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Everything posted by scherado

  1. Alrighty then, it's settled.
  2. I repeat: I have arrived at the answer after careful, extensive consideration over decades. I am at a loss to explain how this is interpreted as smug. Let's be clear and agree the examined opinion is superior to knee-jerk reaction. I can't believe I had to type that. in this post, I am explicit that this thread is NOT about gun control though others may want to discuss that in the thread dedicated to that EXACT topic ==> That thread If it turns out that Paddock was NOT radicalized either politically or religiously (as "radical Islamic terrorist") then I will consider discussing "gun control"--but it will be in "da thread" at the link after "EXACT topic".
  3. Do you want to reconsider that statement? On what basis would I be required to answer your question when "it is not my field of expertise", but you are not required to answer mine for the same reason? Did I lose you?
  4. Having just now read your post and, hence, not yet evaluated it's truth-value, that kind of information, if actually true plus the number--thousands--being actually true, would constitute the persuasive evidence to which I alluded in a previous post.
  5. None of my posts in this thread allude to or hint at anything to do with the subject of carbonic acid as an effect of the cause "carbon dioxide mixing with seawater", which is most definitely not my field of expertise. Given this fact, the "straight" answer to your first question is that I will need to search and read about this cause, effect and putative relationship to anthropegenic global warming and return with my conclusion. After that eventuality, I will tackle the second question. While I do those, do you have an answer to:
  6. What are you attempting to convey with the quality "white" in the third sentence? (The "old" descriptor indicates a prejudiced/bigoted maladjustment with respect to age; the "man" characteristic, a.k.a. genitalia, indicates a sexist prejudiced/bigoted maladjustment with respect to sex-type.)
  7. What part of the "rising global sea-levels" topic do you support (agree with) and attribute to anthropogenic cause?
  8. The topic is an act of violence that has yet to be categorized. I have been studying, informally, the subject since September 11, 2001 when, on that day I was living in the New York State County that is the third above NYCity, near the Hudson River over which two of the hijacked jets flew and over my head as headed South towards the Twin Towers. My Sister's husband flew out the exact airport (Boston) on that exact day, that morning, from which two of the planes that hit the Towers were hijacked and we didn't know whether he was on one of them until we spoke to him.
  9. I will look at the ones below the wiki-pee-D-uh as I reject out of hand those from the first link: I have been boycotting that site for more, probably, 10 years and won't reverse that decision.
  10. Rut Roh, I happened to see this article while minding my own business: Troubles in Switzerland, apparently. I wasn't being smug. I was sincere that I can answer without equivocation as I've examined repeatedly and exhaustively my opinion on the matter, the quite specific question you asked. I should add that I am religiously Agnostic but believe the inalienable rights tenet is precisely the what makes the American Constitution the longest to survive.
  11. My understanding is that almost none of the putative evidence points to human activity. Persuasive evidence would be information adduced in support of the anthropegenic explanation such that I don't assert what I did in my first sentence of this post. No? Yes.
  12. Go to mm:ss==02/15 at 30lbs of tannerite vs 79 Ford Bronco
  13. I don't know about the NRA, but I know that I don't distort the truth, as it may exist. I am not a member of the NRA, never have been and I don't know anyone who is a member, just for the record.
  14. The classical liberalism that one wouldn't hesitate to admit to supporting has, in America, been supplanted by a violent, irrational version of which "Antifa" is the most obscene example. I saw my first BLM tee-shirt, this year, which was worn by a young black woman and I was in our town's Starbucks. I didn't speak to her, nor did I go near her. I live in a small town not far up the Hudson River from New York City. The best account of the origin and putative cause of what is witnessed on college campi in America--perhaps in many Western nations' colleges--can be found in Allan Bloom's famous book, The Closing Of The American Mind, 1987.
  15. If you mean anthropogenic global warming, then there are myriad tons of opinion in support of it and near to no persuasive evidence in support of it. What is certain is that Earth has been through catastrophic cooling repeatedly and the consistent, significant warming which followed the most recent glacial period has been so beneficial that human progress has unprecedented, though there have been well-document iterations prior to the most recent. Given that, which do you prefer, the warming I've just described or a return to huge glaciers on top of your heads?--some oscillation around some pleasant medium being an option akin to fantasy?
  16. When an account of an event is recorded, then there is history. After that, there is the use and abuse of history. My favorite work of Friedrich Nietzsche has been the essay, The Use And Abuse Of History, translated by Adrianne Collins. (A citation or reference of a translated work is completed by giving it's translator; even the title can't be certain: "On the Use and Abuse of History for Life", " History in the service and disservice of life", " On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life", "On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life". There may be others and, if you want a real shock to the system, read within and compare one translated work with another. You will then and only then understand the problems of German-to-English translation.) According to this essay, historical treatments may come in three forms: the monumental, antiquarian and critical. In short, with respect to monumental history, the subject is "the rare and classic"; for the antiquarian, it is "the traditional and venerable"; for the critical, it is that which "judges and condemns.
  17. I'll bet of my pinky fingers on it--my assumption being correct. That might be the most easy to answer: No. I am very, very happy that you live there too.
  18. Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66, Stillness
  19. Adam Lanza was obsessed with the Columbine shooting. I haven't heard or read anything yet about Paddock. There is a video that or two that show a man with a significant resemblance to Paddock, with a woman resembling Marilou Danley, the "girlfriend" who is being interrogated upon returning from the Philippines
  20. I would take up arms--I don't own any--if it were necessary to protect the Constitution-given right to bear arms. It is not a so-called right, is is precisely of the same type as the two enumerated the amendment that precedes it, the First Amendment. Simply for the reason that they possess the hard-drives of any of the computers he left behind and have interviewed his Phillipina "girlfriend."
  21. To date, a definitive motive for S. Paddock's murder spree remains, presumably, known to the authorities. The extreme level of planning involved by the murders indicates that he did not "snap" suddenly and went on a rampage. If it is determined that he was "radicalized" either politically or religiously, then it falls into the same category as the mass-shooting of the US Republican Congressmen, June 14, 2017, the truck-massacre of Nice, France, Jul 14, 2016 and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in USA, to name only three. This thread is not about gun control. People are free to discuss that, but there is a thread, When is the time? dedicated to that ==>da thread. Please see my post above.
  22. This left intentionally blank. (I forgot about the one not permitted to be added to my ignore list--for some preposterous reason.)
  23. I won't make any conclusions about the approximate 1/3 cases "dropped" from the 6000+, for obvious reasons. From bbc.com, a source that some Americans find as inappropriately biased as CNN, as I do:
  24. There is no exact time associated with "on [the] verge" as it will be a function of the ability of the several resistance groups that are being fought against by those in authority and those not in authority who oppose them, all in Britain. Not decades if you do a simple search. I do believe the the start date is possibly 7 years ago. There are ZERO comparative crimes in USA to the best of my knowledge.
  25. There is an entire scandal of the 6000+ victims. "some sex rings" is quite inadequate--I am being kind here. I am so very lucky to not be living in Britain. If my nephews and nieces are required to go to Europe and save the Continent again, then I won't and they won't be so lucky. Please see my comment to "DrP" just above. I don't know when the breakdown will occur, I am predicting that the trajectory is that direction and have no calendar entry marked with the predicted date: The trajectory--down the toilet--will proceed if there is no reversal, and I don't predict a reversal, hence I "wrote-off" Britain several years ago.
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