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Everything posted by xhiuang

  1. Hi StringJunky, Thank you for your response. I didn't know they sold aluminium-magnesium antacids with such health effects. It is truly interesting. I also appreciate the extra information on Barrett's Oesophagus. Hi Area54 and zapatos, I appreciate the concern and care. I will be more mindful in where I post these questions. I had the intention of finding out the answer to my question because I was studying organic chemistry recently. No worries, I will not do any experimenting on myself anytime soon
  2. Hi, I would like to ask whether anyone has expertise on the topic of antacids and side-effects. I was wondering what would happen if you take magnesium-based antacids and aluminium-based antacids at the same time. Would there be a clash in side-effects of diarrhoea and constipation or whichever is higher in content? What happens if they're the same content and orally taken. Regards,
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