore list. I made a short compendium with different ignore list comments from you below: On second thought, that-this kind of thing is usually not permitted on a forum and I've been on many. Do you want me to list them? How is it that this is permitted here? I looked through the guidelines before I wrote this post.
  12. "We teach people how to treat us." -Gary Nichols Who is "Sherado?" Which catchphrase did I make famous? I'm only asking...
  13. I quote myself:
  14. Changing the subject? I do believe that the title of this thread is the subject. Do you know what thread you are in?
  15. Quite. All my opinions and judgements are based upon my critical analysis skills, which may include exquisite referent analysis and knowledge of Micheal Mann's legerdemain. Do you know anything about Micheal Mann's legerdemain? I'm being kind here. It's my health that is top priority, if you get my drift.
  16. The brother Paddock gave a...well, it's a press conference, of sorts. There is a woman giving running commentary and interpretation of body language and speculative truth. One might conclude that this guy not only knew of the plot, but may have been expected to participate and decided it was a bad idea.
  17. The constitution was written by white people, thus making it illegitimate. Old because those white men lived a long time ago and are now all dead. Man because women did not participate again making it illegitimate. By using the slogans "the revolution will not uphold the Constitution," and, "liberalism is white supremacy", I believe this is what BLM is trying to communicate. Are you aware the I was using your words when I asked the question? After reading a bit more carefully, I think you were mocking those who withhold legitimacy based upon "whiteness" (+male genitalia, ancient) I made the mistake of thinking it obvious what BLM is communicating. I see your red-colored "likability" rating...and have a better understanding of your methods. (9.5 on Euphemism Meter)
  18. Let's see what happens when I type your name in the entry field on the ignore page....there we go. I began to boycott that site when I read ludicrous political content. I decided that I wouldn't waste any time attempting to determine what was true or false; zero.
  19. The second post is missing an explanation. My apologies; it has nothing to do directly with the OP. The Use And Abuse Of History, translated by Adrianne Collins, is my favorite work of Nietsczhe's. When a friend told me he was going to participate in a rally earlier this year in Virginia to protest the removal of Civil War era statues, I sent him an html copy of the Collins translation, The Use and Abuse Of History. This rally preceded the one in Charlottesville where that guy rammed people with his car. I never interpreted the phrase to be associated with ethics. There's no reason to do so. The word "conscience" is, when employed typically, related to moral considerations; ethics. The "intellectual conscience" is related to the ability to distinguish right from wrong with respect to the truth-value of a subject. When Nietsczhe laments that "[n]obody even blushes when you intimate that their weights are underweight," he is referring to cognitive function.
  20. I don't know the exact effect, to date, but I do know that President Trump giving CNN the middle finger, repeatedly, civilly, since he was inaugurated, is something I never thought I'd get to see.
  21. Does anyone know to which "certain elements of society?" BLM had objected "for two years in a row" in Toronto? I can't imagine what in a PRIDE parade can be so objectionable.
  22. How can you be so sure? I'm not serious when I wish someone luck in that regard.
  23. You've been added. Good luck with your new username, if you chose that option.
  24. And you can type really, really slow and hope that helps.
  25. I am the arbiter of what points are relevant to ME; YOU are the arbiter of YOURS--I can't believe I had TO TYPE THAT SENTENCE. Unbleeping believable!!!! One more time and you go onto my ignore list for my health..
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