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Sammy Boy

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Everything posted by Sammy Boy

  1. Racism seems to mean caring at all about race. For example I am a "racist" because I do not want the European people to be replaced with non-European people. Is that caring "too much"? It's subjective. The natural meaning of "ist" words is extremely wide and includes any connection the noun used to construct it. A "knifeist" could be somebody who supports the concept of knives, such as a housewife. These words are stupid and vague and only used to stifle thought for political reasons rather than elucidate.
  2. The personae arguing against racial differences were using ad hominem and nonsense. The person arguing for racial differences was using deep knowledge and logic. Oh dear whatever are we to do? Maybe you can cherry pick a mean word I said under the torrent of abuse and pretend it was "just me".
  3. Not at all. It's just that I've reduced you to writing obvious nonsense while pretending it's esoteric and profound. Everyone can see that.
  4. Could one of the other people hostile to the race concept explain what this person is talking about. I don't understand it at all.
  5. Humans are a subspecies. Why do you think they are a race? Do you have a definition of race? Presumably you have a definition of race to call humans a race. Unless you just babble meaningless PC slogans on a "science" forum.
  6. So where's your answer to my questions? What's a "pure individual race"? Is it some meaningless crap you made up? Why should I post here if the forum members are all total retards?
  7. I'm not being sarcastic. Your questions are stupid but I am answering them accurately.
  8. Genes, it was in your question. "pure individual race" is meaningless nonsense you made up. What does it mean? What's an impure race? What's a non individual race? Since you are asking me to count how many instances of your meaningless nonsense exist IRL the answer is obviously none. This has no relevance to anything.
  9. You need a new Stalin for the ultimate stamp of authority.
  10. No None All of them Some of them
  11. I think you'd get on well with this guy.
  12. LMAO. Could you be any more hypocritical?
  13. Lol. Virtue signalling pseudoscientist. I already explained why it's science. Science makes predictions using knowledge. It's trivially obvious it's science. But "science" to you means "agreeing with my fashionable SJW beliefs".
  14. No I'm not bothering to read any of your stupid posts anymore. Take my advice and email some neuroscience departments if you think you're something other than a retard.
  15. Good luck getting these PC clowns to actually answer a simple question. Perhaps the gallows is the only solution to their cockiness.
  16. No I read it. It's about reading signals, not feeding them back in. You're quite intensely stupid.
  17. You're an incredibly rude person. And nothing you say has any value. You're posting exactly nothing relevant to your original claim of modifying brain activity. I've no idea why you think I would want to talk to you.
  18. Nonsense. I analysed your comment and pointed out that it was retarded.
  19. Yes. Here send this email to some neuroscience departments. Dear Sir If I reproduced an EEG signal outside the skull would it produce the corresponding brain state? Would it have any noticeable effect at all? Regards Some internet clown [modify as applicable]
  20. No. You don't seem to understand how EEG works. It doesn't give a measure of all brain activity. Have you been involved in EEG experiments? How rude. I think my knowledge gets in the way of your garbage. I'm done talking to you. Email some neuroscientists for a second opinion.
  21. There are several types of experiments that control the necessary factors. The genome data is even available. They especially refuse to run the race IQ experiments because of the Marxist PTB. See what happened to James Watson for daring to suggest Blacks don't have exactly the same intelligence. Guess they know what the experiment will conclude.
  22. No. Similarly if you play a sound into a radio it doesn't cause a man to start talking in a radio station.
  23. Of course there is. You think you can replicate the cause of a signal by feeding back in the same signal? Of course you can't. Generating the tiny signals EEG detects and sending them back in the other direction will have no effect at all, let alone reproduce the earlier brain state. And what difference would it make being connected to the internet or not?
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